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History Unit 6 Study Guide

1. What does diplomacy mean? Describe Roosevelts, Tafts, and Wilsons diplomacy policies.

2. Why was Hawaii annexed by the United States?

3. Who led the decision to purchase of Alaska from Russia? Why was this decision originally criticized? (include the nick
name for the purchase of Alaska)

4. Who lead the United States navy in the Pacific Ocean during the Spanish American War?

5. Who were the Rough Riders? How did Theodore Roosevelt eventually win the Nobel Peace Prize?

6. When did the Philippines gain its independence from the United State?

7. How did the United States acquire permission to build the Panama Canal?

8. Why did the United States want to gain control of territories overseas?

9. Describe Yellow Journalism

10. What Treaty ended the Spanish American War? What were the effects of the Spanish American War?

11. What was the Teller Amendment?

12. Describe Emilio Aguinaldos role in the Philippines.

13. What was Americas Open Door Policy?

14. Describe Cuba and Puerto Ricos relationship with the United States after the Spanish American war.

15. What countries made up the Triple Alliance? What countries made up the Triple Entente?

16. How did Nationalism, Competition, and Militarism lead to WWI?

17. What is seen as the direct event that kicked off WWI?

18. What was the Committee on Public Information?

19. What was the Selective Service Act?

20. What was the War Industries Board and who was in charge of it?

21. What major roles did women play during WWI? What groups did women form during this time?

22. What role did Herbert Hoover and the Food Administration play during WWI?

23. Describe the warfare strategy and new weapons used during WWI.

24. What were U-boats? How did the United States ensure safe travel for ships traveling across the Atlantic Ocean?

25. What was The League of Nations?

26. What was Wilsons Neutrality Policy?

27. What events pushed the United States into joining WWI?

28. What effect did the war have on the United States economy?

29. What was Wilsons 14 Points?

30. What treaty ended WWI? How did the United States respond to this treaty? What were the effects of this treaty?

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