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As the time growth, more and more educators are find the convenience and flexibility
learning environment that can help them to achieve their learning goal and suit with their busy
lifestyle. In the e-learning environment, the learner must have the basic computer skills.
Nowadays, these is not become an issue anymore. But the important is how you implement your
skills in the online environment. Contents of the learning material are stored in the server that
can be reached by the e-learning students anywhere, any time and on any electronic device that
can be connected to internet. Many bad impressions are received when it been introduced in the
first time. Public thought the online study was not effective than be in the classroom and having
a face to face learning. But as time has progressed and the high technology had developed day by
day, learning had become a delivery medium that is very useful to the adult learners. They found
online learning is the best way for them to further their studies. But to be a successful learner
through online learning is not easy compare to face to face learning or a traditional classroom
leaarning. Survey had been made by most of the educators as the results already prove that not
only the computer skills but other attributes needed in the online learning environment.
It is good to hear is someone considering taking a course through online learning. Online
learning or e-learning also know as web based learning is defined as electronic learning that use
the electronic device as a delivery medium with collaboration of audio, video and text. Online
learning offer opportunities to learn in a new ways and make learn available where most of the
learners were most of the adults with career, social and family commitments. It sounds so
wonderful learning through but in reality not every learner who is successful in traditional
learning environment can be successful in online learning. Online study is a convenience way to
further study but is not an easy way to success. It require as much as traditional classroom. It also
requires attitude and learning strategies and a challenge face to be a successful learner.



Online method of education can be a highly effective alternative way of education. But
be an online student is not easy as they think. Online student need to be a goal oriented. They
should know what they want. To be successful requires independence, internal motivation, be
responsible, open minded and time management as well.
They need to be open minded in sharing their life, work and educational experiences
among other unknown people. Students that very secretive are not suitable to web based
learning. They need to break the barriers so that they are comfortable with environment. They
have to willing to commit themselves 8 to 9 hours a week to finish the course. This environment
is a normal learning environment but the different is in online learning students have to be more
alert. Most of online classes will post their task and assignment through online. This environment
is a normal learning environment but the different is in online learning students have to be more
alert. Most of online classes will post their task and assignment through online.
Online is not an easier than traditional learning process. In fact it requires much more
time and commitment. In the virtual classroom, most all communication is in written. They need
to prepare themselves in express themselves in writing. But is less writing requirements require
in online learning compare to classes writing course. They need to give respond and input in the
virtual classroom as is the part of the learning lesson.
Time constrain allow them to manage their time in giving their respond. Every online
student need to be well organized in set up their schedule that allows them to meet the
assignment deadline. Thus they will be graded and evaluate on their participation in virtual
discussion, work group activities and other task given. The challenge is where you are not be
respond back by our your instructors immediately and sometimes you need to challenge your
mind to give a good and better ideas to pursue more marks. So be prepared to accept the



During the discussion, the students need to remember to behave themselves and know the
communication etiquette while chatting. Using a polite word when send a post or respond to
the post. Do not use a word that can create uncomfortable situation among chatters during the
discussion. Students must be brave to speak up if any problems during the learning process.
They need to communicate this issue immediately to avoid any other problem but they have to be
independent and not 100% depend on other people to solve their problems. Instructors will not
always be there when you need a help. So they have to find other alternatives to solve their
problem or issues arise by having a discussion among students or do own research through
This is where the computer skills are important. They must feel comfortable in this
environment as they are responsible in their own learning process. Every question and solution
will not be reply immediately like the traditional classroom environment. Students need to wait
for up to 24 hours for their instructor respond to their emails or threads.
Typically, students need to self finding all the information and knowledge but of course
by the guidance from the instructors. With all the guidance, they will create their own learning
environment. They have to be comfortable in cyberspace than only you can enjoy your learning
through online with out any frustrated. Take Responsibility for the Learning Process. A
successful web based learning students should be a motivated person and goal oriented whereby
they have to put their assignment at top of priority list.



To be successful learners they must think wisely how to overcome every problems occur.
Wise learners always have a backup plans and strategies to help themselves successful in their
Do take only one course on the first semester as it is a beginning of a new learning
environment. Students need to read and understand the syllabus of the course overall. So they get
to know what they will learn in the course. Get really good understanding on the assessment
measurement to determine whether the student able to complete the course within semester.
Although it can be reached through online print a copy of the syllabus for your reference.
Highlight and record the due date of assignment, online discussion in the planner.
During the learning process, review assignment instruction, discussion topic, grading for
assignment and it will help the students a lot when they already familiar with the instructions.
Please informed the instructor earlier if it is impossible to submit assignment on the due date
because of urgent matters. Students can spend more time reading the materials course they dont
fully understand. By reading the course materials, students encouraged themselves to think
Know the learning style and determine whether the learning way is comfortable to the
learners. If not comfortable look for other way that suit with your style. The main thing is you
should finish the course within time and enjoy you learning. Save all the documents regarding
the course to more than one place. If possible all the assignment uploads it in the server on the
internet every post is suggesting to type in separate documents before posting to a discussion
board. It help students to think through the answer before posting, be a backup if connection
failure during the posting and as reference after the discussion.



