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The K-Jetronic is the first mechanical-hydraulic and continuous fuel injection. It only appeared late in
the development of the motor-car because the injection amounts are so small. In addition, the
technology delivers the minutest pressure difference valves. Apart from the electronics, it is always
regarded as the technically most demanding mixture processing system with good values,
particularly with the responding properties of the Otto engine.
Basic Function
Per cylinder, one injector-valve through its own controller, is connected with the fuel distributor.
There, a suitable number of pressure difference valves provides for the fuel delivery control. The
difference of 0.1 bar, is caused by a spring in the upper chambers, which presses on the steel
membrane. All the lower chambers are connected to the system pressure with 4.7 bar.
In the center of the circularly arranged difference valves, a control piston is raised by the air sensor
plate working in the vacuum tract according to the amount of intake air. This occurs either by the
rising current principle (figure 2), or the air sensor plate is pressed downwards by the falling airflow.
In any event, the lever mechanism is so formed that the control piston moves upwards and allows
only a 1/10 mm wide slot to open the to single upper chambers.To be able to regulate fuel amounts
of e.g., only 5 mm per cylinder for two crankshaft rotations, the opening cross section, as well as
the pressure difference, are minimised precisely.
Special Function
The mixture enrichment is regulated almost by itself because of the constant oscillating sensor plate.
The warm running regulation is somewhat more complicated. If the cold engine has been started by
the L-Jetronic with suitable cold starting equipment and additional cold starting valve with a thermo
time switch, it needs a richer mixture. for this purpose, a portion of the system pressure, through a
throttle, is directed from above, onto the control piston. In a warm engine, this hinders the control
piston on its way upwards (normal mixture). However, if the engine is cold, this control pressure of
approx. 3.3 bar, is lowered down, depending on the temperature, to as little as 1 bar. Thus, more
fuel-flow develops at the same air-transfer rate, providing a richer mixture.
The warming-up controller (figure 5) is responsible for the pressure reduction. A bi-metal with its
spring weakens the closing force of a holding valve in the flow-back. This means a shallower pressure
gradient to the flow-back, and thus, a lower control pressure. As soon as the ignition is switched on,
it is heated and the spring tension decreases. Thus the retaining spring can assert itself more, and
provides for an increase in the control pressure. Later, the warm-running compensator receives an
additional full-strain membrane with vacuum connection. This lowers the control pressure and
provides, through enrichment, for the achievement of the catalogue values.



Even though an air vane swivels with the intake of air, the rotary angle is however, not precisely
proportional to that of the air volume intake. A rotary potentiometer converts the movement of the
air vane through complicated resistance trajectories, according to the air volume intake, into a signal
and passes this on to the control device. A compensation flap turns at the same time in a dead area
and dampens any oscillations of the air vane which may appear.
The pressure control valve is now connected through its spring chamber with the inlet manifold of
the engine and regulates the inlet manifold pressure to 2-3 bar of injection pressure. The pressure
difference between distributor pipe and inlet manifold thereby remains constant. The injection
amount depends precisely on the injection pulse-length.
The throttle switch no longer has contacts for the acceleration. An acceleration enrichment is
reached through the slightly stronger oscillating air vane, which also signals an acceleration to the
control device more quickly. In all cases, an further enrichment is carried out for a certain amount of
The triggering of the injection is now taken over directly by thecontact-breaker points. However, all
injectors inject only at every second contact release.
Due to the fact that one could not yet determine the air volume, and at this time no Lambda
sensor existed, a height corrector had to help correct the injected fuel amount in large heights.
Because it was not often installed directly on the engine, garages had a lot of problems with failures
in this component. It was simply forgotten.
Air volume meter, temperature sensor (coolant), thermo time switch, temperature sensor (air
intake), throttle switch, ignition signal (terminal 1). 09/09
Injection valve, relay (fuel pump)


How direct fuel injection works
Gasoline engines work by sucking a mixture of gasoline and air into a cylinder, compressing it with a
piston, and igniting it with a spark; the resulting explosion drives the piston downwards, producing
power. Traditional (indirect) fuel injection systems pre-mix the gasoline and air in a chamber just
outside the cylinder called the intake manifold. In a direct-injection system, the air and gasoline are
not pre-mixed; air comes in via the intake manifold, while the gasoline is injected directly into the
Advantages of direct fuel injection
Combined with ultra-precise computer management, direct injection allows more accurate control
over fuel metering (the amount of fuel injected) and injection timing (exactly when the fuel is
introduced into the cylinder). The location of the injector also allows for a more optimal spray
pattern that breaks the gasoline up into smaller droplets. The result is more complete combustion -in other words, more of the gasoline is burned, which translates to more power and less pollution
from each drop of gasoline.
Disadvantages of direct fuel injection
The primary disadvantages of direct injection engines are complexity and cost. Direct injection
systems are more expensive to build because their components must be more rugged -- they handle
fuel at significantly higher pressures than indirect injection systems and the injectors themselves
must be able to withstand the heat and pressure of combustion inside the cylinder.


D-Jet is a "multi-port," electronically-controlled system that permits greater precision in metering an
optimum fuel / air mixture than do carburetors, resulting in generally increased power and fuel
economy. In a sense, it's a lot like spreading the internal bits of a carburetor around the engine
compartment. The air component of the mixture is drawn into the motor just the same way as in a
carbureted motor: through a throttle body on the outboard end of the intake manifold. The throttle
body contains a single large butterfly opened by pressing the gas pedal (which should really be called
the "air pedal"). Rather than using the resulting airflow to suck gas into the mixture through
metering jets in a carburetor, however, D-Jet injects an atomized spray of fuel into the airflow
directly outboard of each intake valve. How muchfuel is determined by a simple computer known as
the Electronic Control Unit, or ECU, usually located above the passenger's feet in an 1800E or under
the right seat in a 142E.

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