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What is it?

How does it work?


U.S. Stats and

By: Roger Rivera

- What is it?
- What is it?

All renewable energy (except tidal and geothermal power! "ltimately

comes from the s"n

#he earth recei$es %.&' x %(

watts of power (per ho"r from the s"n

Abo"t one or ) percent of this energy is con$erted to wind energy

(which is abo"t *(+%(( times more than the energy con$erted to
biomass by all plants on earth

,ifferential heating of the earth-s s"rface

and atmosphere ind"ces $ertical and hori.ontal
air c"rrents that are affected by the earth-s
rotation and conto"rs of the land W/0,.
1 e.g.2 3and Sea 4ree.e 5ycle

Winds are infl"enced by the gro"nd s"rface at altit"des "p to
%(( meters.
Wind is slowed by the s"rface ro"ghness and obstacles.
When dealing with wind energy! we are concerned with
s"rface winds.
A wind t"rbine obtains its power inp"t by con$erting the
force of the wind into a tor7"e (t"rning force acting on the
rotor blades.
#he amo"nt of energy which the wind transfers to the rotor
depends on the density of the air! the rotor area! and the wind
#he kinetic energy of a mo$ing body is proportional to its
mass (or weight. #he kinetic energy in the wind th"s depends
on the density of the air! i.e. its mass per "nit of $ol"me.
/n other words! the 8hea$ier8 the air! the more energy is
recei$ed by the t"rbine.
at %*9 5elsi"s air weighs abo"t %.))* kg per c"bic meter! b"t
the density decreases slightly with increasing h"midity.

A typical :(( kW wind t"rbine has a rotor diameter of ';+'' meters!

i.e. a rotor area of some %!*(( s7"are meters.

#he rotor area determines how m"ch energy a wind t"rbine is able to
har$est from the wind.

Since the rotor area increases with the s7"are of the rotor diameter! a
t"rbine which is twice as large will recei$e )
< ) x ) < fo"r times as
m"ch energy.

#o be considered a good location for

wind energy! an area needs to ha$e
a$erage ann"al wind speeds of at least %)
miles per ho"r.


A Windmill capt"res
wind energy and then
"ses a generator to
con$ert it to electrical

#he design of a
windmill is an integral
part of how efficient it
will be.

When designing a
windmill! one m"st
decide on the si.e of the
t"rbine! and the si.e of
the generator.

Able to deli$er electricity at lower cost
than smaller t"rbines! beca"se fo"ndation
costs! planning costs! etc. are independent
of si.e.
Well+s"ited for offshore wind plants.
/n areas where it is diffic"lt to find sites!
one large t"rbine on a tall tower "ses the
wind extremely efficiently.


3ocal electrical grids may not be able to handle the large electrical
o"tp"t from a large t"rbine! so smaller t"rbines may be more

High costs for fo"ndations for large t"rbines may not be

economical in some areas.

3andscape considerations

Wind Turbines: Number of Blades

=ost common design is the three+bladed t"rbine. #he most important reason is
the stability of the t"rbine. A rotor with an odd n"mber of rotor blades (and at least
three blades can be considered to be similar to a disc when calc"lating the dynamic
properties of the machine.

A rotor with an e$en n"mber of blades will gi$e stability problems for a machine
with a stiff str"ct"re. #he reason is that at the $ery moment when the "ppermost
blade bends backwards! beca"se it gets the maxim"m power from the wind! the
lowermost blade passes into the wind shade in front of the tower.

Wind power generators
con$ert wind energy
(mechanical energy to
electrical energy.
#he generator is
attached at one end to the
wind t"rbine! which
pro$ides the mechanical
At the other end! the
generator is connected to
the electrical grid.
#he generator needs to
ha$e a cooling system to
make s"re there is no


>e7"ire less force to t"rn than a larger ones! b"t gi$e m"ch lower
power o"tp"t.

3ess efficient
i.e.. /f yo" fit a large wind t"rbine rotor with a small generator it
will be prod"cing electricity d"ring many ho"rs of the year! b"t it
will capt"re only a small part of the energy content of the wind at
high wind speeds.

?ery efficient at high wind speeds! b"t "nable to t"rn at low wind
i.e.. /f the generator has larger coils! and@or a stronger internal
magnet! it will re7"ire more force (mechanical to start in motion.

