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Content literacy and language in Education Dr. L.


Katelynd Marchant

Evaluation of your literacy website: Educ 3503 (Assignment /30)
1. English Language Arts

5 /5

2. Reading/Writing

5 /5

3. Listening/Speaking

5 /5

4. Viewing/Representing

5 /5

5. Assessment Ideas

5 /5

6. Reflections

5 /5

Process of making Website

What I Learned and Know
What I can add/continue

Your total:


Thanks Katelynd for such a terrific job on this assignment and your honest reflection. I
wanted to see what people would do without prescribing too much what to put in , but
found after talking with you and others that more specific guidelines were needed. Each
persona and each class is different, and I dont like to limit with a rubric, but it obviously
helped you and I am sorry you felt a time waste before hand. Perhaps in PSII it would work
better. I also loved the PE connections you did throughout. This is already a rich, focussed,
strategic, useful teaching resource and hope you will use it. Would be okay for me to use
this as a kind of sample or exemplar for future students? You did lovely work here.
Good luck with finishing up the term.
Best care,

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