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Lies that there are

Sunni Mosques
in Iran/Tehran
Unfortunately, today the Nasibi Mullas are telling a lot of lies against Iran and Shias, in order to
destroy the Muslim Unity. They are even worse than Jews in their lies and propaganda. For
example, watch the following video of Nasibi Mullah.
His is accusing that:
1. There is NO Ahle-Sunnah Mosque in Iran/Tehran.
2. This Mulla is telling a lie that there are even seats for Jews & Christians in Iranian
Parliament but no seats for Ahle-Sunnah.
3. Iranian Baluchs are not having good jobs in Iran
Let us begin with Allah's name and show the reality of Iran and expose the lies of these Nasibi
Kadhaab Mullahs. Insha-Allah.

Mosques are neither Shias nor Sunnies, but they

are only House of Allah
There is great stress upon Shia/Sunni Unity in Iran and Imam Khomeini was biggest supporter
for this unity.


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1. The Constitution of Iran and Imam Khomeini was very clear that labeling Mosques as
Shia or Sunni is division of Muslim Unity. It is a curse to say this is Shia Mosque or this is
Sunni Mosque. Nay, all Mosques are only and only for Allah.
2. Iranian Law says:
If there is an Area where majority is of SHIAs, then Sunni are asked to pray
behind Shia Imam.
While Areas, where there is Sunni Majority, there Shias are also asked to go in
that same Sunni Mosque and pray behind the Sunni Imam and they are not
allowed to open up their any Separate Mosque.

There may be few deviations to this RULE, but in 80-90% this rules is practiced in it's sprit and
indeed Shias are compelled to pray behind Sunni Imams.
Even Ayatullah Khaminei and all Shia Mujtahids themselves prayed several times behind Sunni
Imams and that without any problem.

Please note, you could not compare the Situation of Iran to Saudia. The Saudies are hypocrites.
There is neither any Shia Mosque in Mecca and Madina and many other cities of Saudia, but
also no Salafies in Shia Areas are not asked to pray behind Shia Imams, but they deal Saudi
Shias as dirty creatures. Still these dirty Nasibi Mullas raise not a single voice upon this worst
behaviour of Saudi regime against Shias.

Situation of Mosques in Pakistan

On every Road of Pakistan, you will find at least 3-4 Mosques.

1st Mosque belongs to Ahlehadith. Ten meters away there is another mosque and it
belongs to Deobandies. Another 25 meters away there is another mosque of Barailwi
Muslims. And another 10 meters away there is a Shia mosque.

Is it really good to have 3-4 different Mosques (the Hauses of Allah) at every road? Does
it really leads towards Muslim unity?

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And worst scence is present in Europe, where in Hamburg (Germany) there are 3
Different Mosques in one same Building. The Christians laugh at it.

IRAN: There are 10000 Ahle Sunnah Mosques in

Iran where Sunni Imams lead the Prayer
The Fasiq Fitna mongers keep on coming with every type of false accusations in order to incite
hatred among the Muslim Ummah. While Allah (swt) says to esquire if any Fasiq brings you a
news. The reality is:
1. There are totally 70000 Mosques in Iran.
2. While 10000 of them are from Ahle-Sunnah Brothers and Sunni Imams lead
their the prayers.
3. This means, for every 500 Sunnies there is one Mosque in Iran, while for 1100
Shias there is only one mosque.
Iranian Law states, there is no Shia Mosque or Sunni Mosque, but all Mosques are Houses of
Allah. The areas where Sunnies are in majority, there Shias are not allowed to make their
separate mosques, but to go and pray behind the Sunni Imam and vice versa. It may be in
some areas there is corruption and deviation from this Rule, but where in world things are
100% corruption free? In general Shias have absolutely no Problems in praying behind Sunni
Imams in Iran and Vice Versa.
Here is the Complete Article (LINK):
60 70
. 10
7 99 72
10 5 .
. 500
66 7
. 1100


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500 300 150


Hopefully after that these hate inciting lies of Fasiq people come to an end. Insha-Allah.
Even in the mosque here (in Europe) where I go along with my family, is an Iranian One and
half of the people are AhleSunnah who are praying with us (even among women). Contrary to
Pakistan, here whole families including women come to the mosque and pray behind the men.
Our Iranian Imam often fly to Iran or to other cities of Europe and 2nd Imam is a Sunni
Brother who even leads us often in Jummah prayers. We have excellent relations with Sunni
Families here and have absolutely no problem which I see all over the net.

