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Free my hands and I'll varnish this floor with your brains!"
(from "The Scarlet Citadel" by Robert E !oward"
Sometimes when you are threatened with #hysical violence$ a wea#on to
defend yourself with is not always available %our hands$ however$ are
always with you$ and can be as lethal as any wea#on &elow are a list of
attac's that (olice are instructed not em#loy$ as they may #rove deadly

1. TEMPLE ) * very susce#tible vital s#ot If struc' with sufficient
force$ may cause unconsciousness or death

2. NASION ) This is the summit of the nose If struc' with sufficient
force may cause death

3. PHILTRUM ) This is the area between the u##er li# and the bottom of
the nose *ttac' to this area may also cause unconsciousness or death

4. HOOK TO JAW ) * #owerful hoo' #unch to the front side of +aw
may sna# an enemy's nec' Fatal

5. ADAM'S APPLE ) * shar# blow here may cause enemy to

6. SOLAR PLEXUS ) The small of bac' -ay cause death

7. TESTICLES ) The stron.$ focused #ain of a vicious low blow may
Cause shoc'$ resultin. in death

. BASE O! CEREBELLUM ) * #owerful blow to the na#e of the
nec'$ causin. mortal dama.e

". COCCYX ) * #owerful blow to the tailbone Fatal

1#. !ULL NELSON ) Stand behind the enemy$ #ut your arms under his$
and loc' your hands behind his head &endin. the nec' forward may
either brea' nec'$ as#hy,iate enemy$ or cut of su##ly of s#inal fluid to
&rain$ causin. brain dama.e or death

11. HAL! NELSON ) *.ain$ standin. behind enemy$ but one arm is
used to #in one of enemy's arms

12. BRAIN BUSTER ) &end enemy over towards you$ #lacin. him in a
!eadloc' /rab the bac' of his belt$ and haul him into the air$
vertical$ u#side)down *llow yourself to fall bac'ward$ landin. on
your enemy's head$ which will absorb your combined -ost
effective on concrete or .ravel

13. RUSSIAN OMELET ) Cross enemy's le.s Fold enemy by #innin.
his shoulders to .round u#side)down and #lacin. his le.s above him Sit
on his le.s$ foldin. the bass of the s#ine Fatal

14. HEART PUNCH ) *'s attac'$ it is sim#ly a #owerful blow
to the heart (-any years a.o$ the wrestler 0, 'illed an o##osin.
wrestler with this attac'"

15. UPPERCUT ) *n u#ward stri'e to the bottom of the +aw with the
heel of the hand$ causin. the enemy's head to sna# bac'ward -ay
shatter vertebrae Fatal

16. ABDOMEN ) * substantial blow to this area may ru#ture a vital$ causin. death

17. RIB CA$E ) * vicious shatterin. of the rib ca.e may cause .rave
internal bleedin.

1. HEAD%TO%WALL PUNCH ) * swift$ hard$ cold)coc' #unch to an
enemy's face while he is standin. near a wall may drive his head into it$
Causin. the bac' of the s'ull to shatter fatally

1". PINNED DROP KICK ) Standin. behind enemy$ holdin. his arms bac' * dro# 'ic' to the bac' without releasin. arms may
Severe s#ine$ causin. death

2#. HEAD WRENCH ) /rabbin. an enemy's head by the mouth and the
bac' of the s'ull$ then twistin. with a sudden$ violent +er' to rend
1ertebrae may easily cause death

21. CHOKEHOLD ) 0nce a favourite of law enforcement officials$ has
often #roved deadly The arm .oes over the enemy's
shoulder$ and .ri#s the bac' of the head The left arm comes over his
left shoulder$ reaches across nec'$ and .rabs own forearm 2ith
enou.h #ressure a##lied$ causes brain dama.e or death

22. HEAD YANK ) &end enemy forward$ .rab head$ and #ull bac' with
convincin. force -ay se#arate delicate vertebrae$ causin. death

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