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Green Lantern Corp O.C.C.

D.J. Dreded
In darkess day in brightest night no one shall escape my sight, those who worship evils might beware
my powers Green Lanterns light
Long ago the Guardians of the Universe created an intergalactic police force to protect the universe
from the forces of evil. They were
called the Green Lanterns and if you don't know who they are you better ask someone. All of the G.L.
powers and abilities come from
their Power Ring which some call the most powerful weapon in the universe. With this ring the G.L.
can accomplish many power
stunt from flight to force manipulation. The way that they are able to do this, is because of willpower.
The more will power you have
the more powerful you are. The rings are a combination of Kyle's and Hal's power rings With this I will
explain how to create a Green
Lanterns and how there abilities work if there any Questions or you think I left something out e-mail
me at
Green Lanterns are a Trade Mark of DC Comic all Rights Reservered
Attribute Requirement: I.Q. 12, M.E. 15, P.E. 12, and loyalty to the Guardians (note 10% of G.L. have
Extraordinary ME this roll
must be done in front of the G.M.)
Alignment: must be of a good alignment(possibly selfish)
Skills: most green lanterns are already skilled in there occupation so I would use the heroes unlimited
book to make there basic skills.
and can throw in some skills form other book if need be.
Weapons, POWER RING- The power ring the source of all of the G.L. works off of I.S.P. To know
how much ISP your character has
that your ME rating and multiply it by 100 the reason why it so high is because Green Lanterns barely
ever lose all there power in just
one fight and plus they can only recharge there ring by one way their power battery
Flight --The Green Lantern eases power to master is the flight power it cost 1 ISP to fly at mach 1, 5 to
travel mach 7, and 10 ISP to
fly at the maxim speed of 1500 time the speed of light ( note the fastest a GL can travel is Mach 7 in
atmosphere and the lightspeed is
only used in space to get to one point to another)
Green Lantern Sense--With this ability the green lantern can find any Green Lantern in the universe no
matter where they are by
spending 5 ISP
Astral Projection-- A Green Lanterns can travel at the speed of thought any were in the universe by
spending 10 ISP
Protection-- The ring Protect it's user in many ways
1. The ring give the wearer an A.R. of the characters beginning M.E. Divided by 2 + 1 at level 3,6,9,12
and 15 to a maxium of
18 i.e. Billy a new Green lantern has an M.E. of a 20 so his AR of a 10.this does not
2. A Green Lanterns ring increases there SDC by there ME x 10 i.e. bill has 50 SDC but his ME is 20
so he has 250 SDC
( 20x10= 200+ 50=250) in Rifts it ME X 50 for MDC.
3. The G.L. ring heals there wearer at 1d4x10 every 4 rounds (1 minute) at a cost of 10 ISP.
4. The ring will automatically protect its wearer in any environment allowing a G.L. to flight there

space unprotected, surviving

on radatiaed planet and so on with no ill effects
Ring Intelligence-- The ring is also like a computer that work on voice command the ring stores
information and can pull information
from the main power battery that can help the Green Lanterns with problem solving and information of
alien races villains of the Corp
and other things. The ring has an IQ of a 20 and to see if the G.L. ring has the information it ask for the
GM should roll for the
following chart
01-25 no information 50-00 large amount of information
26-50 small amount of information
Understanding-- The ring automatically translate all language for the G.L. so he can speak languages
and understand all languages
Force Manipulation --This ability allow the user to make anything they want to and is their primary
offensive and defensive power.
Their are certain way to use this ability to use its power that is creation of objects and damage NOTE
the ring's Force Manipulation is
energy unlike any energy souce the energy actually becomes solid and can't be absorbed unless the GL
used it in it rawest form
Creating objects-- to create an object you use your ME rating as the maxim point you spend here a
Quick list to help with the creation
1 ISP= 5 SDC (NOTE GL you should use this when they plan on using the item for
1 ISP= 1 PS more that one attack. For best result try to make the creature
1 ISP= 1 PP before the game and try to have a set basic for creature made
1 ISP= 10 SPD from the ring.)
- 248 -DAMAGE -- Show how much damage is done. It cost 10 ISP for a low 20 ISP for a medium and
30 for high + ME Rating i.e. Billy
does a full power bast that does 6d6 + 20 (because billys ME is a 20)
16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36- 40 41-50 51-60
10 3d6 4d6
1d4x10 1d6x10 2d4x10
20 5d6 6d6
1d4x10 1d6x10 2d4x10 2d6x10 3d6x10
30 6d6 1d4x10 1d6x10 2d4x10 2d6x10 3d6x10 4d6x10
Omni power-- This ability allows a G.L. to mimic other superabilitys and powers with their ring power
at a cost of 25 ISP for 1 round
i.e. Brutus the Brawler forces Billy to fight him hand to hand combat Billy deiced to make his PS
supernatural so he spend 25 ISP and
starts pounding. Another example is a GL see a burning building and decide to put it out with his force
manipulation and make it a
water like substance so he spends 25 ISP + the ISP he is putting into his force manipulation and make a
Giant Bucket of water to put
out the flames
Training -- After a Green Lantern receive their ring they must complete a 4 week training course that
teaches them concentration,
show them how to focus on their will and shows them how to use their rings Once they have finish

their training the G.L. is officially

apart of the Corp and is Given a sector to protect. The training gives you the following bonus
+5 to save vs. horror factor +1 every level
+4 to ME + 1 every level
+1 to PS
+2 to PE
+5 to strike and parry with ring + those gain in Hand to Hand
+10 to concentration
The G.L. are powerful in many ways but they have many weakness and they are Recharing,
Concentration and Yellow.
Recharging-- Once a Green Lanterns ring starts to get low on it ISP they will need to recharge it their
are only one way to charge their
ring and that is their power battery. The power battery is connected to the Main battery that Gives the
Green Lanterns their power. The
Recharing of the ring take 1 round and during that the character can not take any offensive action. The
power battery has enough
power to run a City off of forever and if someone was to find a way to tap in to it the result could be
disastrous so the G.L. will protect
their battery at all cost.
Power Battery: AR 15 SDC/MDC 500
Concentration-- The ring works off of will power as I said before so to use the ring you have to
concentrate on what your doing that
mean if for any reason your concentration is broke your Force manipulation disappears and you have to
spend ISP to recreate one. To
see if Concentration is broken you must roll your concentration which 50% + 5 every level (+ 10 if the
G.L.went thur training) if the
G.L. make the roll the object stays if he fails it's gone
Yellow-- The only thing a G.L. Ring doesn't work against is yellow that means if a man Dress in all
yellow was fighting against a GL
the GL is in trouble. 1. the Force manipulation can't hit the man or hold him ie Billy is fighting the
Cannery, a man in a YELLOW suit
with the sonic power. Bill try to hit him with a Giant boxing Glove but when it connect with the
cannery it fades away. So bill try to
capture him in a Force field the Cannery simply just walks right thur it as if nothing is there. Also the
G.L. takes double damage from
yellow attack i.e. Billy is hit by the Cannery's Sonic Blast that happens to be yellow so the Cannery
rolls 1D4x10 and get a 40 and x
that by two and you get 80 points of damage the GL is in troubles

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