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MAY 2021


Chapter 1

Situation Analysis

One of our economy’s main sources is farming. Our country experiences drought

due to the effect of global warming and every dry season the farmer’s main problem is

water supply. In summer season, main sources of water like dam and rivers has gone dry

that’s why lands near the river can be cultivated once or twice and if there is an extreme

heat the land can’t be planted due to lack of reliable water source. Farmers spend about

fifty to sixty thousand for a deep well alone, then spend some more for a water pump

acquisition. Water pumps utilize diesel or gasoline to operate, thus the high cost of

expenditures farmers have to incur each cropping season.

One of the possible solutions that we want to recommend is the development of

solar power irrigation system to operate a submersible water pump that can distribute

water to the farmers and if possible, to the households. We think that this could be of

great help to the farmers and households if this will be put into realization, because their

expenses will be minimized. The idea of solar power is not new since in many countries

as well as ours are enjoying the benefits of it like the street lights in our barangays and

even in some commercial buildings. Solar power irrigation does exist already, but we

wanted to design a product which is base to the environment here in our country so that

our farmers can afford to buy it and to benefit from it.

We will redesign the solar power irrigation system from other country in which

the new design can be used in an irrigation system that will be based here in our own

place and environment. We see that developing a solar power irrigation system is good

for our environment, farm lands in our country is an open field which is why it is a good

location to place and build a solar power irrigation system, farm land does not have too

much blockage from the sunlight and the sun rays will directly hit the solar panels in

which the submersible water pump will be powered. As we know irrigating farmlands

takes long hours to be irrigated but by developing solar power irrigation system will be

more efficient and reliable instead of buying gallons or liters of fuel just to operate a

water pump.

Comparing to the cost of a fuel operated water pump which requires us to buy

diesel, crude oil or gasoline just to operate, a solar power is much more efficient. Others

might say developing a solar power irrigation system will lead us to cost more as solar

panels and inverters are needed in developing solar power irrigation system which is a

little bit expensive. But in the long run of using the developed solar power irrigation

system, we can save a lot of money from buying liters or gallons of gasoline. Solar power

will not require fuel to operate and it only uses the free energy that the sun provides. We

elaborate this idea to be a solution in the needs of the farmers to help lessen their farming


Farmers build deep wells to have a source of water to irrigate their farmlands due

to lack of reliable irrigation system. And also household are experiencing the same thing.

Building a deep well will cost the farmers and household up to fifty to sixty thousand

pesos, depends on the land which the deep well will be built. That is their solution to a

lack of reliable irrigation. Now they need a water pump to ascent the water from the deep

well to the farmland and household. Most of the farmers spend their money in buying

water pumps which requires fuel to operate, diesel operated water pumps are the common

water pumps that the farmers buy. Now the possible solutions that we want to

recommend is the use of solar powered irrigation system. We think it could be of great

help to farmers and household if this will be put into realization, because their expenses

will be minimized by using a solar powered submersible water pump.

Solar powered machines are not new since in other countries as well as in our

country, many are enjoying the benefits of solar powered street lights, in some homes

where even in some commercial buildings. I know that solar powered pump does exist

already, but I wanted to design a product which is base to the environment here in our

country so that our farmers and household can afford to buy it and to benefit from it.

By redesigning the existing or the market ready of submersible solar water pump.

By creating a submersible solar water pump that is suitable in the kind of environment

that we have. We think that this can be the solution and this will be best for us. So that

this will be efficient in terms of the usage of the said product by our own farmers and

household in our own farm land and barangay. We see that using submersible solar water

pump is good in our environment as we know that submersible solar powered water

pumps come’s with solar panels and obviously our farmlands are open fields and our

houses is in good location which is a good location, because the location will not have

too much blockage of the sunlight and the sun rays will directly hit the solar panels which

the submersible solar water pump will be powered and will prolong the use of it. As we

know, irrigating farmlands takes long hours to be irrigated.


By the usage of submersible solar powered water pump it will be more efficient

and reliable instead of buying gallons or liters of fuel just to operate a water pump.

