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Teach kids how to find informationcan just pull out their phone and find
this info. They dont need to waste brain space on memorization
Authentic vs. Applicable
o Applicablecan apply knowledge to real world. Math is for critical
thinking skills.
o AuthenticApply to real world in real time. Use the knowledge youre
learning to participate in the real world.
Reasons why we should encourage service learning
o Community involvement (7)
o Knowledge can actually be used, relevance (1)
o Builds confidence (2)
o Gives opportunity to succeed, to change the world (2)
o Builds cooperative work, teamwork (4)
o Everyone has a role in learning, important work (2)
o Problem solving skills (5)
o Increases student motivation, relate to the work theyre doing (6)
o Deeper understanding of content (3)
o Empowers students, dont have to wait until 18 to DO something
o Fosters creativity
o Discover passions
o Broadens global perspective
o Active learning/experiential learning/memorable learning
o Interdisciplinary learning
o Increases academic performance
o Student altruism
Authenticity will drive the content. Content will become important to solve
the problem, to pursue the goal
Breakout sessions to go over content that doesnt exactly fit the project they
are working on, give students a reason for doing this extra work
Create lesson plans on certain standards in a way that makes sense to you,
make it authentic by having them teach to student teachers
Jigsaw learning
Planning process
o Look at standards
o Ask question: How can we do something important with these
Run ideas by PLN, coworkers, Twitter
o Find authentic audience
Cold calling
o Build content instruction into the project
It does not have to be exact
Business leaders within the community to help with connections to the
projects that you want to do, get OUTSIDE the classroom for ideas

For resumes for college, students have ACTUAL experience in the real world.
They did something to be proud of.
Teaching is a creative profession Sir Ken Robinson

50% of teachers leave within 5 years
Burnoutlosing a focus on and a passion for impact, impact is the cure
promoting the long-term flourishing of your students
Good teaching flows out of who YOU are
You are not your job
o Teachers are pretty good at school, want to be school, do school
o Separate your identity from your job
o Be all in when youre at work, but dont equate your worth with your
o When you succeed, you get an inflated sense of own importance, blind
to what is actually happening in the classroom, wont see where Im
falling short
Failure is progress
o Every time you fail, you learn what doesnt work
o Fail aggressively and productively
o With particular kids, teaching methods, etc.
o Experiment a lot, learn from it
o Angela Duckworth Ted Talkstick with tasks in the face of obstacles
o K. Anders Ericssens 10,000 Hoursdeliberate practice
Care more about them than about them liking you
o Need somethinglike, respect, admire, positive view of us
o Tell them the truthlike own kids
o Dont be so worried about how they see you that you cant tell them
the truth, that you cant make decisions to help them
Teaching is character building
o Grades and academic achievement are important, but not as
important as character
o KIPP character strengths
o What specifically do you want your students to develop?
o Workaholism
Cannot work so many hours efficiently, set hours for yourself
Work is at work, dont take things home
Tasks will fit your time limitswhether its one hour or three
Find people to hold you accountable
Say no. Know your limits, finite amount of things you can do.

Cultivate an identity outside of teaching

o Externalism
Dont be content if your classroom just looks good
Real classrooms dont always look pretty
Encourage people to come in without warning
Tell someone about your struggles, ask for advice
o Gossip
Casual or unconstrained conversation about other people
Redirect the conversation
Bluntly address it
Dont spend time with the negative types
o Jealousy
Send a positive message to someone youre jealous of
Encourage them, call out their strengths, sing their praises
Brag about other people
Make your class special to students
Build relationships with every student, feel like you actually know them,
dont have to know how to teach to relate to your students

Document a process, not just the end result
Inform the greater public
Understand that you will always be changing. Tech changes and you have to
Tech should never be used for technologys sake, use it as an enhancement to
what youre already doing
Create things you wouldnt be able to do through traditional means
What do you give to students, what do they give back to illustrate learning
Schoology, PBS LearningMedia,
See what you find on Google, make yourself known
Find a portfolio site for students to track their work, kidblog
Start students with day 1 with activities
Google Forms for student feedback
Give students choices on their work
Shared vision is most important
Communicate between grade levels on what will be taught
HOW teaching will change with the CCSS
Integrate other disciplines with your content area, teach smarter
Make things relevant to our students, why are they learning the content
Fewer standards, but greater depth of standards
Gradual release of responsibility


Everyone makes mistakesBig Bird song
In moments of failure, we understand who we are
Why is failure such a BIG deal in our society? What scares us?
Pride gets in our way, instead of saying we dont get it or we dont know, we
lie, even to students
Students will lie, even if theyre struggling
Grades shouldnt be the reason students are in class, shouldnt be the reason
theyre paying attention
No one should put a ceiling where you can learn. Students should never let
our limits determine their success.
Change how students learn from you.
When you finish college, its where you get to decide what you learn next,
new way to teach, new way to learn, choose your future
Readlisten, talk to people better than us (there are always people better
than us, always), never stop learning
If you stop learning from your students, you stop learning altogether.
Writewrite down ideas
Risktake big risks in the classroom, students will catch you, they will be
your net, they dont want to be bored
When you fail in class, students see that its okay to make mistakes
Learning happens when mistakes happen
Why does your fear have to stop me from doing something cool?
Trust is difficult, but the rewards are extraordinary. Trust your students and
trust yourself to be a teacher who lives on the edge.
Be vulnerable as a teacher, have students be vulnerable

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