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Take a few minutes to study the layout and design of each magazine cover.

What similarities do you note? What differences?

Which of the covers do you find most appealing? Why?
Which magazines do you frequently read? Why do you read them? What kind
of articles do they feature? If you do not read magazines. Why not?

1. Large point font with one or two publicly recognizable figures on the cover.
Many small headings around the cover talking about the other articles inside
of the paper. The font color matches the mood the article is trying to present.
The color scheme also relates to the picture on the cover.
2. I dont find any of them appealing so to speak. However, if I had to choose a
cover I would say the second and third were very close. The second doesnt
have many article titles on it and it makes the photo of Alicia Keys pop. The
third is covered with titles and most are red. The picture of the guy in a
seductive position has to do with the red color font. Red is considered a
romantic color.
3. I frequently read muscle and fitness as well as TIME Magazine. The reason
for this is because I enjoy working out and looking at the different workouts
that promise good results. I read TIME because I enjoy the information that it
presents and the way it is presented in the magazine.

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