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Location: Prishtina, Prizreni, Peja,

Students:Jehona, Shpresa, Enisi,

Topic: I am Kosova, I am Europe
Source: Youtube, selfrecorded videos


Florani edhe Egzoni prej Brnos

PRISHTINA: (Ideja eshte qe ne fillim te videos te qitet flamuri te rrethi edhe qyteti ka sheshi...Mandej
vjen zeri I studentit edhe ftyra si hije)
This is my place, my heart and soulThese are my roots
(pre Dragodanit qyteti)-ndrrohet me qata nalt
Prishtina, the vein of struggle, fear, hopes
Our voice for our independence, freedom (imazhet e pavaresise, festen)
(e qet imazhin e NEWBORN edhe masanej studentin ty nejt mbi shkalle te bororamizi e tu kqyr poshte,
edhe kesh pak)
And today, I stay proudly, as a newborn in the capital of newborn republic Kosova.
Where is Kosovo?-ku, kufizimi,sa km2lidhet me popullsi edhe me flamur
Language, toleranca fetare, rinia
PEJA: ( Cikat e djemte e Pejes, ulun nDukagjin te Korza, tu kesh e tu fol)-We have been raised with
mountains (I qet malet e rugoves )
Walked with the flow of rivers- (Lumenjte e ato ujvarat)
Danced with the nature( Vallja E rugoves)

PRIZRENI: (Studenti te kalaja) And years of war and suffering have raised men and women to build up
fortresses of never giving up, of victory and dreams of freedom for ancient land Dardania. (I qet lidhjen e
Prizrenit, trashegimite e tjera kulturore, naj hero tonin derisa thuhen qeto fjale)

I shtijme me e thone ka ni fjali shokte tane neper vene tndryshme

Kosova eshte e bukur,
Kosova eshte jete,
Kosova eshte sfide
Kosova eshte Lumturi,
(Masanej e lidhim skenen me shokte tane me mantilla edhe nja 10 veta e thojne fjaline I am Kosova, I
am Europe edhe I fundi student qe e thote ka me qene dikush prej grupit te ktyne te qyteteve qe me e
lidh skenen te NEW BORN, ku jane te mledhun shume studenta edhe me bo me dore prej se nalti te
Fundi, Kosovo the young Europeans :P
From Kosovo with love

Jeten e nates ne Prishtine

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