Time management it is important in online students. Studying, participating and

completing assignments are among the challenge in the online learning. Plan weekly study times
are what successfully students do most often. Stick a planning schedule at a place where it can be
seen always. It will help students to remind themselves the important date, time and assignment
due date also the online classes or online discussion.
Make it as a habit to check consistently, to read discussion posts, announcements from
the instructor or review course material daily. Write down the key due dates from the syllabus in
one or more additional places that you will refer to regularly. Check those date before you agree
to any work, social, or personal commitments that could conflict with the course demands.
A communication skill is the important element because students need to seek for help
when they need it. Students can use the tool provided by the college to communicate with the
instructor. It can be done through email, discussion groups, chat room, smartphones and even
text messaging. Do not be shy to communicate with your instructors even use the facebook chat
group. Use an appropriate language and words when communicate. Show a respect to them when
communicate even to virtual discussion partner
Be an active participant in online discussion and get involved by respond to the post,
reply and give the ideas during the discussion. By log in into the discussion consistently, the
students will feel part of the community and will feel comfortable to share ideas with the
community and at the same time enhance the learning experience. Online learning enables
students to access materials and contributes ideas anywhere and any convenience time.
Instructors expect students to ask questions to them. They want them to be successful by
asking them a question. From a question instructors can see the students potential and
sometimes they will give extra marked for that. So do not shy to ask any question regarding the
course but before post the question please know what you asking and why. Every post needs to
be clear and concise as well. Successful online students are not afraid to ask questions. However,
the online student should ask a question after they have attempted to understand the material on
their own by reading the textbook, the instructions, or lecture but they cannot find the answer.



Frequently asked question usually can be found in forums. Spend time exploring, do some
researches in the online library and make sure familiar with the online searching tools.
When students are assigned an assignment, do read the notes given in details. Usually all
the answer to complete the assignment is on the note or on the syllabus itself. But of course
individual research in related issues will help you to get better ideas about the assignment. Do
not give more and do not give less than want the question ask. Do asking the instructor if any
issue arise during assignment completion. Get some advice from them.
Social network and application available today can help students to connect with their
course mate and build learning communities. Creating a small discussion group by using
facebook group for example, can help students to feel more comfortable and can variety the
learning method. Student can self-choose their discuss partner who can stay in touch with offline connection regarding the course.



Not to deny, sometimes they face a lot of obstacles that out of control. If we look in
positive way, the obstacles become a challenge to the students in online learning. It actually
helps students more alert and always standby to prepare themselves to face the challenge.
Among the obstacles is a technical issue. This issue is a frequently issue. It cannot be
deny by any online students. Computer breaks down, cannot submitted assignment or hard disk
problem are among the problem. Compare to the traditional classroom learning not all
assignment need to be send online but in the virtual learning environment everything need to
deliver through online. If something happen and the student is not technically person is very hard
to them. The students do not have to be an expert in technically but at least has a basic skill in
Lack of the support compare to traditional learning classes. Student feels they always are
alone in complete their assignment. They sometimes cannot access to their instructor, academic
planner and technical support. Without all these support, students need to struggle themselves to
with their course material. Frustration and confusion gives a big problem in the student lifestyle
when instructors did not provide timely and consistent feedback to them. If this problem did not
solve immediately it can affect the learning process of the students. At the end, they will
frustrated and finally the quit the course without complete it. They will feel that they are wasting
time and money.
Many feel that online learning is a cool way to further study. But the e-learning is
created not for every one. If students need to study in quite place, reviewing lesson until it fully
understand, web based learning is perfect for them. But those who are always needed to interact
face to face with the instructors do have to prefer this choice. Students firstly should know they
own leaning style. After that only they can decide. We will not know before we try it. So take the
challenge and do it.




As a conclusion, either it web based learning or traditional learning; the purpose is still
the same. To help them gain knowledge and further their studies and of course to pursue their
dream. The different is one is suitable for the non commitment person and another one is suitable
for the highly commitment person who had a busy lifestyle but still want to continue study. The
characteristic and the strategies discussed are only guidance for them to success in their learning.
The important thing is you enjoy the learning.

(2285 words)




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