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Everyday there must be something that we are

wasting such as water, electricity and others.
Examples of water waste are often carried out by
men is to let leaking pipes, drain when brushing
teeth and so on. Therefore, wasted water will
continue to flow into the septic tank without reused for other applications. We have produced a
project that could recycle the water waste to
produce an alternative energy source for daily


Convert potential energy from the flow of

water to electrical energy.

Convert Direct Current to Alternating Current

for home electrical device.

Can be use as power generator without fuel

for a camping.

Problem Statement
In our modern life, the energy uses has been
increase very high because of the height number
of electric users. This energy is actually limited in
our life and can be costly so we have to start
thinking on how to generate energy and reduce
the cost in our life.

1. Need to have an idea and a plan that is appropriate
for your project.
2. You need to install the Geometer's Sketchpad
software on your computer. If you do not have this
software, you can ask for help from ICT teacher or
math teacher who has attended GSP courses
organized by the proceedings of the State
Education Department.


In the nutshell, this project will become more

useful in our daily life especially during the
terrible situation such as blackout. It will give
people a choice to get a different alternative
energy. This energy can also reduce the cost in
our daily life.


Become more useful during the blackout.

To save electric cost

Can be useful at the camping site

Useful to decorate on the garden while using

the electric

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