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Understanding the quality of nursing services

for can organize a quality service, a lot of things that need to be understood, which was considered one
of them has a very important role is about what is meant by quality of service.
Quality of health care held by many healthcare institutions are almost always able to satisfy the patient,
and therefore often referred to as quality health care. One definition states that the quality of health
care generally refers to the ability of the hospital, providing services in accordance with professional
standards of health and acceptable to patients. According to Anwar (1996) quality of health services is
the level of excellence in health care creates a feeling of self-satisfaction in each patient. The more
perfect satisfaction, the better the quality of health services.
In organizing an effort to maintain the quality of health services in the hospital can not be separated
from the nursing profession plays an important role. Based on the evaluation of standards and quality
control is described that nursing services ensuring high quality nursing care to engage in continuous
quality control program at the hospital.
According Wiedenback (in Lumenta, 1989) nurse is someone who has a profession based on scientific
knowledge, skills and attitudes that work based on the sense of responsibility and devotion. Meanwhile,
according to Karsinah (in Wirawan, 1998) nurse is one vital element in hospitals, nurses, doctors, and
patients is an integral and most in need and can not be separated. Without nurses duty doctors will be
more severe in dealing with patients. Without nurses, patient welfare is also neglected because the
nurse is the first and longest penjalin contact with patients given the ongoing nursing care 24 hours a
Department of Health defines a nurse is a person who provides health care services in a professional
manner in the form of services which biological, psychological, social, spiritual, addressed to individuals,
families and communities. The nursing care given because of the physical and mental weakness, lack of
knowledge and lack of understanding of the patient's ability to perform activities independently. The
activity was carried out in an attempt to achieve improved health with an emphasis in health care that
enable individuals achieve their healthy and productive life (Aditama, 2002).
Of the boundaries of the definition above, it can be concluded the notion of quality of nursing care is the
professional attitude that nurses provide a feeling of comfort, secure in yourself every patient who is
undergoing a healing process in which this attitude is compensated as service and are expected to give
rise to a feeling of self-satisfaction in patients.

2. Aspects of quality of nursing services
According to Parasuraman (in Tjiptono, 1997) aspects of the quality or the quality of service are:
a. Reliability (reliability)
The ability to deliver the promised services with immediate, accurate and satisfying, honest, safe, timely,
availability. Overall it is related to confidence in the service in relation to time.
b. Responsiveness (responsiveness)
That is the desire of the employee or employees to help customers and provide it to respond to
consumer needs, quickly take notice and address the needs.
c. Guarantee (assurance)
Covers the skills, knowledge, courtesy and trustworthiness that you have on employees, free from
danger, risk, doubt, have the competence, confidence and raises confidence in the truth (objective).
d. Empathy or concern (empathy)
Covering the ease of having good communication and understanding the needs of consumers who
realized in full attention to each customer, to serve customers with a friendly and engaging,
understanding the customer's aspirations, communication is good and right and being in sympathy.
e. Direct evidence or intangible (tangibles)
Includes physical facilities, equipment staff, cleanliness (health), good room orderly, well-dressed and
harmonious appearance of employees or equipment and communication devices.
Meanwhile, according to MOH (in Onny, 1985) have established that good quality care services, said if
the nurses in providing care for patients in accordance with the basic aspects of care. Aspects principles
include aspects of reception, care, responsibility, and cooperation komuniksi. Furthermore, each aspect
is described as follows:
a. Aspects acceptance
This specification covers the attitude of nurses were always friendly, cheerful, always smiling, greeting
all patients. Nurses need to have an interest in the other person, accepts patients regardless of class,
rank, socio-economic background and culture, so the whole person. In order to perform services in
accordance aspect reception nurse must have an interest in other people and have a broad insight.
b. Aspects of attention
This specification covers the attitude of nurses in providing nursing services need to be patient,
generous in the sense of willing to provide aid and relief to the patient voluntarily without expecting
anything in return, has a sensitivity and sensitive to any changes in the patient, try to understand the
patient's anxiety and fear.
. Aspects of communication
These aspects include the attitude of nurses to be able to communicate well with patients and patients'
families. There is communication between patients interact with nurses, and a good relationship with
the patient's family.
d. Aspects of cooperation
These aspects include the attitude of nurses to be able to do a good cooperation with patients and their
e. Aspects responsibility
This specification covers the attitude of nurses who are honest, diligent in the task, being able to devote
time and attention, sportsmanship in the task, consistent and precise in action.
Joewono (2003) mentions the existence of eight aspects that need to be considered in the service are:
a. Concern, how far the company noticed emotions or feelings.
b. The physical environment, this aspect shows the level of cleanliness of the environment to be enjoyed
by consumers, when they use the product.
c. Quick response, which indicates the speed aspect of the company in response to consumer needs.
d. Ease trade, how easily consumers conduct transactions with service providers.
e. Ease of getting information, how much attention the company to present information fast.
f. Ease of access, how easily consumers can access the service provider when the consumer needs it.
g. The procedure, how well the procedure to be followed by consumers when dealing with the
h. Price, aspects that determine the value of service experience perceived by consumers when
interacting with the company.
While Soegiarto (1999) mentions five aspects that should be owned by services industry, namely:
. Hurry, time spent in serving guests at least equal to the standard time limit. It is a time limit in the
hospital visiting a specified time.
. Exactly, speed without accuracy in work does not guarantee consumer satisfaction. How nurses in
providing care for patients that is appropriate to provide assistance with complaints from patients.
. Safe, secure safety covers physically and psychologically over an poduk or consumption. In providing
services that pay attention to patient safety and providing the confidence and trust to the patient so as
to give a sense of security to the patient.
. Suave, appreciate and respect the consumer, even when customers complain. Nurses are always
gracious in accepting the complaint without the emotional high that the patient will feel happy and
loved the service of nurses.
. Cozy, comfortable feeling arises when someone feels taken for granted. Patients who need comfort
from both the inpatient and comfortable circumstances so that patients will feel comfortable in the
process of healing.
erdasarkan view of some experts can be concluded that these aspects of quality of nursing care are as
follows: (a) the receipt includes the attitude of nurses were always friendly, cheerful, always smiling,
greeting all patients. Nurses need to have an interest in the other person, accepts patients regardless of
class, rank, socio-economic background and culture, so the whole person. In order to perform services in
accordance aspect reception nurse must have an interest in other people and have a broad insight. (B)
attention, including the attitude of nurses in providing nursing services need to be patient, generous in
the sense of willing to provide aid and relief to the patient voluntarily without expecting anything in
return, has a sensitivity and sensitive to any changes in the patient, try to understand the patient's
anxiety and fear. (C) communication, including the attitude of nurses to be able to communicate well
with patients and patients' families. There is communication between patients interact with nurses, and
a good relationship with the patient's family. (D) cooperation, including the attitude that nurses should
be able to cooperate well with patients and their families. (E) the responsibilities, including the attitude
of nurses who are honest, diligent in the task, being able to devote time and attention, sportsmanship in
the task, consistent and precise in action.

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