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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

NAEYC Standard:
STANDARD 1 Promoting Child Development and Learning
Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs are grounded in a child development knowledge
base. They use their understanding of young childrens characteristics and needs, of multiple interacting
influences on childrens development, and create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and
challenging for each child. (NAEYC, 2010)

Brief Description of Evidence:

During the spring semester of 2014 during my EDUC 210 Planning Elementary Education course, I observed
the creative process and analyzed artwork from children ages 2-7. Their artwork allowed me to distinguish the
first three stages of art and gain a better understanding as well as appreciation for the different stages of

Analysis of What I Learned:

Through this artifact I learned that there was a purpose as well as meaning behind each stage of art. Once
I completed this project I paid closer attention to detail and how each picture represented that child in some
way. The scribble stage represented their hand and eye coordination and as they got older the pictures told a
story with feeling, emotion, personality, relationships and perception. Each piece of artwork was unique and
signified each childs level of creativity.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the NAEYC Standard:

This project is just one of many projects in which I have worked collaboratively with a group of children of
various ages. Through researching the various stages of art, I feel my competence in this standard is proven by
my ability to plan, implement and evaluate students progress as they continue to build on their skills and
knowledge in creative ways.

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