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Ramiro Frausto III

Fran per 5
Rational Expression
Cedric can refinish the floor of an apartment in 8hrs. Catalin finishes in
6hrs. How long will it take them working together on the floor?

Step 1: Setup proportion
1 1 1
-- + -- = --
8 6 x

Step 2: Common Denominator
(3) 1 1(4) 1 3 4 7
-- + -- = -- -- + -- = --
(3) 8 6(4) x 24 24 24

Step 3: Cross multiply
7 1
-- = -- = 7x = 24
24 24

Step 4: Get x by itself
7x = 24 3
-- -- x = 3 --
7 7 7

I chose this problem because I felt like it was challenging for me. One big reason why I felt these
types of problems are hard for me was I always forget to cross multiply and start doing some other thing,
and I would always get them wrong. Other reasons why I felt these types of problems were hard was I
would always try to get the x on its own at the wrong steps. The biggest reasons why I didnt get these
problems was READING!!! Reading a math problem always confuses me, and then I cant get the right
answer because I would read it wrong and setup the problem wrong. Things I did to fix this was I asked
the teachers for help. It was that simple, all I did was ask for help and I got over my problem. Rational
expressions help in the real world by, helping describe distance-speed-time questions, and multi person
work problems.

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