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MA proposal by C W Mills

(Put your name in the header)

MA (Sociology)
MA (Social and behavioural studies in HIV-AIDS)
(Delete the one that is not applicable)
F#ll na$es"
St#%ent no"
Postal a%%&ess"
TITLE" (See notes on page 4)
Telephone n#$be&"
Date o( s#b$ission"
(Fill out the details above)
I declare that the wor I am submitting !or
assessment contains no section co"ied in
whole or in "art !rom any other source unless
e#"licitly identi!ied in $uotation mars and with
detailed% com"lete and accurate re!erencing&
''''''''''''''&& (Signature)
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................3
1.1 The research problem. ...........................................4
1.2 Ratioale or p!rpose o" the st!#y............................4
1.3 The ob$ecti%es o" the st!#y......................................4
1.4 Research &!estio's(..............................................4
2. )IT*RATUR* R*+I*W ................................................,
3. -RO-O.*D M*T/ODO)O01 ....................................2
3.1 Research #esi3.....................................................2
3.2 Data so!rces ..........................................................4
3.3 Data collectio techi&!es......................................4
3.4. Iss!es o" reliability a# %ali#ity...............................5
3., .ampli3 techi&!es...............................................5
3.2 De"iitios o" 6ey terms7 cocepts a# %ariables.. .8
3.4 Data aalysis a# iterpretatio..............................8
3.5 *thical cosi#eratios..........................................19
(&)&* +on!identiality&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*,
(&)&- In!ormed consent&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*,
(&)&( Provision o! debrie!ing% counseling and
additional in!ormation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*,
3.8. -retest or pilot st!#y. ...........................................11
4. M1 -*R.ONA) WOR: -)AN............................................12
)I.T O; .OURC*. ..................................................12
.rom here on% "lease use *% / s"acing in your te#t& Should you
include tables in your introduction or literature review% "lease
number them 0able *% 0able -% etc&
(1ive a brie! title !or your "ro"osed study here& .or e#am"le2
An investigation into the causes o! burnout amongst volunteer
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
caregivers in a home-based HIV-AIDS su""ort "rogram& It
does not have to be "er!ect at the !irst attem"t& 3ou might
change it as you "rogress& 0he im"ortant thing is to try and
mae it as s"eci!ic as possible.(
(Here% give a brie! conte#tual bacground to your study& Set
the stage !or your study& 4ee" in mind that receiving *,,5
"ro"osals $uoting global !igures o! HIV-AIDS "revalence can
be tedious& 0ry to ca"ture your readers6 attention and !ocus on
your study& 7rie!ly tell us why this study should be done& 8se
the "ro"er re!erencing techni$ues9 0o elaborate on my
e#am"le2 tell us how many "eo"le living with AIDS are in need
o! home-based long-term care& :hat "ercentage relies on
in!ormal (volunteer) caregivers !or hel"; 0ell us i! burnout is a
"roblem% etc&
In the introduction% you should use evidence (!acts% !igures%
and wors by other authors) to convince us that your chosen
research to"ic is2
=ot already over-researched
.easible (in terms o! sco"e% resources and a time
>thically de!ensible&)
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
This co!l# be !p to 1 pa3e i le3th.
+,+ The &esea&ch p&oble$
'What is the problem arisi3 "rom yo!r bac63ro!#
3i%e abo%e< The research problem is yo!r compass
"or the rest o" the steps to "ollo=. ;or e>ample? The
research problem is to i%esti3ate the ca!ses a#
cose&!eces o" care@3i%er b!ro!t. This sho!l# be
oe or t=o para3raphs.(
+,- The p#&pose o( the st#%.
'Why is this st!#y bei3 !#erta6e< What is the
possible cotrib!tio o" this st!#y @scieti"ic7 policy7 a
pro3ram7 practical cotrib!tio< Is this st!#y "easible<
1o! sho!l# be able to reach a reasoe# a# #e"esible
positio @ i" ot7 start a3aiA ;or e>ample? The p!rpose
o" the st!#y is to !#ersta# the ca!ses o" care3i%er
b!ro!t =ith the aim to #e%elop a s!pport system "or
care3i%ers(.This sho!l# be oe or t=o para3raphs.
