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Celebrations and Holy Days

Each group of two or three students is responsible for researching two holidays and
presenting their findings to the class. Most presentations will take place during long
hour. Your combined project grade will count as your final exam. (20 % of your grade
for the course)
Each group must complete four of the following:
(Numbers marked with an * are REQUIRED)
*1. A short (1-2 pages) written summary of the holiday. A bibliography sheet must be
turned in with the written description. (think 5W and H)
*2. A presentation to the class explaining the holiday. All group members must
3. Sights and sounds of the holiday. A visual and/or audio presentation of ways the
holiday is celebrated. Microsoft PowerPoint may be used.
4. Crafts of the holiday. Teach the class a craft associated with the holiday.
5. Food. Make and share a traditional food served on this holiday. The SHS food
policy states that food cannot be eaten in classrooms.
6. Song and dance. Teach the class a song or dance associated with the holiday.
7. Ritual. Perform any aspect of how the holiday is celebrated.
8. Your ideas? Some holidays may inspire an idea not on this list. Please talk to me
about your ideas.

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