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This is to certify that the pre-thesis seminar entitled Influence of TiC reinforcement on the
microstructural and mechanical properties of cast Zn-Al Composites submitted in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of M. Tech (Engineering Materials) By Prashant
Mittal (!!""#) of Third $emester M. Tech.
Thesi s Gui de
Dr.Gajendra Di xi t
Prof essor Department
of echani cal !n"i neeri n".
%ny mission can ne&er conclude without cooperation from surrounding. 't is a great pleasure for
me to ma(e use of this opportunity to e)press my than(s those person who help me to bring out
my seminar a successful &enture.
' would li(e to e)press my deep sense of gratitude and sincere than(s to my thesis guide
*+r.,a-endra +i)it./ for encouraging me to deli&er my seminar in the topic of my interest and
also gi&en me the constant in&aluable guidance/ in the absence of which my seminar presentation
would ha&e been incomplete.
/i rst 0ear . Tech
!n"i neeri n" ateri al s
A$IT1 2*%PA'

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