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A Challenge Letter for Kudou Shinichi

Shinichi Kudo, a name familiar in the ears high school kids. Shinichi Kudo, a young
detective from a private high school, he was a young man who has a keen ability to
think. He has assisted police in solving some difficult cases the police. Shinichi had a
childhood friend named Ran Mouri, the daughter of a private detective Kogoro Mouri
and a lady friend named Sonoko, a tycoon's daughter.

One day Shinichi got challenge letter from someone who said will kidnap one of his
friend on the boat. So, Shinichi accept the invite from Ran for attend the Study Tour.

On the boat began Shinichi alert and watched 4 other people on board the captain,
crew, teacher assistants, and guide tour. The first victims of these kidnappings is

After the kidnapping incident, everyone is looking for Sonoko at the ship, but no
found, the ship is aside to find where the existence of Sonoko. But no avail, finally
Shinichi got a phone from the kidnapper. And the kidnapper will kidnap one of his
friend again, because the kidnapper was not satisfied with Shinichi. And the next
victim is Ran.

But behind all of these problems Shinichi finally understood where Ran and Sonoko
being held, how to trick the perpetrator and who was responsible. And at night time
Shinichi and Kogoro Mouri, the father began to look for Ran and Sonoko and
accidentally met with the principals, namely Mai, the tour guide. Shinichi also reveal
all the tricks, defeating Mai and then save Ran and Sonoko.

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