+,/ The ob0ecti1es o( the st#%.
'I" yo!r st!#y is pre#omiatly &!atitati%e7 yo! =ill
s!33est hypotheses here. ;or e>ample? role co"!sio
lea#s to care@3i%er b!ro!t. Urealistic e>pectatios
lea# to care@3i%er b!ro!t7 etc. I" yo!r st!#y is
&!alitati%e or more e>ploratory a# #escripti%e7 yo! =ill
"orm!late broa# ob$ecti%es. ;or e>ample? I =at to
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
!#ersta# the s!b$ecti%e e>periece o" b!ro!t
amo3st care@3i%ers.( )ist a "e= ob$ecti%es.
+,2 The &esea&ch 3#estions
'Use yo!r ob$ecti%es to "orm!late research &!estios.(
;or each ob$ecti%e there sho!l# be a correspo#i3
(A literature review is ?a critical summary and assessment o!
the range o! e#isting materials dealing with nowledge and
understanding in a given !ield'&Its "ur"ose is to locate the
research "ro@ect% to !orm its conte#t or bacground% and to
"rovide insights into "revious worA (7la#ter et al
*BB)2**,)&0he "ur"ose o! the literature review is to integrate
your study into a broader !ramewor o! relevant theory and
research& 0o achieve this% you have to% as a !irst dra!t%
summariCe recentDauthoritative literature on the "ro"osed
research "roblem as it relates to the stated research "roblem&
At this stage you may also indicate shortcomings in "revious
literature or lac o! nowledge about the to"ic you intend to
research& =ote the conce"tual% theoretical and methodological
a""roaches used by others in studying related to"ics& 0his will
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
hel" you decide on your own
conce"tualDtheoreticalDmethodological strategies and on how
your own study may contribute to im"rovements in this regard.
0o elaborate on my care-giving e#am"le% you would mention in
your literature review other (and recent- this means *BB) and
later-) studies done on care-giver burn-out (*) in the HIV-AIDS
!ield (-) in other chronic disease !ields (()in the !ield o! elderly
care& 3ou can mention wor on the <oy ada"tation model% the
notion o! sel!-e!!icacy and its lin to caregiver stress& 3ou can
mention !eminist wors by .olbre% 1 E .o#% or M .riedman&
3ou can mention sociological or "sychological "ers"ectives on
stress and role con!usion% such as in the wor done by F.
3bema% and so on&
A "ostgraduate student should be aware o! im"ortant debates
in the !ield o! their research to"ic and should include them in a
nuanced discussion& ) 0his can be anywhere between two and
!our "ages& 8se the correct re!erencing techni$ues& Eist all
sources in your list o! sources& Eeon and 1retchen :IEE not
correct these mistaes !or you we will merely re!er these
bac to you !or correction add nausea until they are *,,G9
(In this section you describe the "ro"osed a""roach and
intended ste"s and methods o! your study& Please don6t turn it
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
into a general discussion o! what a sam"le is or o! what a
survey is& 0ell us the story o! your intended study&) :rite a
bridging sentence here H don6t let a sub-heading !ollow on a
heading with no te#t in-between&

/,+ Resea&ch %esi5n
(Indicate whether your study is e#"loratory% descri"tive%
e#"lanatory or "redictive% hy"othesis generating or
hy"othesis testing& Are you !ollowing a $ualitative% a
$uantitative or a mi#ed research design;) 0his should
be *-- "aragra"hs&
/,- Data so#&ces
(Documentary sources% secondary sources% transcri"ts
o! interviews% li!e histories% narratives% survey data%
service data% "ersonal observation% etc&) 0his should be
*-- "aragra"hs&
/,/ Data collection techni3#es
'.or each source mentioned under sub-heading (&-%
say how you will collect it& Describe how you will obtain
access to these data-sources& Describe how
$uestionnaires% schedules% etc& will be designed and
tested& Describe the "ro"osed conte#t o! data
collection2 :here; :hen; How; =7 0here must be a
com"elling reason !or using a given techni$ue H !or
e#am"le% !ocus grou" interviews are not a time-saving
device9 Also% i! you are researching rare events H !or
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
e#am"le school shootings or men who return !or HIV-
testing more than twice a year H ee" in mind that a
general survey o! schoolsDmen who "resent !or V+0
may not hel" you !ind these rare events9 Also% you will
have to tell us about your own strengths and
weanesses as a researcher (!or e#am"le% whether you
have conducted $ualitative interviews be!ore% whether
you have moderated a !ocus grou" be!ore% or
conducted a survey be!ore)& 1ive us as much detail as
"ossible here H !or e#am"le I will administer a standard
stress $uestionnaire to the entire sam"le o! caregivers
on the *,
o! August -,,I at the Methodist Hall& I will
conduct "ersonal interviews with a sub-sam"le o!
