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Research Paper Format

Cultural differences doesnt only exist between any given nation or culture, it also
exist between groups. Education, social standing, religion, personality, belief structure,
past experience, and a myriad of other factors will affect human behaviour and culture.
Understanding cultural and ideological differences is better than making it as a conflict
or gap. Cultural difference should be seen in a positive view since through this, a person
could have a diversion of ideas. However if a person is prejudiced, conflict will definitely
occur because their beliefs and thoughts wont meet. Addition to that, cultural
differences could result to conflict if one person sees his values or philosophies better
above the others.
Applying for a job doesnt have to be base on what you know; it can be
sometimes base on your identity, accent, looks, gender, age or even the university
youre graduated from. Discrimination doesnt end there, in the work place not all people
would accept you some or most of them would criticize you or categorized you.
Discrimination is a worldwide issue; however, it is unavoidable especially in the
workplace. It is definitely negative for all of the people but, there could also be a positive
side of this. Discrimination of other people can be treated as a challenge to improve
ones self. The only thing is you shouldnt give in just because other people categorized
you. You might not be one of them, but you can use that difference to stand out
because of your success.

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