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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like dick, horny, and cum.

Stranger: age?
You: im 17.
Stranger: 19
Stranger: that ok?
You: yes
You: wherea re u from
Stranger: from paris
Stranger: live in NY
You: niceeee
You: u looook so hot
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: u got a jib?
Stranger: job*
You: no. why
Stranger: just wondering
Stranger: im a model
You: reallly ???
Stranger: ya
You: OMG, i think u like that
You: to be a model
Stranger: ya
Stranger: pays good so ya
You: and, are u virgin ?
Stranger: nah
Stranger: u?
You: yes.....
You: not really good..
You: its not nice
Stranger: thats k
You: would u turn around, to see u
You: ?
You: if u are a good model ?
You: :))
Stranger: ya sure
You: ohhh. yes, u deserve
You: to be a model :))
Stranger: thanks
You: You are the most sexy girl on omegle until now
Stranger: hah thanks
Stranger: u would think that i wouldnt b here but with a snobby daddy,i hafta ha
ve fun ;)
You: Haha, im glad to be alone in my home
You: for almost
You: all the day, its so nicee, to do what i want
Stranger: haha i just bought my new penthouse but its under renovation so im wit
h my parents
You: why dont u stay sit down?
You: u like to move all the time ?
Stranger: ill sit
Stranger: im in the butlers room bc my daddy wouldnt come looking for me
Stranger: plus my butlers off for the week
You: can i see your bracelet ?
You: its really nice
Stranger: its just a hair tie lol
You: =)))yeah LOL
You: but it is loooking nice on your hand
Stranger: aww thanks
Stranger: so where do u livwe
You: in Bulgaria
Stranger: live
Stranger: oh haha
Stranger: ive been there bfore!!!
You: so cool
You: its not so beauty..
Stranger: once i snuck out of my house and flew to Cali to have sex for one nigh
t XD
You: oh my god, u are a brave girl
You: has it worth it ?
Stranger: it wasnt that hard. i just called the pilot
Stranger: it waaas
Stranger: i made the pilot wait for and hour
You: =))nice
You: u have facebook ?
Stranger: no daddy doesnt belive in social media
Stranger: i have a personal jet tho :)
You: neah, i dont think that
You: a jet, is fking jet, its like everything u want
Stranger: ya dadddy is the ceo of a huge business so ya
Stranger: we r rich
Stranger: and im an only child
Stranger: *spoilt*
You: yeah, u are lucky, u must be happy
You: Look, u want to keep talking with me, or u want to do more dirty things?jus
t to know ...
Stranger: well considering ur a virgin, i dont wanna push anything
You: what to push /
You: u consider my shy ?
Stranger: no just dont wanna make u uncomfortable
You: ahaha, im looking to a stunnig girl, thats for sure
You: very comfortable
You: i can live like this ;LOL
Stranger: aww thanks boo
You: oo, u dont want to see your face ?
Stranger: nahhh
Stranger: lol watchu wanna doo
You: everything u want
Stranger: just name it
Stranger: ill do it
You: speaking with u is nice, the rest is already bonus
Stranger: aww thanks bb
You: look, i was horny but now, im little soft....
You: if u could make me would be great
Stranger: how about i change that
Stranger: ???
You: what change ?
Stranger: make u hard again XD
You: yes, but first i one to ask you something
Stranger: whatt
You: i am so fucking addicted to u, that, i really dont want to see u the last t
You: i wonder, u havent anything, to contact u like skype
You: or mess?, thats all my question
Stranger: ummm kik?
You: ok, lets make me hard, forget the rest
Stranger: hold on lemme get my hpione real quick
Stranger: u got a kik?
You: what is a kik ?
Stranger: app
You: noo...
You: GOD, shit.
You: but i give everything u want..
Stranger: umm do u have an iphone?
You: no, a smartphone
You: i dont like ios
Stranger: oh
You: ok,, whats for
You: that aplication ?