caregivers% using a semi-!ormal interview schedule as
attached in a""endi# A& I will mae a""ointments with
these res"ondents and conduct the interviews in
Portuguese at their homes& Interviews will be ta"e-
recorded& >tc&) 0his should be --( "aragra"hs&
/,2 Iss#es o( &eliabilit. an% 1ali%it.
(0his section will di!!er de"ending on your chosen
a""roach& Juantitative designs have very s"eci!ic
guidelines !or reliability and validity& <ead u" on these
and mention how you will deal with reliability
Ke$uivalence% consistency and stabilityL and validity
K!ace% content% criterion and construct validityL&
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
Jualitative designs !ocus on credibility% trans!erability%
de"endability and con!irmability)& This should be 2-3
/,6 Sa$plin5 techni3#es
(0his should !it with the aims and ob@ectives o! your
study& I! you wish to generaliCe your !indings% you must
use a "robability sam"ling techni$ue& Probability
sam"les Ksim"le random% strati!ied% cluster% etc&L re$uire
a sam"ling !rame& I! you are using this% describe your
"ro"osed sam"ling method% sam"ling !rame% "lanned
and realiCed sam"le siCes& I! you have chosen a
$ualitative a""roach% mae sure you understand the
a""ro"riate sam"ling techni$ues in $ualitative research
Kee" in mind that "ur"osive sam"ling and snowball
sam"ling are the only sam"ling techni$ues "ermissible
!or this level o! academic researchL& I" yo! are plai3
seco#ary aalysis o" a e>isti3 #ata set7 yo! =ill
ha%e to #escribe the sampli3 techi&!es employe# by
the bo#y that collecte# the #ata. Relate yo!r sampli3
to =hat yo! =ish to #o B i"7 "or e>ample yo! choose to
compare s!b3ro!ps =ithi yo!r sample Ce.3. males a#
"emalesD ma6e s!re that yo!r samples are #ra=
accor#i3ly a# that yo! =ill ha%e eo!3h cases to #o
the aalysis yo! =ish to #o.( 0his should be --(
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
/,7 De(initions o( 8e. te&$s9 concepts an%
(Here% you should give conce"tual de!initions K!rom
literatureL as well as o"erational de!initions Kthat is how
you will measure this in your studyL& 0o re!er to my
e#am"le o! caregiver burnout% I can conce"tually de!ine
it as a state o! com"lete "hysical% emotional and mental
e#haustion that results in an attitude change !rom
being "ositive and caring to being negative and
unconcerned& I can o"erationally de!ine burnout as a
score on the Maslach 7urnout Inventory& 8se "ro"er
re!erencing techni$ues throughout&) It is hard to give a
word limit here% since it de"ends on your study&
/,: Data anal.sis an% inte&p&etation
(Here you will have to discuss your "ro"osed method
o! data "rocessing and% where a""ro"riate% the ty"e o!
statistical methods to be used& +ongruence between
your research "roblem% research ob@ectives% chosen
a""roach% data gathering techni$ue and your analysis
and inter"retation strategies are o! the utmost
im"ortance& I! your study is $uantitative% you should
consider how you will ca"ture your data and the
statistical "acage you will use to analyCe your data& I!
your study is $ualitative% you must consider how you
will ca"ture your data (!or instance will you ta"e record
your interviews) and how you will transcribe and
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
analyCe it& ) 0his should be --( "aragra"hs&
/,; Ethical consi%e&ations
'/ere7 cosi#er?