Because if we compare the cost of a fuel operated water pump which requires us to buy

fuel just to operate it, and a submersible solar powered water pump. Others might say

using a submersible solar water pump will lead us to more cost as solar panels and

inverters are needed in having a submersible solar powered water pump which is a little

bit expensive, but if we think in the long run of using this solar powered water pump. We

can save a lot in costing, as it will not require fuel to operate rather it only uses the free

energy that the sun provides, so we propose this idea to be a solution in the needs of the

farmers and household to help lessen the high cost of using fuel generated water pump.

Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy in the world. Solar power is

not only an answer to today’s energy crisis but also an environment friendly form of

energy. Photovoltaic generation is an efficient approach for using the solar energy. Solar

panels are nowadays extensively used for running street lights, for powering water

heaters and to meet domestic loads. The cost of solar panels has been constantly

decreasing which encourage us to use in various sectors. One application of this

technology is used in irrigation systems for farming. This a green way for energy

production which provides free energy once an initial investment is made.

In this study that we will compare to other proposal states that solar power can be

the answer for all our energy needs. In India Solar powered smart irrigation systems are

the answer. This system consists of solar powered water pump along with an automatic

water flow control using a moisture sensor. It is the proposed solution for the present

energy crisis for the Indian farmers. By reducing the usage of grid power and conserves

water by reducing water losses this conserves electricity. This study is somewhat similar

to the said study proposal as it also aims electricity conservation, but the difference is

that it needs moisture sensor which in our proposal this apparatus will be not needed,

because we aim to design a solar power irrigation system based to the kind of

environment that we have in our place.

This study aims the possible application of solar energy to deep well water pumps

for water supply in rural or isolated zones. Advancing countries are composed of

numerous small villages and farmers, which hardens to extend the electrical national grid

to every location where it is needed. The difficulty in collecting dues makes this solution

even less practical. These countries still struggle with the lack of water in many villages

and farms. These factors, along with the increase in the price of conventional energy

sources and concerns regarding sustainable growth, have led to the development of solar

powered water pumps. Most African, South Asian and Latin-American countries have

good sun exposure almost all year and many of its villages still have lack of water. In the

said study the difference in our proposal is that this kind of study aims in broader context

which is an advantage to our study. In our study, we only limit the problem in smaller

area not this kind of study.

Next study is the solar photovoltaic based agricultural water pumping system is

best suited technology for irrigation of farms. The generation of electrical power from

Photovoltaic cell is mainly dependent on solar irradiations at respective times. The study

reported in this paper deals with characteristic study of existing water pumping system

based on solar photovoltaic power and conventional electrical power. Thin film Cd-Te

solar panels were used to power 2HP existing water pump. The performance of solar

powered water pump was as equal as pump powered by conventional one. The efficiency

of solar based water pump is much higher than conventional power-based water pump.

The maximum flow rate obtained was 69 LPM against 65 LPM for conventional power

method. MPPT was used to track best operating point of solar PV array. The outcomes of

reported study are important making socio-economic impact on Indian agricultural

sector. This study is also tackles improving existing water pumps to a solar water pump,

mainly the difference in my proposal is the values of flow rates and the kind of

agricultural sector that we have as this study is design in India.

This next study tackles that solar powered irrigation technologies have developed

significantly in the past decade assisted by the development of higher efficiency, low-

cost solar Photovoltaic panels. The technology has come so far as to be able to elapse

diesel powered irrigation systems in terms of the payback period and reduction in

greenhouse gasses. This paper investigates solar powered irrigation technologies solar

thermal technologies that can be utilized by independent farmers in small-scale remote

rural farms in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The focus is to be able to identify affordable solar powered irrigation systems that

will make use of local resources effectively for drip irrigation. In the said study it tackles

solar thermal power for water pump and it is based on sub- Saharan Africa, which we

know that the heat temperature is not the same here in our country. This is the difference

in my own proposal and I do not intend to use solar thermal power.


Solar powered water pump is not new since in other countries as well as in our

country, many are enjoying the benefits of solar powered street lights, in some homes

where even in some commercial buildings. I know that solar powered water pump does

exist already, but I wanted to design a product which is base to the environment here in

our country so that our farmers can afford to buy it and to benefit from it. By redesigning

the existing or the market ready solar powered water pump. By creating a solar powered

water pump that is suitable in the kind of environment that we have.