Stranger: messaging
Stranger: i have a password on it so my daddy cant see anything ;)
You: i think u have messenger on iphone ?
Stranger: no
Stranger: well we do but i dont have an FB
You: twiter, instagram ?
You: u know, stuff....
Stranger: stuff?
You: applicatios i mean
Stranger: aalright, lets get down to business
Stranger: watchu want me 2 do
You: i love women haircuts...
Stranger: what?
You: im wondering about your hairstyle
Stranger: side part
Stranger: brown hair
You: or back part
You: im brown too
Stranger: oh cool
You: may i see your tits ?
You: ok, continue
You: what tu wanted ...
Stranger: do u want me to put a shirt on?
You: ye..
Stranger: ill show u my tits but if it makes u uncomfortable, ill put on aa shir
You: come on ))))
You: ia m virgrin, but im a fucking porno man:)))
Stranger: lol
You: just that i dont have luck with girls.maybe
Stranger: whateva u want
You: i dont tried really hard...
Stranger: ur hot!!!!
You: thank u, u make my face red
Stranger: lol cute :)
Stranger: so watchu want me 2 do
Stranger: shirt? boobs? pussi?
Stranger: u name it
You: Gabriel
Stranger: ?
You: oooo
You: ok, im gonna finish....
You: cum , i mean, if we start
You: if im turned on, im not going bak
You: :))
Stranger: lol so what do u want me 2 show
You: to see your tits...
You: beauty model
Stranger: u sure?
You: yrs, why u ask me ?
Stranger: i feel like im unflowering u... through video
Stranger: aww ur laugh is cute
You: trust me, a better dream would not exist for me...
Stranger: lol
You: to have sex with u.....
You: fucking theese countries
You: :!!!!! :)))
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ok i will show u boobs
You: thx
You: awwww
You: u make me smile...
Stranger: awww
Stranger: ur so sweet :)
You: :** i would kisss you so much
You: that i'll take off your bereath
You: breath
You: :)))
Stranger: i wouldnt stop u, boo :)
You: very beauty....
You: it would be better
You: if u put them togehter
You: yeees...
You: u born for that !! :*
Stranger: hah
Stranger: is someone with u?
You: no, i said, until 5 pm
You: im alone
You: so fucking great.
Stranger: oh lol
You: i can masturbate all day
Stranger: anything else bb
Stranger: lol
You: when u said ur boobs, i think
You: that u show me the boobs, not only the hands
Stranger: omg sliding into second base: full on naked XD
Stranger: so no hand?
You: u are so sweet
Stranger: should i move it?
You: yeeaaa
You: oh yyees
Stranger: good enough lol
You: i would love to kiss your tits
Stranger: and suck my nipples?
You: yes, Fucking God, u read my thoughts
Stranger: aww sweetie
You: the heaven comes to me
You: i cant believe that
You: u really know how to pleasure a guy
Stranger: u r the first guy who is not a major douch on omegle
You: i appreciate this..
You: i thought u will quit
Stranger: u ask me permission: may i?
You: and, thats why somethimes, i must be quuick
Stranger: aww so sweet and respectful
You: lets get forward.....
You: i think u really like to do that...
Stranger: forward?
You: next base, how u say
You: :))))0
Stranger: lol second base
You: ok....u understand
You: would u
Stranger: wait what r u saying?
Stranger: pussy?!!!!
You: im mthinking, what makkes me horny, i dont want to be a perv
Stranger: as in panties off?!!!
You: to say, show me your fucking pussy, and so...on
Stranger: lol ok
Stranger: i just wanted u to say it lol sory
You: sorry for what, u must not sorry for nothing
You: i dont know how to thak u
Stranger: aww ok so pussy next?
You: yeee
You: slowly
Stranger: lol this slow?!!