3.8.1 Conidentialit!
3.8.2 "nor#ed $onsent&
3.8.3 %rovision o debrieing& $ounseling and
additional inor#ation.
Three paragraphs in total
3.' %retest or pilot stud!
'.ampli3 #etails7 &!estioaires a# iter%ie=
sche#!les sho!l# be teste#.( Oe para3raph.
(Please change to !it your study)
.T*-. IN T/* R*.*ARC/
.!bmissio o" the proposal
Desi3 o" a research pla
0aii3 accessE3etti3
permissio to =or6 i a partic!lar
areaEha%e access to #ata7 etc.
)iterat!re re%ie=
De"ii3 o" a !i%erse7 a sample
"rame7 sampli3 OR setti3 !p o"
selectio criteria7 etc.
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
Desi3 a# testi3 o"
&!estioaire7 i" appropriate
Desi3 o" a "ial
&!estioaireEsche#!les7 etc.
Iter%ie=sEposti3 o"
&!estioaires7 etc.
*#iti3 o" complete#
&!estioaires7 3ro!pi3 a#
co#i3 o" #ata7 eteri3 #ata ito
a comp!ter
Desi3 a# testi3 o" a comp!ter
Ra= tab!latiosE#ra"t aalysis o"
&!alitati%e #ata
Aalysis o" #ata
Report !p o" "i#i3s
-resetatio o" "ial research
(Eist all your sources& 8se the correct techni$ues9)
Please co$plete the (ollo=in5 b. tic8in5 the app&op&iate
bo> o& =&itin5 a co$$ent"
+, Di% .o# select the best $etho%s to allo= .o# to ans=e&
.o#& &esea&ch 3#estion(s)?
1es No DoFt :o=
1 2 3
-, Di% .o# (#ll. %esc&ibe .o#& st#%. pop#lation9 sa$plin5
p&oce%#&es an% $etho%s o( %ata'5athe&in5?
1es No DoFt :o=
1 2 3
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
/, a1e .o# consi%e&e% the p&oble$s o( 5ainin5 access to
.o#& %ata so#&ces?
1es No DoFt :o=
1 2 3
2, Do .o# nee% a lette& o( int&o%#ction (o& a consent lette&)
(&o$ .o#& st#%.'lea%e&(s)?
1es No
1 2
6, 4ill .o# ha1e to %esi5n a %ata'5athe&in5@&eco&%in5 tool
(e,5,9 a 3#estionnai&e9 an inte&1ie= sche%#le9 an
obse&1ation chec8list etc,)?
1es No
1 2
7, Di% .o# select an% %esc&ibe the $ost app&op&iate
anal.sis p&oce%#&es?
1es No DoFt :o=
1 2 3
:, 4ill .o# nee% help =ith an. anal.sis?
I" G1esH #escribe the type o" help
yo!Fll ee#
I" GNoH7 tell !s =hy ot
;, a1e .o# consi%e&e% the ethical i$plications o( .o#&
1es No DoFt :o=
1 2 3
A, 4hat a&e the MAIN p&oble$s .o# (o&esee in s#ccess(#ll.
co$pletin5 this st#%.?
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)
%lease delete all the te(t in $olor print in this do$u#ent.
Corre$t the table o $ontent. %rooread !our proposal or
bad t!ping& poor spelling& bad gra##ar& or un$lear or
otherwise poor e(pression. )**+ ,-C./
MA proposal by CW Mills
(Put your name in the header)

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