Witness: Iranian Shias have excellent

Relationship with Iranian Sunni brothers and
think favrourablly about them
On Issue of Shia/Sunni in Iran, the survey of PCO (Center for Public Opinion(America)) says
Iranian Shiite Muslims Think Favorably of

Sunni Muslims, Christians,

Americans and others .

... For Iranian citizens of the Islamic Republic, 87 percent of who in our survey
identified themselves as Shiite, views of both Sunni Muslims and Christians
were overwhelmingly favorablewith only 8 percent voicing an unfavorable
view of Sunnis and 11 percent of Christians. (Opinions on Jews were divided,
though more are favorable than unfavorable.)
Indeed, Iranian views of Sunnis and Christians, as well as non-Iranians
generally, are quite acceptingmore so than the corresponding views of their
neighbors, such as in Saudi Arabia, according to our TFT survey there.
Iranians clearly distinguish between countries and policies they do not like (US
and Israel), and people they do like (Christians, Americans, Arabs, Sunni
Muslims and Jews). Iranians are favorable to Christians by a 6:1 margin, Sunni

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Muslims by a 9:1 margin, Americans by a 2:1 margin and Jews by a 5:4 margin.
In fact, Iranians are as favorable to Americans as they are to their Arab
neighbors. The high favorability of Sunni Muslims among Iranians (higher than
for Arabs generally) demonstrates that Shiite/Sunni issues are not the primary
force driving a wedge between Iranians and their Arab neighbors.
So, Iranian Shias absolutely don't hate their Sunni brothers, and the only creatures who are
filled with hatred and lies are these Nasibi Mullas.

Iranian Constitution about Islam and Different

Article 11 [Unity of Islam Principle]
In accordance with the sacred verse of the Koran "This your community is a single
community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me" [21:92], all Muslims form a single

nation, and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran have the duty of formulating
its general policies with a view to cultivating the friendship and unity of all Muslim
peoples, and it must constantly strive to bring about the political, economic, and cultural
unity of the Islamic world.
Article 12 [Official Religion]
The official religion of Iran is Islam and the (official Fiqh is) Twelver Ja'fari school, and
this principle will remain eternally immutable. Other Islamic schools are to be accorded
full respect, and their followers are free to act in accordance with their own jurisprudence
in performing their religious rites. These schools enjoy official status in matters pertaining
to religious education, affairs of personal status (marriage, divorce, inheritance, and wills)
and related litigation in courts of law. In regions of the country where Muslims following
any one of these schools constitute the majority, local regulations, within the bounds of
the jurisdiction of local councils, are to be in accordance with the respective school,
without infringing upon the rights of the followers of other schools.
The Article 11 is about ISLAM.


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The 4 Fiqhs of Ahle-Sunnah (known as Madahib-e-Arb'a ) are also officially

