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TERM PAPER TOURISM MANAGEMENT (Submitted in the 2nd semester Of Master of Comput
er Applications) Session: 2011-12 Submitted By:Registration Number: 11114305 Rol
l Number: RD1114A51 Name: Anil Kumar Submitted To: Mr.Deepak mehta Date of Submi
ssion: 16 April 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: First of all I would like to thank the Lov
ely Professional University, Jalandhar and take the opportunity to do this proje
ct as a part of the M.C.A Many people have influenced the shape and content of t
his project, and many supp orted me through it. I express my sincere gratitude t
o Mr. Deepak mehta for assign ing me a term paper on tourism management which is an
interesting and exhaustive t opic. He has been an inspiration and role model for
this topic. His guidance and activ e support has made it possible to complete t
he assignment. I also would like to thank my Friends who have helped and encoura
ged me througho ut the working of the project. Last, but not the least I would l
ike to thank the almighty for always helping me. Finally, I take this opportunit
y to acknowledge the services of the total team o f publisher and everyone who c
ollaborated in producing this work. Anil Kumar
CONTENTS SR.NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
ES & DESCRIPTIONS Requirement Analysis operation: codeing snapshort of output:

9. 10. 11.
Testing Future scope of the project references to be used
Project Description: 1. INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVE Tourism management system is a
retain business that deals servic es related to travel to tourist or customer. S
o to manage the details like touri st details, tour details, and other related d
etails like hotels,tourist guide et c. For this purpose, need the software which
could easily and conveniently maint ain these details .In tourism management sy
stem we have to introduce following i tems details. Companies:Hotels,transport,E
ntertainment Organization:Information service People:management front office Tou
rist:Needs,wants,behavior Economy:income,employment Technology:reservation syste
m ,internet. Together all above manages in a consecut ively is called tourism ma
nagement system. The project TOURISM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM includes some facilities of
travel such as registration of new tourist, search regarding booking or reserva
t ion of a tour, display, modification, delete etc. The software used for arrang
ing whole tourism management will include services, provides new and improved se
rvices, and identify travel relate d cost savings. Tourist is a temporary leisur
ed person who voluntary visists a p lace away from home for the purpose of exper
iencing a change.we will have to ful fill his all need starting from ticket of d
esirable place with staying facility in hotels.tourism guide & travel agency. 2.
TOOLS & PLATFORM IS BEING USED A. Software Turboc3 C++ Compiler Microsoft Windo
ws 7 Ultimate B. Hardware PROCESSOR Intel Core i3 RAM 4GB 3. LIMITATIONS A. Soft
ware Microsoft Windows Environment Runs in Window Mode on 64 bits Operating Syst
em Environment Character User Interface Mode It will not support Network System
Unable to print report B. Hardware PROCESSOR - Pentium III or onward RAM 128MB o
Customer/Tourist Details Tour Details Type of vehcle used Availability of Seats

Tourist places Reservation of tickets DESCRIPTIONS OF THE MODULES The applicatio

n stores and manages customer details as name of customer, address of customer a
nd his/her ID details. The tour details like source, destination, departure time
, arriv al time, tour fee, bus/vehicle details, encharge name and contact number
etc. is also managed by this project. 5.REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS This process is ad
opted when management of the system development, Personnel dec ide that the part
icular system needs improvement. The system development life cy cle is the set o
f activities, carried out by the analyst, designers and users to develop and imp
lement a system. The systems that are present in the nature foll ow common life
cycle pattern. For example consider the raining system. Initially the rain falls
into the river, river flows into sea, the sea water evaporates t o form vapors,
the vapors form clouds which again bring rain. Similarly consider a man made sy
stem initially a system is analyzed, designed and made operational by the effort
s of system analysis. After successful operation or a number of us ers, the syst
em becomes less and less effective by change in the environment. So these change
s have to be incorporated in to the system by minor modifications. So the genera
l activities from the life cycle of the system are given below: Select ion and i
dentification of the system to be studied Preliminary study Defining the system
Design and development of the system Implementation of the system 6.OperationAs
the name implies, a tourism management main function is to act as an agent, t ha
t is to say, selling travel products and services on behalf of a supplier. Con s
equently, unlike other retail businesses, they do not keep a stock in hand. A p
ackage holiday or a ticket is not purchased from a supplier unless a customer re
quests that purchase. The holiday or ticket is supplied to them at a discount.
T he profit is therefore the difference between the advertised price which the c
us tomer pays and the discounted price at which it is supplied to the agent. Thi
s i s known as the commission. In Australia, all individuals or companies that s
ell tickets are required to be licensed as a tourism agent. 7.COODING: #include<
conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<dos.h> #include<fstream.
h> #include<ctype.h> #include<string.h> /***************************************
******* GLOABAL VARIABLE **********************************************/ int i=0
; /********************************************** GLOBAL FUNTIONS **************
********************************/ void startup(); int opening1();