You: yes
You: nice
Stranger: lol hold on
Stranger: im teasing u
You: i forgot a thing, my net si little fucked, if it alls down, ill cut my dick
You: so, im sorry yo say that, more actions than cheat.....
You: very hot
You: u got a perfect pussy
Stranger: full on naked lol
You: i will show my dick too, in a minutes
You: i dont want to do you
You: all the thing, and me just wacht
You: its not fair
Stranger: you dont?
You: but, i must get
You: a little horny..
Stranger: oh haha
Stranger: its fine
You: come closeeer.
You: i think u should move lower the
Stranger: what else should i do?
You: caamera
You: can u stay
You: doggy ?
Stranger: u want doggy style??
You: yes
Stranger: like that?
You: fuuuucl. u tak emy breath
Stranger: thanks youuuu
You: i would give evverythin to have
You: my first sex with you......
Stranger: aww honeeyyy
Stranger: r u hard yett
You: im almost
You: but i will
You: show u if u want
Stranger: how about i show u something more personal
You: great
Stranger: how about my pussi
Stranger: like full on?
Stranger: k let me go on the floor
You: idk how to say, its
You: amazing
Stranger: aww thanks!
Stranger: ready?
You: yes
Stranger: okayy straddle around camera?
You: yes....
You: i would love to put my cumy dick into ur pussy....
Stranger: ok so ur comfortable with this?
You: yes
Stranger: awesome i would love that too!
You: theres no turnig back
Stranger: haha true
Stranger: ready?
You: yes
Stranger: ok
Stranger: 3
Stranger: ....
Stranger: 2
Stranger: .....
Stranger: 1
You: is that you ?
Stranger: lol ya
You: kidding
You: promis me that after i will cum dont quit so fast
You: ok, close your legs
Stranger: i wont lol
You: and wait a minnute
Stranger: okayy
You: i mean
You: close the legs
You: stayying down
Stranger: whyy?
You: to make me horny
Stranger: lol k
Stranger: like this?
You: mabe some fingerws
You: ther
You: ..
Stranger: fingering?
You: yes... it helps
You: a lot
Stranger: like up my vag
You: y
Stranger: im just checking
Stranger: ill do it
Stranger: u wanna see?
You: yes
Stranger: k
Stranger: ill get closer
Stranger: all the way in?
You: ok, u ready to see my virgin dick ?
You: dont ask, just do
Stranger: WATCH
Stranger: u like?
You: i want to stand up
You: perfect yes
Stranger: u can.
You: oik......
You: i think like that
Stranger: ooh nice and big XD
Stranger: ya keep rubbing it
Stranger: ill keep fingering 2
Stranger: im so wet
You: me tooo
You: i think that i want
You: to go for
You: the last base
Stranger: awesome
Stranger: can u cum 4 me???
You: ofc...
You: loook
You: what
You: u must do
You: rise your legs
You: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Stranger: like this?
You: i will say when im ready
Stranger: k
You: get some fingers
You: ok ,look
Stranger: hell ya
Stranger: good job!
Stranger: and its standing!!!
You: he,llll yea,my
You: keybord
You: is drawniing
You: wait, i must bring a
You: towel or sometimng
Stranger: k
You: o, u can sit how u want
You: make comfortbale
Stranger: ooh that was funnn
You: no, that was the best
You: for me at least
Stranger: lol ur cute
Stranger: hows ur keyboard
You: like a chameleon
You: form black to white :))
Stranger: oh haha funyy
You: u are very sexy
You: u have boyfriend ?
Stranger: so do u live with anyone?
Stranger: no.
You: im alone,my parent are at their jobs
You: no brothers or sisters
Stranger: broke up with him a couple days ago
Stranger: oh k
Stranger: we r really on and off
You: u have a lot of reliatonships
Stranger: so u rnt gonna get in trouble bc of the cum on ur keyboard, rght?
You: i hope that i will not wait so long for a pussy...
