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Elena M.

BDB Group 2

Prof. Paulo Danduan

Foreign Studies

Owens (1999) in her study exploring beliefs about academic achievement studied the
relationship between parent and guardian educational attainment to academic
achievement and concluded that the educational attainment of parent or guardian does
have a relationship with academic achievement of their children, she argued that the
higher the parent or guardians educational achievement, the higher the academic
achievement similar to what King & Bellow (1989) had said.

Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005), this study tends to show how they used GPA to
measure student performance because their main focus is the students performance for the particular
semester. Some other researchers used test results or previous year result since they are studying
performance for the specific subject or year (Hijazi and Naqvi, 2006 and Hake, 1998). Studies have
suggested that students learn more when taught by experienced teachers than they do when taught by
teachers with just a few years experience. However, the relationship between experience and
achievement may be affected by many factors.

The study conducted by Robins et al (1998) states that the specific objectives of the study were
the attitudes of students and teachers on some subjects. The study concluded that teachers should
introduce subjects in a simpler manner so that students develop interest in most subjects.
Discrimination of students should be eliminated and role models be availed to motivate students.
This study was designed to examine factors affecting the academic performance of students.
The data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively.

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