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Brittney Busher
Mrs. Petty
17 December 2014
Arts Education
The arts education system has been questioned many times over the years there are many
people who believe that the arts are safe so there is no need to worry about it. Those thinking that
it is not that its a waste of time more as a waste of the tax payers money. Then the solution they
that they come up with is to take art away from the schools curriculum.The community that
forms with art education helps the students to find themselves. So if art was to be taken away
from schools there may be no more reason for a handful of students to go back. If the arts
programs were too taken out of the schools there is a higher chance that there will be more
students that will drop out of schools. There are those people when they were students their life
was changed because of the art programs there exposed to. Then they can from a new path for
their lives. Art has been taken part in every students childhood, and it has helped students of all
ages to understand what is being taught to them.
Specifically if the schools were to take the art programs out it may cause an increase of
the schools dropout rate. In some situations art can be the only way for someone to stay motived
in school. The student that are not inspired with other subject like math or they cant sit through
a subject they tend to drop out (Bauerlein 44). There are some cases where could be a student
who would only go to school, so that they can take some type of art class, and without have this

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it may give that person a reason to drop out. Art can be the only way that a person can express
themselves also it is one way that people can connect together and create good bonds. If these
students have art it can really help in their school work Art grasps their interest, they can then
take their talents so that they can become a create person, and they can feel as if their part of a
community (Bauerlein 44).when students take art classes it helps better memorization skills
because with some of the different art subjects there can many repetitive things that happens so it
really helps. Also art helps when it comes to gaining high grades in areas like math, science, and
English. Math is really many patterns within the subject and taking from tap dancing and reading
music there all forms of patterns.
To illustrate having arts programs in the school people can really discover who they
really are early. Teaching art helps to create and provide them so that they can express
themselves in many different ways. There may be some students that may surprise their teachers
no matter who they are A student who really didnt care for school who ended up in detention
way too much, so then in English he would start up discussion about different topics, so when
the students started doing a theater project teacher was surprised to find that, that student had not
missed a single day of rehearsals. Then when looking at the attendance sheet she noticed that the
student had out of school suspension and he had only severed seven of his ten days (Bauerlein
45). One of these many outlets is if any were to be living in a bad neighborhood and their passion
is some type of art program. It may be possible for that student to get as scholarships for doing
art, and it can help them to get away from that area. There are some situations where if the
schools dont have an art program in place either they already lost the program, or the school
doesnt have the funding to hire art teachers. Then they would have to go to a separate facility

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and some may not be to afford it. The school is may be the only place where they can be exposed
to it.
Furthermore the use of art takes a huge part in the development stages of school, as in the
kindergarten through second grade. When starting out in school and being very young child have
very short attention spans that the only way to grab their attention is teaching with using art as a
bonus. when teaching the younger students a lot of their projects that they do are art based
because its fun for them, but also they end up learning something from doing their work in that
way (Art Education 119). Today teachers use fun activities as in putting on pageants for the
kids parents it may not seem like theyre not really learning. For example when they perform a
Thanksgiving pageants it may not be everything that happen, but they learn the fundamentals of
a time in history through putting on a play. Teaching younger kids may be difficult due to their
expanded imaginations, young children always have the most imaginative ideas that comes
through with what they are drawing and anything that they make (Art Education 119). So it
gives them different ways of learning, and it expands their mind while doing it in a fun way.
To conclude art helps many different people and there are many incredibly great careers
that come art programs. So if there to be no more art programs, a handful of kids will not enjoy
the others class and drop out of school. Art helps kids so that they can get away from bad
situation by some earning scholarships while finding themselves. Then kids learn through by
using art so take it away from those that it may be the only way they learn. Think of the actors
and the movies they make, painters that create wonder pieces of art, musicians that makes
amazing music, dancers who keep a culture alive to entertain the people today. If today there
were no arts education in the schools systems there will be no next generations of theses talented

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Works cited
Bauerlein, Mark. "Advocating for Arts in the classroom: academic discipline or instrument of
personal change?" Education Next 10.4 (2010): 42+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
WALLING, DONOVAN R., and D. JACK DAVIS. "Art Education." Encyclopedia of
Education. Ed. James W. Guthrie. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan Reference USA,
2003. 117-123. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 26 Nov. 2014

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