A indmill built so t!at it too se"erely interru#ts t!e airflo
t!rou$! its %ross se%tion ill redu%e t!e effe%ti"e ind "elo%ity
at its lo%ation and di"ert mu%! of t!e airflo around itself&
t!us not e'tra%tin$ t!e ma'imum #oer from t!e ind(
At t!e ot!er e'treme& a indmill t!at inter%e#ts a small
fra%tion of t!e ind #assin$ t!rou$! its %ross se%tion ill
redu%e t!e ind)s "elo%ity by only a small amount& t!us
e'tra%tin$ only a small fra%tion of t!e #oer from t!e ind
tra"ersin$ t!e indmill dis*(
Modern Windmills %an attain an effi%ien%y of about +, - of
t!e t!eoreti%al ma'imum(

./m01 2 +(3 ' 3,045 "06
A#he power in wind is
proportional to the c"bic wind
speed ( $B; .
1 Cinetic energy of an air mass
is proportional to $B)
1 Amo"nt of air mass mo$ing
past a gi$en point is proportional
to wind $elocity ($

7 An e'tra meter of toer ill %ost rou$!ly 3&8,, US9(

A ty#i%al +,, *W turbine %osts about :58,&,,,(

Installation %osts are ty#i%ally :318&,,,(

T!erefore& t!e total %osts ill be about :8;8&,,,(

T!e a"era$e #ri%e for lar$e& modern ind farms is

around :3&,,, #er *iloatt ele%tri%al #oer installed(

Modern ind turbines are desi$ned to or* for some

31,&,,, !ours of o#eration t!rou$!out t!eir desi$n
lifetime of 1, years( < 36(; years non4sto#=

Maintenan%e %osts are about 3(841(, #er%ent of t!e

ori$inal %ost& #er year(

T!e U(S( %urrently !as more t!an 3&+,, MW of installed

%a#a%ity and #rodu%es about 3 billion KWh of electricity
each year.

T!is is enou$! to meet t!e annual residential needs of 3

million #eo#le(

More t!an 90 percent of t!is #oer is #rodu%ed by t!ree

ind farms in >alifornia <Altamont .ass& Te!a%!a#i and
.alm S#rin$s=(

T!e U(S( %ontains enou$! useable ind resour%e to #rodu%e
more ele%tri%ity t!an t!e nation %urrently uses(
T!e ma?ority of t!is usable resour%e is in t!e Great .lains
re$ion( Nort! 9a*ota alone !as enou$! suitable ind
resour%e to su##ly 6+ #er%ent of t!e ele%tri%ity %onsumed in
t!e U(S(
In addition& de"elo#ment of ma?or $lobal ind ener$y
mar*ets %ould si$nifi%antly im#a%t ?obs@re%ent studies s!o
t!at ea%! billion *iloatt4!ours of annual ind ener$y
$eneration %reates beteen 55, to 5+, ?obs(

Ad"anta$es of Wind .oer

#he wind blows day and night! which allows windmills to
prod"ce electricity thro"gho"t the day. (Daster d"ring the day
Energy o"tp"t from a wind t"rbine will $ary as the wind $aries!
altho"gh the most rapid $ariations will to some extent be
compensated for by the inertia of the wind t"rbine rotor.
Wind energy is a domestic! renewable so"rce of energy that
generates no poll"tion and has little en$ironmental impact. Up to
E* percent of land "sed for wind farms can also be "sed for other
profitable acti$ities incl"ding ranching! farming and forestry.
#he decreasing cost of wind power and the growing interest in
renewable energy so"rces sho"ld ens"re that wind power will
become a $iable energy so"rce in the United States and worldwide.

Wind Turbines and t!e Lands%a#e

4 Lar$e turbines don)t turn as fast attra%t less attention
4 >ity dellers AdellB on t!e attention attra%ted by indmills

Sound from Wind Turbines

4 In%reasin$ ti# s#eed less sound
4 T!e %losest nei$!bor is usually 6,, m e'#erien%es almost no noise

Birds often %ollide it! !i$! "olta$e o"er!ead lines& masts& #oles& and
indos of buildin$s( T!ey are also *illed by %ars in traffi%( Coe"er&
birds are seldom bot!ered by ind turbines(

T!e only *non site it! bird %ollision #roblems is lo%ated in t!e
Altamont .ass in >alifornia(

9anis! Ministry of t!e En"ironment study re"ealed t!at #oer lines

are a mu%! $reater dan$er to birds t!an t!e ind turbines(

Some birds e"en nest on %a$es on Wind Toers(

Planning Wind Turbine Installation in
Regard to Sound

7 Most of t!e information and data in t!is
#resentation as ta*en from

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