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The most usual effect of these aspects in the horoscopes of nice people is ill health it is
rarer to find accidents under the Luni-Martian aspects than it is under those in which the Sun is
implicated. Often the health is not robust, there are many illnesses of greater or less severity, and
life is not likely to run its full measure, though one may point to such a case as that of Lord Balfour,
who after a very delicate infancy lived to an advanced age. Alan Leo is a case wherein, after a
healthy life, death came suddenly and unexpectedly.
In another class we find the combative and pugnacious side of the contacts in full play, as for
example in the case of Georges Clemenceau, Gandhi, Shelley and Ruskin.
The tendency to deep thought is common in the bad contacts, but the native is apt to be
influenced too much by his emotions, and there is a rebellious and intolerant element which refuses
to see any good in its opponents.
A more disagreeable type is the self-indulgent prodigal, with tendencies to drink and
promiscuity. There seems always to be a certain degree of kindheartedness, of a rough and selfish
kind the sort that is kind with other peoples money, or when no personal sacrifice is involved.
Otherwise this contact may go with a pretty considerable blackguard, the native having little selfrespect, self-control or refinement. Thus we have cases of Defalcating Bank Clerk, Drunkard,
Adventuress, Young Prodigal, and Opium and Alchohol.
Sometimes there is obstinacy and self-will, and probably in all examples there is a liability to
hot temper or sullenness, but it is certain that in many cases this is not very prominent.

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