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Dad and me


What was the decade defining event
of the Noughties?
Well i can not remember a specific
event, but it was the decade of growth,
expansion and the apperance of the
alternative Art scene in Sarajevo. Also
there was the growth of the civil society
in post war Bosnia and Herzegovina.
When i say decade defining TV shows and
movies of the Noughties, what do you think of?
-Star Trek
What new music genres appered on
the scene in the Noughties?
Well there were a lot. Some
of the ones i came across
are electronic, drum and
base, techno, dub, trans
and experimental rock.
What were your favorite bands and
music artists in the Noughties?
Well i did not like the
mainstream ones. The ones I
listened to were Solar feels,
Logic bomb and Burial.
What advances in technology were
made in the Noughties?
The greatest advance was
made in the industry of smart
phones, as well tablets came
around. And the internet
reached a huge expansion.
What was fashoin like in the Noughties?
Well, fashion brands started to
make good-looking clothes
inexpensive. Some of th more
popular ones were H&M, Zara,
New Yorker.....
What famous people did have the
most influence on your upinions?
Mostly writers and performers. My
favorites were Cterlac, Bruno B
and so on. The magazines I read
were Federal tribune and New

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