void void void void

opening2(); maketrfile(); makehofile(); places();
/********************************************** CLASS TRAVELAGENCY CONSISTING OF
*******************************************/ class travelagency { private: char
name[50],destination[30],hotel[30],add[80],flag1,flag2,trans[30]; float price,pr
ice2; int not1,not2,nor,top,nod,noc,kor1,kor2,top2; //DATA MEMBERS IN PRIVATE AR
EA int fst1,fst2,tst1,tst2,nst1,nst2; int atr1,atr2,ttr1,ttr2,rtr1,rtr2; public:
int toggle; void void void void void . void void void void void void void void
SER. void void void void void searchhotrec(); transferhoteldata(); edithoteldata
(); transferhoteldata1(); restr(); showtransport(); viewtrrec(); showtransportre
c(); deltransportrec(); searchtransportrec(); transfertransportdata(); edittrans
portdata(); transfertransportdata1(); //FUNTION TO CALCULATE PRICE //FUNTION TO
VIEW DIFFERENT DESTI resho(); showhotel(); viewhorec(); showhotelrec(); delhotel
void assignprice(); void nindia(int void sindia(int NATION void eindia(int void
windia(int void cindia(int }user,user1[100]; ndes); sdes); wdes); edes); cdes);

* *******************/ /********************************************** CLASS TRA
VELAGENCY FUNTIONS DEFINED OUTSIDE THE CLASS. **********************************
************/ /*________________________________________________________________
______________ _______________**************************************************
*************** *******************/ /******************************** HOTEL RES
ERVATIONS ********************************/
/********************************************** FUNTION USED TO RESERVE HOTEL. *
*********************************************/ void travelagency::resho() { clrs
cr(); flag1='N'; while(flag1!='Y') { clrscr(); gotoxy(20,5);cout<<"Please Enter
Information For Hotel Reservation"; gotoxy(20,7);cout<<"Please enter the choice
of your hotel......"; gotoxy(25,9);cout<<"1: 5 Star"; gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"2: 3
Star"; gotoxy(25,11);cout<<"3: Normal"<<endl; gotoxy(26,12);cout<<"......";cin>>
top; clrscr(); assignprice(); clrscr(); gotoxy(15,2);cout<<"PLEASE FILL IN THE D
ETAILS ..."; gotoxy(25,5);cout<<"HOTEL RESERVATION FORM"; gotoxy(5,8);cout<<"Nam
e: "; gotoxy(5,10);cout<<"Address: "; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Destination: "; gotoxy
(30,12);cout<<"Name of Hotel: "; gotoxy(5,14);cout<<"No. of days to stay: "; got
oxy(5,16);cout<<"Type of Rooms to be Reserved(1/0)" ; gotoxy(10,18);cout<<"Delux
e: "; gotoxy(30,18);cout<<"Non Deluxe: "; gotoxy(10,22);cout<<"Is the informatio
n correct(y/n)?? "; gotoxy(10,8);gets(name); gotoxy(13,10);gets(add); gotoxy(19,
12);gets(destination); gotoxy(46,12);gets(hotel); gotoxy(27,14);cin>>nod; gotoxy
(22,18);cin>>kor1; gotoxy(45,18);cin>>kor2; gotoxy(45,22);cin>>flag1;

flag1=toupper(flag1); } showhotel(); } /****************************************

****** FUNTION USED TO SHOW HOTEL RESERVATIONS. ********************************
**************/ void travelagency::showhotel() { int a,b; if(top==1) price=(fst1
*kor1*nod)+(fst2*kor2*nod); else if(top==2) price=(tst1*kor1*nod)+(tst2*kor2*nod
); else if(top==3) price=(nst1*kor1*nod)+(nst2*kor2*nod); if(toggle==1) { clrscr
(); textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); textbackground(BLUE); for(int h=25;h<50;h++) { gotox
y(20,8);cout<<"Please wait while we make the Reservation"; gotoxy(h,10);cout<<"";
delay(250); } toggle=0; } clrscr(); gotoxy(25,5);cout<<"Hotel Reservation "; go
toxy(24,6);cout<<"-----------------------"; gotoxy(15,8);cout<<"Name:"<<strupr(n
ame); gotoxy(15,10);cout<<"Address:"<<strupr(add); gotoxy(15,12);cout<<"Name of
the hotel: "<<strupr(hotel) <<" , "<<strupr(destination); gotoxy(15,14);cout<<"N
o. of Days to stay: "<<nod; gotoxy(15,16);cout<<"No. of DELUXE rooms reserved: "
<<kor1; gotoxy(15,18);cout<<"No. of NON-DELUXE rooms reserved: "<<kor2; gotoxy(1
5,20);cout<<"Your Reservations have been done" "Please pay the Amount!!!"; gotox
y(25,22);cout<<"Amount: Rs."<<setprecision(2)<<price; getch(); } /**************
******************************** FUNTION USED TO VIEW HOTEL RECORDS.

