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This Week in First Grade...

Students are working on breaking words apart to read and write (example:
cat, c-a-t, cat) Have your child practice this at home. This is an important
skill for students at all reading and writing levels!
We are finishing up our geometry unit this week. Ask your child how many
ways he/she can make a hexagon! Our next unit is all about solving story
problems. See if you can solve simple story problems (answers within 20)
at home!
Example #1:
I have 9 toys.
Some are blocks. Some are marbles.
How many of each could I have?
How many blocks? How many marbles?
Find as many combinations as you can.
Example #2:
Sam had 4 toy cars.
His mom gave him 3 more.
How many toy cars does Sam have now?
Project Based Learning
Students are creating their invincible sea creatures this week! They are
using their knowledge about predators, prey, and habitats to design the
perfect sea creature. Students are collaborating and cooperating as they
work together in groups. Come see all of your child's hard work this
Thursday at our Kaler Community Night. See Important Dates for details
about this exciting night.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
-Mrs. Olen & Mrs. Chapman

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