You: No, swettie
Stranger: nah just a bf since 2nd grade. we r really on and off
Stranger: lol k
Stranger: so where in bulgaria do u live?
You: In Sofia
Stranger: ooh fun
Stranger: i live in manhattan
Stranger: is the shopping good there?
You: yes
You: i forgot u live
You: in usa, i rembered pairs
You: paris
Stranger: oh lol im from paris
Stranger: born and brought up
Stranger: moved here in 1st grade
You: ur life is mostly in usa, i would love
You: to visit usa
Stranger: lol u should come
Stranger: the shopping is amazing in manhattan
Stranger: only on the upper east side tho.
Stranger: have u heard of the upper east side?
You: i would buy you the most fucking adorable shorts and dress...
You: no i dont heared..
Stranger: aww thanks
Stranger: warning: very expensive
Stranger: like VERY
You: right now, im at the best
You: school in town
Stranger: funn
You: and, im going to
Stranger: no but seriously i bough a 5000 sq ft penthouse for 10 million dollars
Stranger: fucking expensive
You: yes, u are so adorable
You: and i give 2 dollars for a lollipop
Stranger: lol
Stranger: but my dad payed half so its not that bad lol
You: U have an awesome life, i suppose
Stranger: yaaa
You: what i want for u
Stranger: i just went on a shopping spree!
You: is to find a perfect man for u, to care u well, and to be happy
Stranger: nahh clothes and shoes lol
You: manhattan is very fucking famous..
Stranger: did u look it up?
You: yea,
You: but im going to move
Stranger: where?
You: 4 years ago to ludogorets to sofia, and
You: after i finish my highschool
You: im going to spain
You: Valencia
Stranger: ooh fun
Stranger: u wanna see my shoes XD
Stranger: sorry rlly excited bout them!!!
You: yes, of course im curious
Stranger: brace urself, the price is ubearable
You: their are awesome, the colour is great, i think that
You: it suits u great
Stranger: aww thanks
You: i want t know
Stranger: the price?
You: yes, yes the price and
You: something more
You: come on, make me
You: amazed
Stranger: what?
You: by the price
Stranger: ohh haha
Stranger: $4,500
You: im really shocked, are u a star >
Stranger: no daddy owns a jewelry industry
You: im talking wiht paris hilton or kim kardashian right now ?
Stranger: u r???
You: yea, the biggest virgin, i made magazines
You: :)))
Stranger: sureee....
Stranger: lol
You: why u
You: dont show me ur face..
You: ?
Stranger: daddy'll get mad
Stranger: hes ok with omegle...
Stranger: doesnt want strangers to see my face
You: i understand
You: my parent have no idea, what im doing alone
Stranger: lol
You: i think they would shoot me
You: to see me with my dick all day in my hand :LOL
Stranger: omg do u wanna see my new necklace??
Stranger: omg haha theyre in for a surprise!!!
You: yea.
Stranger: its from daddys new line!
You: put
You: on you
You: just for form
You: very nice
You: it makes u seductive
Stranger: aww haha
Stranger: it was free XD
You: yea, u must thanks
You: a lot to your daddy
Stranger: yaaa! free for me $200,000 for others
You: come on
You: its not possible
Stranger: ya real diamonds and gold
You: 200 k
Stranger: yep
You: so, it means, that
You: makes u priceless
You: :)
Stranger: its a 52 carat necklace!!!
You: how many boyfriend
You: s
You: do u had
Stranger: 1 serious. about 10 hookups
You: and how old are u
Stranger: 19
You: i suppose life in NY is kind fucking all the time
Stranger: yep
Stranger: parties and all
Stranger: but ur only accepted if ur rich
Stranger: only down side
Stranger: real snobs
You: i think its hard
You: to eat
You: just fruits
You: and no sweets and so on
You: to be model
Stranger: u get used to it
Stranger: my chef makes me rlly delicious snacks and meals so i guess its fine
You: hold on
Stranger: why the laugh?
