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( To be typed on Co.

s Letter Head in Triplicate )

Standard Format
( Appointment Letter For Management Staff )
- fficers ! "#ec$ti%es ! Managers
( For &robationer - 'e( Appointees )
Date _________
Mr/Mrs/Ms. _____________
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms___________
Further to our letter of offer/ interview dated __________, we are pleased to
inform you that you are hereby appointed as _____________ in the
___________________ Department of our Organization to be based at
___________! as per terms and "onditions dis"ussed and agreed upon as
under #$
%. &his appointment is effe"tive from _____________ the date of your 'oining our
(. )our salary and other allowan"es shall be as per enclosed statement.
*. )our 'ob fun"tions and responsibilities as ___________________ will be as
defined broadly in the en"losed Anne+ure
, Or -
)our 'ob fun"tions and responsibilities as ___________________ are under
preparation and shall be issued in due "ourse.
.. )ou will be pla"ed on probation for a period of si+ months and the said
period "an be e+tended by another three months and on the e+piry of the
period of probation or e+tended period of probation, if you are not "onfirmed
in writing, your servi"es shall be deemed to be automati"ally terminated.
owever, unless you are "onfirmed in writing, you shall not be deemed to be
/. During probation, the noti"e period for termination / resignation will be (. hours from
either side. After "onfirmation, the noti"e period re0uired from either side is one
1. After su""essful "ompletion of your probation , you will be "onfirmed in
writing as a permanent employee of the 2ompany. )ou will be entitled to
statutory and servi"e benefits and be governed by dis"ipline and other rules
e+isting or may "ome into e+isten"e from time to time , as and when appli"able
as per rules of the 2ompany and su"h other benefits as appli"able to
employees in for"e from time to time to the lo"ation / pla"e wherever you are
wor3ing. &he "ompany depending upon need shall ta3e suitable "over of 45A to
ta3e "are of liability under 6or3men 2ompensation A"t provided you are not
"overed under 789 8"heme.
:. )our future in"rements or promotion or any other salary in"rease shall be based on
merit "onsidering your periodi" and "onsistent overall performan"e, business
"onditions and other parameters fi+ed from time to time at the dis"retion of the
management and shall not be "onsidered merely as a matter of right.
;. During the period of servi"e with the "ompany , you shall not indulge and/ or ta3e
part in any a"tivity of formation of "oun"il and / or asso"iation or be"ome a member
being part of management staff whi"h are found to be detrimental in the interest of
the "ompany in any way. 8u"h an a"tion shall be deemed as infringement to servi"e
"onditions of the "ompany and amount to "ausing damage to its interest and shall
"all for dis"iplinary a"tion being ta3en against you, as it may deem fit and
<. )ou shall retire from the servi"es of the 2ompany on attaining /; years of age.
)our date of birth for the purpose of 2ompany=s re"ord is entered as
_____________ as per +ero+ "opy of ________________ 2ertifi"ate submitted
by you.
<. During the tenure of your servi"es, you will wholly devote yourself to the
wor3 assigned to you and will not underta3e any other employment either on full or
part time basis without prior permission of the 2ompany in writing. Any
"ontravention of this "ondition will entail termination of your servi"es from the
%>. ,i- )our servi"es are liable to be transferred or loaned or assigned with /
without transfer, wholly or partially, from one department to another or to
offi"e/ bran"h and vi"e$versa or offi"e/ bran"h to another offi"e/ bran"h
of an asso"iate "ompany, e+isting or to "ome into e+isten"e in future or
any of the 2ompany=s bran"h offi"e or lo"ations anywhere in 9ndia or
abroad or any other "on"ern where this 2ompany has any interest. 9n su"h
"ase, you will abide by responsibilities e+pressly vested or implied or
"ommuni"ated and shall follow rules and regulations of the department /
offi"e, establishment , 'ointly or separately, without any "ompensation or
e+tra remuneration or provision of a""ommodation. )ou, thereupon, may
be governed by servi"e "onditions and other terms of the said
"on"ern as may be appli"able.
ii- &he aforesaid 2lause ,i- will not give you any right to "laim
employment in any asso"iate or / sister "on"ern or as3 for a
"ommon seniority with the employee of sister / asso"iate "on"ern.
%%. 9n the event you are absent from duty without information or permission of
leave or you overstay your san"tioned leave, the Management will treat you as
having voluntarily abandoned the servi"es of the 2ompany.
%(. )our servi"es are liable to be terminated at any time #
i- during probation or after "onfirmation, in "ase you are found to be
medi"ally unfit by the 2ompany=s Authorized Medi"al pra"titioner, on
as and when the 2ompany "omes to 3now of any "onvi"tion by the
2ourt of @aw during the tenure of your servi"e with us or "onvi"tion
and / or any bad re"ord in the past under the previous employer, or
be"ause of your giving false information at the time of your
appointment or "on"ealed any material information or given any false
details in the appli"ation form or otherwise as regard age, edu"ation
0ualifi"ation , e+perien"e , salary et".
if you are found to be not possessing desired 0ualifi"ation whi"h do not
"onform to "ustom authority and / govt. regulation as may be re0uired
