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A Memo from Mrs.

Dear Parents,
Please make sure to look in InfoDirect for ideas of at-home activities that can be used to reinforce new concepts
that are discussed! Also make sure to review letters, numbers, and Bible verses with them each week. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to ask!!
Star Students:
Week of 9/8/2014: Arissa Duran
Week of 9/15/2014: Carter Eubanks
Star Student Reminders: Please bring pictures and a few items that your child likes that he or she can show his or her
friends. On Friday, please have your child bring a small treat for each of the 13 students in the class.
Letters: Tt: Tt says t in Table, Tt says t,t,t

Ll: Ll says l in Lamp, Ll says l,l,l

Writing: Tt, Ll
Phonetic Blends: (all short vowel sounds) T blends: ta, te, ti, to, tu

L blends: la, le, li, lo, lu

Lessons: How to Grow Spiritually, and beginning the Genesis Series: Creation, Adam, and Cain
Memory Verse: Psalm 34:14- Depart from evil, and do good.
Oral Test: Friday, September 12, 2014 (recite both verse and reference)
Bible Treasure: The Lords Prayer Matthew 6:9-13 (does not have to be memorized at this point)
Counting: 1-20
Concepts: 0-10, left/right, same number/more/fewer, and number families
Writing: 2, 3
Other notes for the week:
1) I still need a few family pictures. Please bring these in as soon as possible, so we can put them on our Star
Families wall.
2) Please look over your childs worksheets with him or her. I have been making notes about the items I have
addressed with them (ex. taking your time, tracing before writing, etc.). Once we learn all of the letters, I will
begin grading handwriting, so now is the time for them to learn correct formation of each letter and how to
utilize the lines on the paper.
3) I have included your childs grade for todays evaluations in the brown folder. I will send a full evaluation sheet
home on Monday. This will include what we have addressed in class thus far, what was included in todays
evaluation, and how much your child has learned.

Have a great weekend!!

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