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Chocolate Cheese

By Betsy

Chubby was a loveable chimpanzee who lived at

the zoo. He enjoyed seeing the children who came to
visit him. Next to the children, he loved to eat.

His favorite food was chocolate cheese! He would

take a huge piece of cheese and dip it in melted
chocolate. Sometimes he would try to share with the
children who stood watching him, but they never
wanted to eat any.

The children would eat peaches, nibble on chips,

and slurp cherry cokes. Chubby felt sorry for them,
because he knew there was nothing better in the
whole world to eat than chocolate cheese!

Chicken Pox
By Marquis, Grade 5

Chicken pox - scratch, scratch, scratch.

Chicken pox - itchy, itchy, itchy!
Chicken pox on my chin and on my cheek.
Chicken pox everywhere!
Chicken pox - scratch, scratch, scratch.
Chicken pox - itchy, itchy, itchy!

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