In our proposal the main sector who can benefit to it is the local farmers and

residence in the community of barangay Lisqueb, Bacnotan, La Union as the solar

powered water irrigation that we will propose will be design to the agricultural and

household use in our own barangay. The main problem that we focus is the lack of

reliable irrigation system here in our own barangay, which leads the farmers to rely on

bore well source of water for irrigation. Relying on deep well to source water for

irrigation leads to using a submersible water pump, as we will suggest that using a solar

power water pump will be more cost efficient than fuel(diesel) operated water pumps. As

we know in our region, farmers are the ones who suffer a lot of work before being paid

and only having a small-wages. By this proposal It can save them in farming cost by

using the free solar energy instead of buying gallons of fuel for water pump.

Not only that the local farmers will benefit to my proposal but also it will propose

to rural areas which is still not develop or still does not reached by electric lines. In this

place they can use the proposed solar powered submersible water pump so they can

reduce their work force, example it can pump them water so they will not manually pump

the water from their source they will only need a tank to store the pumped water. The

excess energy produced using solar panels can also be given to the grid with small

modifications in the system circuit, which can be a source of the revenue of the farmer,

thus encouraging the local farmers and same time giving a solution for energy crisis.

The government will also benefit in our proposal when it is used in the entire

country, it may sound out of the question but it is not impossible, For the government a

solution for energy crisis is proposed. Proposed system is easy to implement and

environment friendly solution for irrigating fields and providing water for the

households. The environment itself will benefit from it as it leads to reduction in

greenhouse gasses. As we know fuel operated water pumps especially diesel operated

water pumps produce many harmful emissions when it is burned which pollutes the air.

Air pollution due to diesel or petrol may cause serious problem in the environment and

by using the solar powered submersible water pump it will eliminate that problem in

pollution cause by diesel operated water pumps.

Residential houses will also benefit from it as it will also be use in our water

system in our houses, instead of using an electric powered water pump, why not use a

solar powered water pump. It will save us a ton of money as electric water pumps cost

expensive. By using solar powered water pump in residential house will reduce our

electric bill as solar energy is free. The main purpose of this study is to help the local

farmers to decrease their cost of farming.


Statement of the objectives

The main objective of the study is to Develop a 2.5kW Solar Power Irrigation

System in Barangay Lisqueb, specifically:

1. To develop a 2.5kW Solar Powered Irrigation System in Barangay Lisqueb.

2. To construct an Irrigation System using a Solar Powered Submersible Water

Pump in Barangay Lisqueb.

3. To test and evaluate the developed 2.5kW Solar Powered Irrigation System in

Barangay Lisqueb.

4. To determine the cost and benefits in the development of a 2.5kW Solar Powered

Irrigation System in Barangay Lisqueb.

Time and Place of the Study

This study will focus on the development of 2.5KW solar power irrigation system

within Barangay Lisqueb Bacnotan La Union. The respondents of the study will be

composed of the residents and farmers of the barangay.

On this study, the researchers will consider working to find out if there is a direct

effect on the improvement of water irrigation system of the barangay after doing the

development of the solar powered irrigation system and to assess the effectiveness of the

material handling with the regard to the development of a 2.5Kw solar power irrigation

system specifically improving the knowledge of the residents and farmers in using the

solar powered irrigation system.

The study will be conducted at Lisqueb, Bacnotan, La Union during academic

year 2020 – 2021.

Definition of Terms

Solar power – refers to the energy from the sun to power the irrigation system

Irrigation – refers to the artificial process of applying controlled amounts of

water to land to assist in production of crops.

Development – refers to the strategies in construction the solar power irrigation


Evaluate – refers to the processed data from the testing.

Kilowatt – refers to the unit of power that is used in Solar Power Irrigation


Construct – refers to the construction of Solar Power Irrigation System.


Chapter 2

Research Design

The design, construction, and development of barangay lisqueb 2.5kW solar

powered water system for household used is conducted by our group. The design

proposed by our group is composed of a 2 HP,220V submersible water pump which will

be installed in a drilled well of approximately 80 feet in depth and 6 inches in diameter.

