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The 4

meeting of the Multirateral Comenius Project
Tradition, Diversity and Acceptance
A ui! on tradition and culture
"# $n one of the jo%es that &e heard in 'erona &e could learn that(
1. Germans a. the cooks 1-d
2. The British b. the engineers 2-a
3. The French c. the organizers 3-b
4. the Swiss d. the policemen 4-e
. the !talian e. the lo"ers -c
)# Choose the correct ans&er* +hy are the $talian short*
a. beca#se the$ didn%t want to eat "egetables
b. beca#se their mothers told them that when the$ grow #p the$ will go to work
c. beca#se the$ lo"e going to school
,# +hen a -innish e.trovert tells a jo%e he/she loo%s at(
a. $o#r &ace
b. $o#r &eet
c. his &eet
4# +hy do people from Paphos go to primary school for seven years instead of si.*
a. beca#se the$ ha"e to spend the &irst $ear learning the Greek lang#age.
b. beca#se the$ lo"e school and teachers
c. beca#se their parents tell them to do so.
0# The most popular jo%es in Poland are a1out(
a. "olle$ball
b. handball
c. &ootball
2# According to the legend one sho#ld &eed the crow since it brings $o# l#ck. !& crow doesn%t get &ood' it
will bring bad l#ck to the ho#se and sadness to the &amil$. !n which co#ntr$ is this legend pop#lar(
a. )omania
b. *$pr#s
c. Spain
3# $n 4pain in the village of 5u1iri there is a bridge which is known &or its miracles. +nder the central
pillar o& the bridge the embalmed remains o& a $o#ng woman were once &o#nd. The woman was Santa
,#iteteria. -ccording to the legend the pillar worked miracles. !t helped to c#re or pre"ent both people
and animal &rom.
a. m#mps
b. measles
c. rabies
6# 7n the morning of -e1ruary "4
the 8oliday of Dragon1ete is cele1rated. /n that da$ $o#ng people
&rom the "illage dance' kiss and h#g each other. Then girls pick &lowers and start r#nning down towards the
"illage. The bo$s &ollow them. 0hen the bo$ is the one the girl lo"es she stops r#nning. This holida$ is
celebrated in.
a. 1oland
b. !tal$
c. )omania
2. -nswer True/-alse 3#estions.
1. 4#mber 13 is a l#ck$ n#mber in !tal$. Tr#e
2. !n )omania 1eople belie"e that when somebod$ sleeps too long on St. 5asil%s 6a$' he7she
will be laz$ all $ear long.
3. !n some co#ntries people to#ch the wood to a"oid bad l#ck. !n !tal$ the$ to#ch the iron. Tr#e
4. Spilling salt or oil on the &loor in !tal$ brings bad l#ck. Tr#e
. -t 8aster in )omania eggs are painted red to commemorate 9es#s% cr#ci&i:ion. Tr#e
;. 1#tting a hat on the bed is considered #nl#ck$ in !tal$. Tr#e
<. 1eople in 1oland belie"e that swallows bring happiness and can predict weather. Tr#e
=. !t is pop#lar in !tal$ to make a toast with water. False
2. !n Finland people belie"e that i& $o#r ear >rings% then someone is thinking abo#t $o#. Tr#e
1?. 8mer$k was the pilgrim who was t#rned into a stone as a p#nishment &or not being
11. Giant @anni threw the stone to the other side o& the lake beca#se he co#ldn%t stand the
noise o& the mill.
1?. Aoro#llo# Bridge was named a&ter the b#ilder%s.
a. sister
b. wi&e
c. mother
11. !n )izokarpaso' on the wa$ to -postolos -ndreas' one can see three big stones in the sea which look like
women making their wa$ to the beach. The name o& these stones is genekopetres' which means stone
women. -ccording to the legend the$ were sent to the island beca#se.
a. the$ s#&&ered &rom lepros$
b. the$ s#&&ered &rom the plag#e
c. the$ s#&&ered &rom &l#.

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