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Institucin Educativa San Isidoro

Time Worksheet
Sixth grade
Name: _______________________________________________ Code: _______ Course: _______
1. Write the time

Institucin Educativa San Isidoro

Time Worksheet
Sixth grade
2. Draw the time.

Its five oclock

Its three

Its ten to four

Its ten past four

Its fifteen past ten

Its three to seven

Its twelve to two

Its nine past four

Its six oclock

Its ten to eleven

Its eleven oclock

Its twenty to four

Its a quarter to two

Its half past one

Its a twenty to six

Its twenty past six

Its ten past five

Its a quarter to four

Its half past three

Its five past four

Its a quarter to six

Its ten past one

Its fifteen past four

Its a twenty-five to two

Its ten past one

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