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A Day in the Life Unit 3 Stop Motion Roles ad Responsibilities

Yumi Nagai
Oct 28, 2014
Ms. Bracken
The first part of the stop motion project that was done by me was the creation of the story board.
This included rough sketches and basic ideas (which most were discarded or redone). This also
involved a lot of switching between ideas based on simplicity/manipulative power on the
characters and props that were planned to be used. The other role I performed in the making of
the stop motion was set and character design. I was also responsible for the photographing of the
stop motion itself, on which two days was spent on doing. The set was a 2D one, with large
sheets of white paper serving as the background, and most of the characters used in the making
of the video were made of different types of sweets in order to build and represent everyday
things/objects (people, marine animals, etc.) and scenarios, which were also 2D. The end product
was five hundred photos that produced a minute and twelve second long video called Sweet
Day edited by Katie.

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