The motor model is 4STM10-10, and has an operating voltage of 220V 60Hz,7.1 amperes

and a power consumption of 1.5 Kilowatts the motor has a suction power of 2HP and the

outlet is 2” (inch), has a 62 m head and has a max flow of 1 cubic meter the suggested

submersible water pump can sip water at a depth of 37 meters or 121.39108 in feet. From

our design of having a drilled well with a depth of 80 feet and 6 inches in diameter the motor

is capable and safe to operate.

The motor will be needing a 2 inches diameter pipe line to pump the water from the drilled

well to the tank, from the barangay’s existing water reservoir which has a measurement of 20

feet in height plus the drilled well depth of 80 feet which totals to vertical distance of 100

feet the submersible water pump is safe and capable to pump the water to the reservoir. The

existing reservoir can contain up to 80 cubic meter or 21,133.8 gallons of water which will be

enough to supply the water needs of purok 4 and purok 5 of barangay lisqueb. The design of

the existing water reservoir has an enclose free space underneath which will be used to

safely kept the safety switch for the submersible (turbine) water pump, batteries, charge

controller and the inverter for the solar panel system. The group proposed a design of a 2.5

kilowatts solar panel the solar panel design is composed of a 22 solar panel with a

dimension’s of 3.694226ft. by 2.18504ft. by 0.114829ft. with a standard power output of 120

watts the design needs a 21 pieces of this kind of solar panel to accumulate 2500 watts of

power to operate the submersible water pump safely. The design of the solar panel is 2500

watts so it can safely operate the 2HP submersible water pump (turbine water pump) at

1500 watts of power need. The solar panel system will need a n inverter, charge controller

and battery to operate. The solar panel stand is composed of a 2 inches diameter steel

tubing, this metal tubing will be the post for the fabricated solar panel housing which will be

bolted at the top of the existing water reservoir of barangay lisqueb and the design will be

base in standard triangular roof houses and will be distributed precisely to ensure that every

hour of the day the panels will get a good sunlight. the solar panel housing will be fabricated

using steel angle bars to ensure sturdiness of the structure and the 22 pieces solar panels

will be divide by 11 pieces each to have an equally distributed and clean design. The

fabricated solar panel housing will be welded to the steel tubing to ensure the safety of the

design. The system that we designed needs a 3000 watts power inverter DC 12V to AC 220V-

240V high quality, 8 pieces of solar battery VRLA lead acid 12V 100AH and a 100A solar

charge controller, solar panel controller 12V/24V. The solar panel will be connected to the

charge controller, the charge controller will be connected to the battery and the 8 pieces

battery will be connected in parallel, and the batteries will be connected in the 3000 watts

power inverter from there a wire will be connected from the inverter to safety switch of the

submersible (turbine) water pump. And the pump will sip water from the well and will be

stored in the existing water reservoir of barangay lisqueb. From the tank a water level gauge

will be installed to monitor the water consumed by the residents of purok 4 and purok 5 of

barangay lisqueb. From the water reservoir there will be a 2 gate valves installed and the

water supply will be distributed by installing a main pipe line and a distribution pipe line. The

distribution pipe line will be lay out from the water reservoir to purok 4 and 5 for the residents

and if they are willing to pay or share for the maintenance they will be able to extended their

pipelines inside their houses. The submersible (turbine) water pump will be manually shut off

by the residents who is willing to cooperate for the operation of the water system of the

barangay lisqueb specifically the residents of purok 4 and 5 because they will be the main

beneficiaries of the water system and this completes the system that our group designed.

Materials and Procedures

Materials needed:
1.5KW 22O 1 21000
3.7 FT BY 2.2 FT, 120 22 60000
G.I PIPE 4 2000


3000WATT POWER 1 1500
20FT PVC PIPE 20 8700


Phase 1: Planning and Phase 2: Preparation of

Design all the materials needed

Phase 4: Setting Phase 3: Construction

Connections (Solar of Metal Work (Solar
Panel system) Panel Stand)

Phase 6: Testing and

Phase 5: Setting Evaluation of the
Connections (Solar barangay lisqueb 2.5 KW
Panel system to Solar Powered water
Submersible Water System
Pump to existing water

Phase 7: Revision of the

Phase 8: FINAL
Solar Power Irrigation

Phase 1: Planning and Designing


The aim of planning and designing step is to continue and revive the existing

water system of barangay Lisqueb specifically for purok 4 and 5 due to lack of reliable

water irrigation system and to minimize the risks that may occur in the development of

the research project. And by identifying the deliverables and estimating resources before

gathering the materials needed for the project in order to minimize future errors and to

conserve time and resources. The researchers thoroughly studied the area to conclude a

solution or idea to help the residence of barangay Lisqueb to overcome the problem of

water shortage.

