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Column Chart

> Documented By: Sai Nandigam <

Column chart is a combination chart which is used to display trends in time or compare values across
different categories. Column chart has Measures on Y-axis, Categories on X-axis and Series on Primary
Basic Layout:

Building a Sample Column Chart Report

1. Open Report Studio > create a new report with Blank template.

Column Chart

> Documented By: Sai Nandigam <

2. Go to Toolbox menu > Drag a Chart to the work area > Select Column and click OK.

3. Drag Product Line column from Product table to the Series > Drag Current Year column from Time
Dimension to Categories > Drag Revenue column from Sales table to Measures.

Column Chart
4. Run the report and see the results

Types of Column Charts


> Documented By: Sai Nandigam <

Column Chart


100% Stacked:

> Documented By: Sai Nandigam <

Column Chart

> Documented By: Sai Nandigam <

Creation of Drill-Through on Column Chart

Column chart has an option to create drill-through on x-axis (Categories), Legend (Series) or on the
whole chart.

Column Chart

> Documented By: Sai Nandigam <

Important Properties
Chart Orientation



Column Chart

Summarize Small Items

Matrix Rows and Columns

> Documented By: Sai Nandigam <

Column Chart

> Documented By: Sai Nandigam <

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