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Review Sheet Ch 27--28

1. What is the name of the policy that gave all nations an opportunity to trade
in China? The Open Door Policy

2. What is the name of the agreement that opened the Japanese ports to
American ships? The treaty of Kanagawa

3. What was the name of the event that was caused by the uprising against
foreign influence in China? The Boxer Rebellion

4. What was the name of a peasant revolt against the Chinese government
and Qing Dynasty? Taiping Rebellion

5. What did Japan lack that forced them to start colonizing?

Land and resources

6. Define sphere of influence: When a country has control

over another part of a country even though it is not part of it

and is overseas with no real formal authority

7. Define westernization: The adoption of culture and technology from western

countries through influence or compulsion

8. Define Imperialism: When a stronger country takes control over a weaker

country politically, economically and socially

9. What does the term annexation mean?

Whenever a country takes in more territory

10.Give an example of annexation from this unit. Whenever Japan decides to

annex Korea

11.Who was involved in the Opium War? The british and the Chinese

12.What were 2 causes of the Opium War? British wanting to trade something
valuable to the Chinese and the drug addiction problem opium was starting to
cause in the chinese population

13.What were 3 effects of the Opium War? A drug problem, corrupt

government and the treaty of Wangxia

14.Who won the Russo-Japanese War? It ended it a tie between Japan and
Russia although Japan got to keep any land they won during the war

Review Sheet Ch 27--28

15.Why was the Russo-Japanese War fought? Japan wanted to expand to

new territories for more resources and ports

16.Why did Japan stop fighting this war? Their resources were starting to
strain and they would soon loose

17.Who is Matthew Perry? The U.S naval officer that convinced Japan to start
trading with the west

18. Why was the Panama Canal built? Because they wanted to ship quickly
and cheaply between the Atlantic and the Pacific ocean
19.What was one major result of the Spanish-American War?

It established the independence of Cuba

20.Why did Britain sell opium to China? Britain wanted to

expand its imperial power and start trading goods with China

21.Who benefited the most from the granting of extraterritorial rights in 19th
century China? Britain and France

22. What led to problems within the self-strengthening movement in China in

the 1860s? The lack of Qing support

23.What 2 countries signed the Treaty of Kanagawa? The U.S. and Japan

24. What is the period of reform and modernization in Japan called?

The Meiji Era

25. Government corruption and a famine in China led to what

event? The Taiping Rebellion

26. What was the result of the Sino-Japanese War? Korea became
independent from Japan

27.What is the Meiji era? The era where westernization in Japan started

28.Explain Gun Boat diplomacy? Japan would open its ports for trade and
refueling for U.S. warships to the U.S. using the threat of military force

Review Sheet Ch 27--28

29.What important role did Dowager Empress Cixi play in China?

Banning foot binding, reforming the legal code and the education

system and outlawing certain barbaric punishments

30.What time period was the Meiji era in Japan? 1868-1912

31.What were 3 changes that occurred during the Meiji era in Japan?

They built a stronger Navy and Army, made a written constitution,

built railroads and telegraph lines, and instituted universal education

32.What was the cause for Russia and Japan going to war? Because

Japan wanted to expand for more resources

33.What were 3 countries the U.S. gained as a result of the Spanish

American War in 1898? Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam
34.Where was the Spanish American war fought? Because America
supported Cuba's independence and wanted to start trade with them and the
bombing and sinking of the U.S.S. Maine

35.Why did the US obtain Hawaii? Because they feared a Japanese attack

36.Why is India viewed as the “Jewel in the crown”? Because it was essential
for trade and expansion of the british empire

37.What happened at the Berlin Conference? Everyone decided who got what
part of Africa without Africa knowing about it

38.What does the Berlin Conference and the Open Door Policy have in
common? None of the people directly affected by it ever knew or
consented to it

39.Which group of people led the independence movement in South America?

Indians and Mestizos

40.How did Brazil obtain its independence? Whenever the Constitutionalist

Revolution erupted in the city of Porto and quickly and peacefully spread to

the rest of the country

41.Who is Simon Bolivar? He helped countries gain independence from spain

42.What is the white man’s burden about? The alleged responsibility for white
colonizers to care for non white indigenous subjects that live in their colony

43.List 3 causes for Imperialism. 1. The want to expand an empire, 2. More

opportunity for trade, 3. More economic, political, and social opportunity
Review Sheet Ch 27--28
44.List 3 effects of Imperialism. 1. Shortage of natural resources, 2.Increase of
wars and revolutions, 3. Political backlash

45.Why did Britain sell opium to China? Because they wanted to trade
something valuable to China

46.What motivated the Japanese to modernize in the 1800’s? Whenever they

saw the U.S. Navy and saw how modernized and powerful they were

47.What happened at the Berlin Conference? Different countries each picked

a part of Africa they wanted to keep without any African countries agreeing to

48.What is social Darwinism? The thought that ¨survival of the fittest¨ applied
to countries and certain people in social aspects


Question: What did these people discover, invent, or create?

1. unconscious mind---psychology The complex of

mental activities within an individual that proceed without

their awareness

2. Marie Curie: Discovered Radium and Polonium

3. Thomas Edison: Made the light bulb

4. steamboat: A boat that is propelled by a steam engine made in the 19th

century invented by Robert Fluton

5. Louis Pasteur: Discovered the principles of vaccination

6. James Watt: Invented the steam engine

7. sewing machine: A machine that mechanically uses a needle to sew and

stitches clothing
8. telephone: A system of transmitting voices using a wire or radio by
converting acoustic vibrations to electrical signals

9. Henry Ford: invented the first car

10.Charles Darwin: Came up with the theory of natural selection

11.Radio: The transmission of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency

carrying sound messages

12.telegraph: A system of transmitting messages from a distance along a

wire especially one creating signals

13.cotton gin: A machine that helps separates cotton from its seed

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