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Water and its potential to create electricity

Institucin Educativa Tcnico Industrial Simona Duque.
Marinilla, Antioquia
Monica garcia Usme
Nathalia Castaeda
-Andres Garcia
-Kevin Morales
-Stiven Pinto
Research Question
How we could convert
water power into electricity
This project involves the
implementation of water
to generate electricity
through a water motor to
drop this and move and
motion is converted into
energy which happen to a
battery which will store
energy for later use
Project Summary J ustification
The project is built in order to
get more today due to no
power wasting water, the
official then a hydroelectric
project to pass the water and
the moment can turn any
element need the electric
General Purpose
Harnessing the potential energy
contained in the mass of water carrying
rivers or we spend in our homes while
malgastndola with that can reach much
electric saving energy

Foto del grupo



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