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1. Indicate the composition of Earth's layers?
2. Is it sial?
3. Name three types of lithosphere rocks!
4. What is the meaning of magma intrusion
and extrusion of magma?
5. Is tectonism it?
6. Name three types of weathering!
7. why it happened valley?
8. he explained the terms of the delta!
9. Activities are the most causes of land
degradation, provide
10. Mention of landscape impact of water
erosion by the river!
11. Mention mayor plate system
12. all continents drifted to form one super-
continent called?
13. The massive area of land was surrounded
by a single vast sea called
14. what is sima?
15. The northern part of Pangaea was called
16. what you know about Moho
orMohorovicic (Yugoslavia
17 how many type of rock, mention
18 The word Lithosphere means rock sphere &
is derived from the Latin word
19 what is Baryshphere
20 what is The Antarctic Plate
Answer (litoshper)
1. a. Barisfer
b. Mediator Layer
c. Lithosphere
2. sial is the earth's crust is composed of
silicon and aluminum metal.
3. a. igneous
b. sedimentary rocks
c. metamorphic rocks
4. Intrusion of magma between layers
infiltrate events rock - rock but can not reach
the earth's surface. Extrusion of magma
intrusion event until the exit surface magma
earth and form a volcano.
5. Tektonisme the power that comes from
within the earth that causes
changes in the earth's surface layers, both
horizontal vertical and

6. a. Physical or mechanical weathering
b. organic weathering
c. chemical weathering
7. Because of the vertical erosion and erosion
to the side.
Vertical erosion of the river erodes the river
bed so that the inner and erosion into
Besides causing the river widened.
8. a. Sedimen those carried by the river should
be a lot.
b. High tide along the coast to be strong
c. must be shallow beach
9. The causes of deforestation are arbitrary -
because forests protect MENA
as a counterweight ecosystems on earth.
10. a. Valley
b. ravine
c. Rapid
d. Waterfall
11. The American Plate consists of the
continental lithosphere of North and
SouthAmerica and the mid- Atlantic ridge
which divides the Atlantic Ocean Basin.
The Pacific Plate
consists mainly of oceanic lithosphere plus the
coastalportion of the plates boundary of the
San Andreas fault.
The Eurasian Plate
is mainly a continental lithosphere but is
fringed on thenorth and the east by oceanic
The African Plate
has a central core of continental lithosphere
nearlysurrounded by oceanic lithosphere.
The Australo-Indian Plate
is an elongated rectangle consisting mainly
of oceanic lithosphere but with two main
continental lithospheres- the plateau
of peninsular India and the mainland of Australia.
The Antarctic Plate
forms the central core of the continental
lithosphere,completely surrounded by oceanic
lithosphere. The plate has an elliptical shape.
12. Pangaea (all land)
13. Panthalassa
14. Below SIAL layer and has density of 3.0
13. 35 km below SIAL. Itis a continuous zone
of basaltic rocks forming the ocean floor. It is
made up of silicate and magnesium.
16. The boundary between the crust and the
17.granite and basalt.
18 Lithos (rocks)
20 The Antarctic Plate forms the central core
of the continental lithosphere,completely
surrounded by oceanic lithosphere. The plate
has an elliptical shape

1) The four types of river based water sources

A. periodic rivers, permanent streams, rivers,
glaciers, rivers mix
B. river springs, rivers of rain, rivers, glaciers,
rivers mix
C. periodic rivers, permanent streams,
ephemeral streams, rivers subsequent
D. rainy river, river springs, streams mix, the
permanent river
Q2) Which is not the characteristics of the
river flow downstream is ....

A. Slow flow / quiet
B. Horizontal erosion
C. vertical erosion
D. there is no waterfall
3) River empties into the subsequent ...

A. River mix
B. Ephemeral river
C. River resekuen
D. Consequently River
4) The pattern resembles a dendritic river ....

A. obtuse angle
B. tree
C. a circle
D. pinnate leaf
Q.5) Any form of rain or rain is called ...

A. Run-off
B. Transpiration
C. Rain
D. Precipitation
6) Glaciology is ...

A. The study of ice, rivers, and matters
relating to the ice.
B. The study of living things
C. The study of aquatic
D. The study of water flowing on the surface
of the earth
7) The water in the air covering ...

A. water vapor, fog, and river
B. water vapor, clouds, and aurorae
C. rainbow, water vapor, clouds
D. clouds, fog, water vapor
.8) Is not the type of lake by the process of ...

A. Saltwater lake
B. Tectonic lake
C. Glacier Lake
D. Lake Doline / Karst
9) Examples tektonovulkanik lake is ....

A. Lake Southerne
B. Lake Oregon
C. Lake Kilimutu
D. Lake Toba
10) Swamp where the water comes from the
sea tide is ...

A. Swamp perennial
B. Freshwater marsh
C. Tidal marsh
D. Lowland swamp
11) One of the ground water infiltration media
is ...

A. Soil pores
B. The pores of plants
C. Wall cracks
D. River
12) Which is not the factors that affect the
volume of ground water ...

A. Climate
B. Vegetation
C. Soil texture
D. Ocean state
13) Example Ingresi sea in Indonesia ..

A. Java Sea
B. Banda Sea
C. Arafuru Sea
D. Karimata Strait
14) Zone Continental Shelf is ....

A. Seabed geology and morphology which is a
continuation of a continent, with a depth of
less than 12 miles.
B. Seabed geology and morphology which is a
continuation of a continent, with a depth of
less than 150 meters
C. Seabed geology and morphology which is a
continuation of a continent, with a depth of
less than 150 miles
D. Seabed that is biologically and
morphologically is a continuation of a
continent, with a depth of less than 150
15) Flood plain is ...

A. Local alluvial soil deposits that exist on
either side of the river and frequently flooded
during the flood.
B. Humus soil sediment areas that exist on
either side of the river and frequently flooded
during the flood.
C. Regional sediment alluvial soil that is on
either side of the river and frequently flooded
during the dry.
D. Regional deposition of acid soil that is on
either side of the river and often flooded
when it rains.
16) Levels of salt water (saltinitas) is ...

A. More or less salt expressed as grams
contained in 1 liter of sea water
B. More or less salt expressed as grams
contained in 1 kg of sea water
C. More or less salt expressed as grams
contained in 1 liter of river water
D. More or less salt expressed as grams
contained in 1 kg of river water
17) Color white sea water, commonly found in

A. Sea water north-south pole
B. Sea water in Indonesian waters
C. Sea water in the South China Sea
D. Sea water in the Red Sea
18) Which is not including the movement of
sea water ...

A. Ocean currents
B. Sea breeze
C. Waves of sea water
D. High tide and tidal
19) Examples of currents under the sea ....

A. Flow Oyashiwo
B. Flow Gibraltar
C. Flow Karimata
D. California Flow
20) Limit Indonesia's marine area measured
12 miles from the baseline date in accordance
with the Declaration of Juan ...

A. December 13, 2000
B. December 13, 1954
C. December 13, 1975
D. December 13, 1957

1. B
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. D

MRs. CICI, S.pd

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