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Now Presenting: October News

Curriculum Corner
Social Studies: Furthering our knowledge about communities, we have continued
learning about different types of locations. Ask your child all about where they live,
they will be able to tell you all about where they are on a map!
Math: Awesome at Adding! We have been working hard and are now beginning to
add two-digit numbers. Counting to 100 and beyond can be tricky, but second grade
is up for the challenge!
Science: Our speedy scientists have been hard at work learning about rocks and
minerals. We have learned about the life cycle of rocks, changes of rocks, and
different types!
Reading & Writing: In class we have been practicing using text evidence to support
our written responses to what we read in school and at home. In writing, we have
been busy at work researching and writing informative pieces about porcupines!

November Sparkle:
November 6-7:
No School
November 14:
Report Cards
November 18:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 26:
Early Dismissal
November 27-28:
No SchoolHappy Thanksgiving!

In the Spotlight
*Community Walk- The second graders had a great time
exploring our very own historical town of Roebling. We
learned many new things about how our local businesses are
run and even where the name Roebling originated. We had a
great time visiting the dentist, bakery, grocery store,
Roebling Museum, and the post office!
*Trunk or Treat- We hope you had a great time trunk or
treating! The second grade teachers had a blast dressing up
as Ninja Turtles and all of the costumes were so creative!
Hats off to all of the volunteers and families that made this
night possible.

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