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H o w t o T r a i n Y o u r P i t B u l l

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H o w t o T r a i n Y o u r P i t B u l l

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Chapter I : Getting to Know Pit Bull Breed.......................................................................................... 1
Origin ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Temperament ................................................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER II : How to Train Pit Bull on Daily Basis ................................................................................ 6
Exercise ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Discipline ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Affection ....................................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER III : Pit Bull Training Tips ..................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER IV : Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 8
Author Bio ......................................................................................................................................... 9

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Chapter I : Getting to Know Pit Bull Breed

Pit bull is a name that we usually call for a group of breeds of American Pit Bull
Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and American Bull Terrier that was bred
for dog fighting in a pit.
This breed has the high energy and agility of Terrier dog combine with a
determination and power of bulldog. This bred has a massive stamina and
resistance to pain that makes it last longer on the dog fight.
After the dog fight is banned, many people adopt pit bull as a house pet
because the terrier blood makes them really lovable, loyal and affectionate to
the owner. However, their ability to fight is still a problem if the owner handles
them wrong. Many had report they being attacked by the aggressive pit bull.
This is where the bad reputation of pit bull comes.
Most people blame the breed for the attack due to the pit bull history as a
fighting dog and just end the aggression by putting down the dog. They don't
realize that the root problem is not the dog but the owner themselves. They
were not giving the pit bull their basic need to become a balance dog and
unintentionally nurture the fierce side of the dog. That is why I would never
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recommend a first time dog owner to adopt a pit bull, even an experience dog
owner need to learn how to properly train a pit bull before getting one.
If you like to have a very loyal, affectionate and a perfect companion pet, then
you don't have to worry about the bad rap of pit bull. The key is just to give
what the pit bull needs every day and you will be rewarded with a perfect dog.
Just stay positive and believe that you can train a perfect pit bull.
Developed from the Bull and Terrier
types of yesteryear, the Pit Bull was
bred as an all-around farm dog, working
the farms as a cattle/hog dog. Some
chose to turn their talents into the sport
of pit-fighting. The breed's tenacity and
accompanying strength are unmatched
in the canine world.
As rich and captivating as the breed's
history is, the Pit Bull's future is more
worthy of commentary. Some
proponents of the breed argue that this
breed is the original bulldog of the past.
Old prints and woodcarvings show
reason to believe this. They show dogs that look exactly like the breed today;
doing things the dog is still capable of doing. For more information on this
theory you can read books by Richard F. Stratton. The APBT, as registered by
the UKC, is an individual breed of dog and does not refer to just any ill-bred,
mindless warrior-type mongrel.
At one time, the Pit Bull was a much loved, trustworthy companion. People
who chose to train these dogs to fight are chiefly responsible for the banning
and witch-hunting that has been sweeping the U.S.
The media, however, should not go unmentioned, for it is also responsible for
escalating isolated incidences in a relentless and attention-getting way. In a lot
of cases when the media is reporting about a Pit Bull attacking, it is indeed not
even a Pit Bull at all, but a mixed breed of some sort, or another bull breed all
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For example, there was a report
on KYW news in Philadelphia
about two Pit Bulls attacking a
person. The dogs did not look
like Pit Bulls, but rather Boxer
mixes. The news station was
called and asked if they knew
the dogs were in fact purebred
American Pit Bull Terriers, or
another bull breed of some
sort, or mutts, for that matter.
They stated they did not know,
and to call the police station to
verify that information. They
were asked how they could
report something that they were not sure of. They had no answer and they
were not sure of the dogs breeds.
Even after admitting on the phone that they did not in fact know the breeds of
the dogs in question, they kept calling the dogs Pit Bulls in their reports. Why?
Because the name Pit Bull will draw out the most attention from the public.
The Pit Bull's future has been perhaps irreparably undone and everyone is to
blame except the dog itself.
This very loyal dog is too set on pleasing his owner, and ironically this is the
root of his own undoing. Accompanying this need to please are remarkable
abilities of all kinds.
Jack Dempsy, Teddy Roosevelt and Jack Johnson are just a few people who
have owned Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls excel in practically every canine task including
herding, guarding, hunting, policing, cart pulling and ratting.
A Pit Bull named Banddog Dread holds more canine working titles than ANY
other breed. The owner's name is Diane Jessup and you can reference her
book "The Working Pit Bull." It tells all of Dread's accomplishments. These dogs
are truly capable of many tasks.
The difference between Pits and American Staffordshire Terriers is a difficult
one. Even breeders can't agree. The main difference is the bloodline. Amstaffs
are show dogs and dog fighters won't use dogs with Amstaff blood. As time
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progresses there will be more of a difference. Many are dual registered as
Amstaffs with the AKC and Pits with the UKC.
The Pit Bull has a strong pleasure to
please. This dog has evoked more
human emotional, rational and
irrational response than any other
breed that exists today.
By no means are these dogs people-
haters or people-eaters. Their natural
aggressive tendencies are toward other
dogs and animals, not people. However
if they are properly socialized with a
firm, but calm, confident, consistent
pack leader, they will not even be
aggressive with them.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and
affectionate family pet that is good with children and adults. Almost always
obedient, it is always eager to please its master. It is an extremely courageous
and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality. Highly protective of his
owners and the owner's property, it will fight an enemy to the death.
It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to
protect and when everything is okay. The American Pit Bull Terrier can be
willful with meek owners and needs a firm hand. They are generally okay with
other pets if they are raised with them from puppyhood.
They are very friendly, but not recommended for most people, because most
people do not understand how to properly raise and treat a dog. Problems
arise when one does not understand natural dog behavior, seeing the dog as
having human emotions, and ends up with a dog who thinks he is the boss of
the house.
For a smaller, not as powerful dog, people can sometimes get away with this,
however, for a powerful breed, one really needs to understand and follow this
concept of keeping a dog.
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An excellent guide to learning how to properly treat a dog is the Dog
Whisperer with Cesar Millan (recommended to all dog owners regardless of
the breed they own). Excellent with children in the family, they have a high
pain tolerance and will happily put up with rough child play.
As with any breed, they should not be left alone with unfamiliar children. Used
as all-around working farm dogs, they were referred to as "the poor mans
horse." Later they were used as fighting dogs; the powerful American Pit Bull
may go for the throat of strange dogs.

