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Sample Paper 1

1) What is the term used to refer to one billon gigabytes? Exabyte

2) Robert Metcalfes first experimental network was called the lto loha !etwork" #n
1$%&' Metcalfe changed the name to what? Ethernet
&) Whose auto(biography is titled )*assages from the +ife of a *hilosopher?
Charles Babbage
,) -ig -lue is the nickname for which #. giant? IBM
/) Which well(known programming language was de0eloped in the 1$%1s by 2ennis
Ritchie and -rian 3ernighan? C
4) Which online ma5or was created by 6eff -e7os?
%) What was de0eloped by +arry Wall as a replacement for W3' a text processing
language? Perl
8) What was in0ented by *eter 3ramer 9 +ou :ttens at *hilips? Compact Disc
$) Which gaming company was originally called ma7in ;oftware? Electronic Arts
11) )<onnect is the online music store set up by which company? Sony
11) .elstra is a telecommunications company based in which country? Astralia
12) #n the world of #.' the name of what is deri0ed from the words )center and
)neutrino? Centrino
1&) Who is known as the =father of the World Wide Web>? !im Berners "ee
1,) What one word is used to describe a web based seminar? #ebinar
1/) What word was coined to describe the process of outsourcing work to #ndia?

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