from time to time and ne"essary for "ontinuation of business or its
e+igen"ies or on a""ount of redundan"y .
%*. )ou will 3eep the 2ompany informed of any "hange in your residential address
that may happen during the "ourse of employment of your servi"e with the
%.. All do"uments, plans, drawings, prints, trade se"rets, te"hni"al information,
reports, statements, "orresponden"e et"., written or unwritten and also
information and instru"tions that pass through you or "ome to
your 3nowledge shall be treated as "onfidential. )ou shall not utilize them for
your own use or dis"lose to other persons during or after your employment.
During the "ourse of employment with the 2ompany, you will a"0uire, gain,
generate, gather and develop 3nowledge of and be given a""ess to
business information about produ"ts a"tivities, 3now A how, methods or
refinements and business plans and business se"rets and other information
"on"erning the produ"ts / business of the 2ompany, hereinafter "alled the
B872C7&8D. )ou will be liable for prose"ution for damages for divulgen"e,
sharing or parting any of su"h information during "ourse of employment and on
"essation for at least ( years period.
%/. )ou shall "arry out the 'ob of ______________________ and su"h other 'obs
"onne"ted with or in"idental to whi"h is ne"essary for business of the 2ompany.
)ou shall do any other wor3 assigned to you, whi"h you are "apable of doing or
wor3 at any other post whi"h has been temporarily assigned to you.
%1. )ou shall faithfully and to the best of your ability perform your duties that may be
entrusted to you from time to time by the management. )ou will be bound by
rules, regulations and orders promulgated by the management in relation to
"ondu"t, dis"ipline and poli"y matters.
)ou will not see3 membership of any lo"al or publi" bodies without first obtaining
spe"ifi" permission of the management. 9n the event of your be"oming member
without following due pro"ess as mentioned , it shall amount to "ontravention of
provision of employment "ondition and the management reserves the right to ta3e
appropriate a"tion in"luding dispensing with your servi"es , as it may deem fit.
)ou will not give out to any one, by word of mouth or otherwise, parti"ulars of our
business or administrative or organizational matters of a "onfidential nature whi"h
may be your privilege to 3now by virtue of your being our employee.
%:. 6hile you are in employment of the "ompany , you may be given or handed over
"ompany=s property and / or e0uipment for offi"ial use and you shall ta3e "are of
them in"luding their up3eep. On "essation of employment with the 2ompany, you
shall return all do"uments, boo3s, papers relating to the affairs of the 2ompany,
pur"hased with the 2ompany=s money, whi"h may have "ome to you, and also any
property of the 2ompany in your possession.
%;. Any balan"e of advan"e or loan ta3en by you from the 2ompany, shall be fully
re"overed from your salary and any other legal dues in"luding 4ratuity , at the
time of your leaving the servi"es of the 2ompany.
%<. 6hile wor3ing as an employee if you enter into any business transa"tion with any
party on behalf of the "ompany within your permissible limits, it shall be your
responsibility to ensure re"overy of outstanding. 9f any outstanding remains at the
time of leaving the servi"es of the "ompany, it shall be your responsibility to
re"over for remittan"e to the "ompany before you pro"eed to settle your legal
dues in full and final settlement of your a""ount.
(>. &he "ompany is obliged to dedu"t 9n"ome &a+ at sour"e as per provision of
9n"ome &a+ A"t / Cules . A""ordingly , you are re0uired to submit all re0uired
proof of permitted savings / investments and other details from time to time to
enable the "ompany to "omply with the provisions of law. 9n the event of non
"omplian"e by you as aforesaid if the "ompany is re0uired to pay any interest or
payment under 9n"ome &a+ A"t , it shall dedu"t the amount as may be paid or
payable from your salary or other payments and you shall allow the "ompany to
"omply with these re0uirements without ob'e"tion.
(% All disputes arising out of this letter will be sub'e"t to the 'urisdi"tion of the
Mumbai 2ourt. And that the "ourts, tribunals and/or authorities at Mumbai only
shall have 'urisdi"tion to entertain, try and de"ide su"h disputes or differen"es
arising out of or pertaining to this "ontra"t of employment, irrespe"tive of your
wor3ing ! being elsewhere at that times.
)ou are re0uested to return the en"losed "opy duly signed as a to3en of your
a""eptan"e of the terms and "onditions of your employment.
ope that this will be the beginning of a long and su""essful "areer with us.
)ours faithfully,
For Company 'ame.)
Managing *irector ! *irector
A""epted #_______________

,8ignature of an 7mployee-

( *elete (+ic+e%er is not applicable )
Anne#$re to Appointment Letter dated __________) ,--.
Of ________________________, Eame -
Frea3$up of 4ross Cemuneration
/em$neration /s.(&.M.) /s.(&.A.)
(0) Fasi"
ouse Cent Allowan"e
7du"ation Allowan"e
5ersonal Allowan"e
TTAL (0)
Annual Fenefits
Medi"al Ceimbursement
Fonus / 7+$gratia
5rovident Fund
TTAL (,)
TTAL (01,)
Ceimbursement of e+penses for one telephone at residen"e and one mobile for offi"ial use as per
2ompany=s poli"y e+isting or as amended.
5ayment of per0uisites, allowan"es and reimbursements shall be sub'e"t to provisions of 9n"ome
&a+, as appli"able.

For Companys 'ame
Managing *irector ! *irector
A""epted # ____________________
( )

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