You: u have your own chef >?
Stranger: ya. marco
Stranger: well its daddys chef
You: ok, i clearely understand u
You: im talking like noob with u, i ask
You: u stupid questions
You: now, i figured that out, :)LOL
You: i want to ask
You: how many cars u have >
You: or how many bentley better say
Stranger: daddy: 4 Bentleys, 2 Maseratis, 1 BMW, 4 Mercedes, 2 limos
Stranger: and daddy bough me 1 maserati, 1 ferrari, and 1 bmw
Stranger: thats it
You: im a little speachless
You: the life is 180 degrees different from eastern europe to usa
You: i mean, even the richest peoeple here, dont have things like this.....
Stranger: hes really materialistic... its always competition with other people.
its how u win in NY
Stranger: ohh wow
You: so, NY is bad ass....
Stranger: pretty much
Stranger: how big is ur house?
You: u tried Las Vegas ?
You: we are 3
You: me + parents, not really big
You: but its ok, for me i dont like big houses
Stranger: ohh see its only my dad, mom, butler, helper, maid, chef, and me in a
9 bd 12 bath house.... ridiculous... nothing we need
You: Look, i dont want to dont see u never again, i like to cheat with u
You: its ok i give
You: my number ?
You: dont want sex, and stuffed like theese
You: like speak with u, u are cute with me
Stranger: if my dad finds me texting another boy other than mason, he will kill
you... (not literally but still)
Stranger: like its always been Kiley and Mason since elemntary school!
You: ohh, fuck.
You: it sok
Stranger: ya like mason gives me the world, but hes so much likemy dad sometimes
Stranger: sorry im venting to u
You: look, i dont u want o get dressed, i dont want o have a boner again, i must
visit the doctor in 2 hours
You: whats venting ?
Stranger: like telling all my problems to
You: oh come on
You: i said, u are delighting every single second, and cuz of that
You: is hard to know that is last time.....
Stranger: ya...
You: but, i am living the moment
You: ..
Stranger: same...
Stranger: i have to go to the salon bc i have a shoot in 6 hrs. fml
You: bc
You: what BC
You: is
Stranger: fml is fuck my life
You: ok.... im not the best in english
You: what is FML, and bc
Stranger: fml is fuck my life
Stranger: bc is because
You: sorry
You: oooo
You: whats ur name ?
Stranger: Kiley
You: You was THE BEST Kiley !
Stranger: thankss!
Stranger: and if u ever meet anyone special, buy her something from Bulgari (my
dads brand) she will love it, i promise
Stranger: its expensive but nice
You: ok, its easy to know Bulgaria= Bulgari
You: :))
Stranger: haha
Stranger: its really nice! and if u ever travel to Bali, u should stay in one of
our villas!
Stranger: just search up Bulgari and go on the website!
You: i will do that for sure
Stranger: its an italian brand that has been in my family for many generations :
You: i Love everything in commomn
You: with italy
You: ist nice
Stranger: lol pizza
You: yea....we all love pizza
You: maybe u met
You: meet
You: there 50 cent there
You: if u ddidn't..
You: haha..
Stranger: haha
Stranger: hold on
You: if u ever make a fb , my name is ciobanu Gabriel
Stranger: Gabriel?
You: want o show something yes
Stranger: ok
Stranger: pk
Stranger: ok :)
You: yea...... im looking to u
Stranger: lol
You: and i dont know what to say
Stranger: k
Stranger: im sorry it was really nice chatting with u but i have to go to the sa
lon to get my nails done
Stranger: im really sorry
Stranger: it was nice chatting with u gabriel
You: yes, me too
You: Bye swettiee
Stranger: bye ill miss u
You: so i, u make me cry..
You: u can quto
You: quit
Stranger: bye boo! dont cry!!! one day u will find the girl of ur dreams! never
give up <3
You: thanks
Stranger has disconnected.

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