A minimum of training, along with the proper amount of exercise and a firm
pack leader, will produce a tranquil, obedient dog. Socialize very thoroughly
when young to combat aggressive tendencies and be sure to keep the dog
under control when other dogs are present.
Teach this dog respect for humans by not allowing it to jump up and not
allowing it to enter doorways first. The humans must make the dog heel beside
or behind them when walking. It has given outstanding results as a guardian of
property, but is at the same time esteemed as a companion dog.

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CHAPTER II : How to Train Pit Bull on Daily Basis
A pit bull is a powerful breed with a fierce power to attack the opponent,
however, this dog also gifted with a high intelligence and the eagerness to
please the owner. Dealing with this powerful breed you have to step up and
become a stronger and more reliable pack leader for your pit bull. If your pit
bull respects you, he will listen to whatever you say.
Never let the aggressive side take over your pit bull. You have to keep your pit
bull in a "dog mode" every time to make him more balance and happier. Give
your pit bull these daily basic needs:
Obviously you need to keep you pit bull enough exercise every day. Always
start the day by a long walk for around 45 minutes to make them tired and
more relax before giving the morning meal. You have to always walk your dog
as a pack leader and take control of everything.
Become a consistent pack leader and establish the rule boundary and
limitation that your pit bull always has to obey. Always correct your dog
behavior instantly after they about turn into a full "breed mode". This will
block his mind and keep it in a "dog mode" with calm and relaxed energy.
For pit bull, affection must be given in the right time. Giving your pit bull
affection when he is in a high energy will only nurture the "breed mode" that
can explode in the future. And make sure other people around you also know
when to give affection to your dog.

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CHAPTER III : Pit Bull Training Tips
Fulfilling your pit bull daily basic needs will more than enough to keep your dog
in a balance and relaxed state of mind. This kind of energy is what we want to
see on a pit bull everyday to make him easier to control and less likely to
become aggressive. To turn your pit bull into a perfect dog, however, you need
to know a couple of tips below:
1. Socialize from puppy. Your pit bull need to know as many people around
you and as many dog as possible to make him comfortable being around
2. Become a very consistent pack leader. I really cant stress this enough.
You have to make sure that you can control your pit bull, otherwise
when your dog start to take over the leadership its pretty much a
license for him to do whatever he wants from the cutest to a horrifying
3. Never reward pit bull excitement. Even the sightless excitement can lead
to behavior problems when you unintentionally nurture it with affection.
Always wait until your dog calm to give him anything.
4. Expose your pit bull to many situations. Your dog must learn how to be
in every situation so he wont make wrong decision that you would
regret. Make sure you always there to correct him to make him back to
his balance state of mind

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CHAPTER IV : Conclusion And Recommendation
Despite the bad reputation pit bull get, you have to believe that a pit bull is not
born as a fighter. By giving them what they need every day, they will absolutely
turn into a perfect companion dog for you.
Even if your pit bull has a serious behavior problem, never think to put them
down. Contact a professional behaviorist to rehabilitate him or enhance your
knowledge by getting a reliable pit bull guide to make you better understand
your pit bull and know exactly what to do to earn his trust back.
To get to know and train your Pit Bull better, I highly suggest you to get a copy
of Daniel Stevens Secrets to Dog Training. As one who already has a copy of
this book, I would never doubt that this book is one of the must have for any
dog owner. Not just a book, but you will also get a bunch of bonus and
specially a direct access to the professional team behind this book to help you
personally with any behavior problem you encounter with your dog.

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Author Bio

Cody Crown is an author and founder of, a blog
he dedicated solely to help dog owner to learn how to train their dog with by
addressing the breed basic needs to achieve more effective training. Being a
blogger and independent dog behaviorist throughout the years made Cody
Crown took the initiative to share his knowledge around the world to get more
people to understand their dog and create a mutual and balance human-dog
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