recognized in Iran along with Shia Fiqh.
This Article 12 is about the Official Religious Laws of state, based upon Fiqh-e-Jaffaria, but only
in those Areas where Shias are in Majority.
But Areas, where Ahle Sunnah are in Majority, then the Official Religious Laws of that area will
be based upon the Juriprudence of Ahle Sunnah school of thought and Shia Minority has to
follow those Ahle Sunnah Laws. This is the case in Seestan Baluchistan where majority is of
Ahle Sunnah Community and Shia Minorties should follow their laws in those Areas.
Also there are Videos of Ahle Sunnah Mosques in Iran where they are praying and Shia
minorities also praying behind them.
There is a big Ahle Sunnah Dar-ul-Uloom in Seestan run by Ahle Sunnah Authorities,
known as "Jamia Dar-ul-Uloom wa al-Jam'e al-Maki" in the city of Zahidan
(Iran). Here is the Link to their Official Website.
This again shows there is absolutely no problem in Iran among Shia and Sunnies as falsly
propagated by Nasibi Mullahs.
In Iran (cities), the Ahle Sunnah people are one of the finest people I have met. They are very
friendly and I myself know some of them personally due to Mosque and we have excellent
relations and our families are visiting each other (now my family has moved to another city and
we don't have much of contact, but still I can assure you there are absolutely no problems and
we do love and respect each other).

Egypts Al-Azhar Ahle-Sunnah University to

open new college in Iran
All 4 Ahle Sunnah Fiqhs are recognised in Iran. The Iranian Government has introduced all
these 4 Ahle Sunnah Fiqh (along with Jaffari Fiqh) in the Universities. It is possible to do your
PHD in any Sunni Fiqh in Iranian Universities.
Moreover, Iranian Government has also invited the Egyptian Al-Azahr University to open a
branch of their University in Tehran City (Those who do false hatred propaganda there is no
Sunni Mosque in Tehran, they must read this news carefully and do TAWBA for propagating


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their hatred filled lies)

(Link: Tehran Times)
TEHRAN (FNA)- Egypts Al-Azhar University, one of Muslims most prestigious
institution, is considering opening a branch in Iran.
Sheikh Mohammed Sayyid Tantawi, who heads Al-Azhar University has
positively welcomed the request from the Iranian authorities to open a branch
of his institute in Tehran and is said to be evaluating the proposal, said a
source within the management of the university to the London-based al-Sharq
al-Awsat newspaper.
Tantawi received a request from authorities in Tehran to open an institute
linked to Al-Azhar to teach Sunni doctrine in the Iranian capital.
An Iranian delegation led by head of Irans interest section in Cairo Seyed
Hossein Rajabi visited the Sheikh (Tantawi) at Al-Azhar three days ago, said
the source.
Together they agreed on the necessity to bring the experience of the
teachings at Al-Azhar to Iran, to promote cultural cooperation and exchange of
professors from religious universities between Cairo and Tehran.
The source said that Tantawi has agreed to consider opening a branch of the
university in Tehran.

Nasibi Mullah's lie that there are NO Sunni

Members in the Iranian Parliament
In the very first Video, the Nasibi Mullah told a lie that there are seats of Jews and Christians in
the Parliament, but no seats for Ahle Sunnah in the Parliament.
These Mullahs are lying and doing false propaganda.
Here is the Link to the BBC website news (Note: BBC is very hostile to Islamic Iran). But this

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BBC is confirming there are 18 Sunni MPs in the Iranian Parliament.

What do you say about this lie of these Mullahs?
Jews and Christians got these seats while they are minorities, while Sunni brothers are not
considered as Minority but as our Muslim brothers in Iran. There may be small problems, but
where on earth every thing is 100% ideal?

Accusation that Iranian Baluchs (mostly Sunnies)

don't have good jobs
There is indeed a problem that Iranian Baluchs (who are mostly Ahle-Sunnah) are not having
good jobs in Iran. But it has not so much to do with their being Sunnies, but it is due to the
reason while competition in Iran is very very high and it is difficult for Iranian Baluchs to
compete with others for the jobs. The Baluch Culture is still old one and although educational
facilities are there, but many Baluch Students are not going to universities. And those who are
in universities, a big number of them are not completing their education. (Note: These
Educational Facilities in Iran's Baluchistan are much better than ones in Pakistan's Baluchistan)
Although things are changing now. But it will still take time.

Quran asks us if any Fasiq brings a news to us, then we have to verify it. This will make it sure
that these Nasibies don't succeed in their evil plot of dividing the Unity of Muslim Ummah.


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