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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Personal likes

1. Desarrolle una presentacin en donde exponga en ingls a travs de frases
sencillas, cul es su deporte, animal y dispositivo tecnolgico favoritos (realice tres
de cada una) y acompae con imgenes.
I like to play football with my friends to leave college. The football makes forget our
problems for a while

Saturdays and sometimes on Sundays I make another of my favorite sports is

swimming, the sport I practice family as it helps us to share a good time.

Finally, cycling becomes another sport more to my tastes. It is a sport that I practice
with my uncle and helps us to overcome both dificutades together.

Dogs are considered man's best friend, which is a great reason for me to adore these
pets as they are with us in times of loneliness.

Cats are cute and adorable pets, they make my life a world more full of smiles. My cat
MICHIN is very playful and also is very affectionate.

Every morning at dawn, we heard sharp and pleasant sounds that indicate the
beginning of a nuvo day. The birds are adorable birds that fill my life with so much
peace to hear her beautiful singing.

The computer is a tool that accompanies me everywhere, has been a tool that has
made my job easier in college.

The tablets are a good source of entertainment, especially for us young, apart from
providing us the service of a computer also entertain us.

Sound equipment are tools that allow us to enjoy the joys and sorrows through the
sound of music. It is a very family friendly technological instrument.

2. Formule dos preguntas en ingls, con el fin de cuestionar a su instructor sobre

sus gustos.

Do you love pets like cats and dogs?

Do you hate wild animals like tigers and lions?

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