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Hold the breath inside of your filled lungs for the count of four while

mentally thinking the name of each element during each beat of a count:

“Earth, Air, Fire, Water.”

Exhale through your mouth a long and steady breath to the count of four
while mentally thinking the name of each element during each beat of a

“Earth, Air, Fire, Water.”

Hold the breath outside of your empty lungs for the count of four while
mentally thinking the name of each element during each beat of a count:

“Earth, Air, Fire, Water.”

Keep repeating until you feel a sense of calm, balance, and clarity.
Exercise 10

Solar Breathing
Solar Breathing is a variation of a breathing technique often referred to as
“bellows breath” in yoga practices. Solar Breathing energizes and
revitalizes your mind and promotes energy. This is a great technique to use
if you’re trying to raise your vibration or increase your energy levels, or if
you are feeling a bit mentally hazy or fatigued. If at any time you begin to
feel dizzy or light-headed, stop the technique, take a break, and then retry it
with a bit of a slower and less intense inhalation and exhalation.
Perform the Star Relaxation exercise. You want to inhale deeply and a bit
forcefully through your nose, making sure that you’re expanding your
stomach while inhaling to the count of one. As you inhale, you want to
visualize the sun rising on the horizon quickly with the breath. Exhale
deeply and a bit forcefully through your mouth, making sure that you’re

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