Phase 2: Preparation of all the Materials Needed

After planning and designing the project by the researchers and by the help of the

locals, the needed materials for barangay lisqueb solar powered water system were listed

The preparation of the needed materials needs submersible (turbine) water

system,the water pump needs #6 wire connected from the submersible (turbine) water

system to the safety switch for the pump and the inverter to operate the pump. Drilled

well, PVC pipe, GI pipe for the connection from submersible (turbine) water pump to the

existing reservoir. The solar panel will operate with the help of charge controller,

batteries, inverter. skilled metal fabricator for the fabrication of customized metal works.

solar panel

charge controller

inverter 17

submersible well pump

existing water

Phase 3: Construction of Metal Work (Solar Panel Stand)

Due to the existing water reservoir the solar panel will be bolted on top of the

existing water reservoir. The solar panel stand is composed of a 2 inches diameter steel

tubing, this metal tubing will be the post for the fabricated solar panel housing which will be

bolted at the top of the existing water reservoir of barangay lisqueb and the design will be

base in standard triangular roof houses and will be distributed precisely to ensure that every

hour of the day the panels will get a good sunlight. the solar panel housing will be fabricated

using steel angle bars to ensure sturdiness of the structure and the 22 pieces solar panels

will be divide by 11 pieces each to have an equally distributed and clean design. The

fabricated solar panel housing will be welded to the steel tubing to ensure the safety of the


Phase 4: Setting Connections (Solar Panel system to water pump)

After the construction of metal works, we will connect the electrical connections

from solar panel to the charge controller. The system that we designed needs 100A solar

charge controller, solar panel controller 12V/24V, 8 pieces of solar battery VRLA lead acid

12V 100AH that is connected in parallel a 3000 watts power inverter DC 12V to AC 220V-

240V high quality, The solar panel will be connected to the charge controller, the charge

controller will be connected to the battery and the batteries will be connected in the 3000

watts power inverter from there a #6 electrical wire will be connected from the inverter to the

safety switch and going to the submersible (turbine) water pump inside the drilled well.

Phase 5: Setting Connections (Solar Panel system to Submersible Water Pump to

existing water reservoir)

The inverter will turn the “photovoltaic energy” into “electrical energy”. The

inverter will convert the 12 volts from the battery to a 210 volts voltage source. It will be

connected to the safety switch of the pump. Using the #6 electrical wire it will be

connected from the submersible (turbine) water pump to the safety switch to be able to

operate the water pump. GI pipe will be connected from the water pump inside the well

and from the surface of the well the GI pipe will be connected to the PVC pipe making its

way to the existing water reservoir. Now that the water is stored at the existing reservoir

Phase 6: Testing and Evaluation of the barangay lisqueb 2.5 KW Solar Powered
water System

The researchers will now test and evaluate the solar power water system after

completing the construction and connections. Now that the system is operating, the

design submersible (turbine) water pump with 2 HP output that needs a 1500 watts power

to operate. As the barangay has an existing water reservoir the group will test if the

design of the existing water reservoir will efficiently supply the water needs of barangay

lisqueb specially in purok 4 and 5. We evaluated that the existing water reservoir can

efficiently supply the water needs of the barangay because we actually measure the water

reservoir and we acquired that the existing water reservoir can store up to 80 cubic meter

or 21,133.8 gallons of water

Phase 7: Revision for the barangay lisqued 2.5 KW solar powered water system

If a revision and customization were recommended, the researchers made adjustments

then presented for its approval before proceeded to final output.

Phase 8: Final Output

If the testing and evaluation is successful, and if the residence agrees to pay for

the maintenance of the system the continuation of the existing project for the water

system of barangay lisqueb can be done.



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