**********************************************/ void travelagency::viewhorec() {

int option; while(option!=5) { clrscr(); gotoxy(24,5);cout<<"HOTEL RESERVATION
INFORMATION"; gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"choose....."; gotoxy(25,12);cout<<"1: View ho
tel reservation records"; gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"2: Delete a particular record"; g
otoxy(25,16);cout<<"3: Search for a record"; gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"4: Edit a reco
rd "; gotoxy(25,20);cout<<"5: Exit..... "; cin>>option; switch(option) { case 1:
showhotelrec(); break; case 2:delhotelrec(); break; case 3:searchhotrec(); break
; case 4:edithoteldata(); break; } } } /****************************************
****** FUNTION USED TO SHOW ALL HOTEL RESERVATIONS. ****************************
******************/ void travelagency::showhotelrec() { fstream fil1;
"hotel.dat",ios::binary|ios::in); while(*)&user,sizeof (user))) u
ser.showhotel(); fil1.close(); } /**********************************************
FUNTION USED TO DELETE A HOTEL RECORD. ****************************************
******/ void travelagency::delhotelrec() { clrscr(); char dname[20]; gotoxy(20,5
);cout<<"Enter name to delete record for..."; gotoxy(30,7);gets(dname);

strupr(dname); fstream fil2,fil3; int del=0;"hotel.dat",ios::binary |

ios::in);"temp.dat",ios::binary | ios::out); while( ((char*
)&user,sizeof (user))) { if ((strcmp(name,dname))!=0) fil3.write((char*)&user,si
zeof (user)); else del++; } if(del!=0) cout<<endl<<" ...Deleted..."; else cout<<
endl<<" Record not found.."; getch(); fil2.close(); fil3.close(); transferhoteld
ata(); } /********************************************** FUNTION USED TO TRANSFE
R UNDELETED HOTEL RECORDS. **********************************************/ void
travelagency::transferhoteldata() { fstream oldfile,newfile;"temp.
dat",ios::binary | ios::in);"hotel.dat",ios::binary | ios::out); w
hile(*)&user,sizeof(user))) newfile.write((char*)&user,sizeof
(user)); oldfile.close(); newfile.close(); } /**********************************
************ FUNTION USED TO SEARCH FOR A HOTEL RECORD. ************************
**********************/ void travelagency::searchhotrec() { clrscr(); char sname
[20]; gotoxy(20,5);cout<<"Enter Name to search for.."; gotoxy(25,7);gets(sname);
strupr(sname); fstream fil4;"hotel.dat",ios::binary | ios::in); int srch=0; while(*

)&user,sizeof (user))) { if(strcmp(name,sname)==0) { srch++; user.showhotel(); }
} if(srch==0) cout<<" No Record Exists"; fil4.close(); getch(); } /************
********************************** FUNTION USED TO EDIT A HOTEL RECORD. ********
**************************************/ void travelagency::edithoteldata() { clr
scr(); char ename[30];int ede=0; gotoxy(20,5);cout<<"Enter Name to Edit Record f
or..."; gotoxy(25,7);gets(ename); strupr(ename); fstream fil5,fil6;"h
otel.dat",ios::binary | ios::in) ;"temp1.dat",ios::binary | ios::out
) ; while(*)&user,sizeof(user))) { if (strcmp (ename,name)==0) {
resho(); ede++; } fil6.write((char*)&user,sizeof (user)); } if(ede==0) { gotoxy(
25,17);cout<<"RECORD DOESNT EXIST!!!!"; } getch(); fil5.close(); fil6.close(); t
ransferhoteldata1(); //TO TRANSFER EDITED HOTEL REC ORD } /*********************
************************* FUNTION USED TO TRANSFER EDITED HOTEL RECORDS. *******
***************************************/ void travelagency::transferhoteldata1()

fstream oldfile2,newfile2;"temp1.dat",ios::binary | ios::in); new"hotel.dat",ios::binary | ios::out); while(*)&user
,sizeof(user))) newfile2.write((char*)&user,sizeof (user)); oldfile2.close(); ne
wfile2.close(); } /*____________________________________________________________
__________________ _______________**********************************************
******************* *******************/ /******************************** TRANS
PORTATION RESERVATIONS ********************************/
/********************************************** FUNTION USED TO RESERVE TRANSPOR
TATION. **********************************************/ void travelagency::restr
() { clrscr(); flag2='N'; while(flag2!='Y') { clrscr(); gotoxy(20,5);cout<<"Plea
se Enter Information For Transport Reservation"; gotoxy(20,7);cout<<"Please ente
r the choice of your mode of transportaion...... "; gotoxy(25,9);cout<<"1: by Ai
r"; gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"2: by Train"; gotoxy(25,11);cout<<"3: by Road"<<endl; g
otoxy(26,12);cout<<"......";cin>>top2; clrscr(); assignprice(); clrscr(); gotoxy
(15,2);cout<<"PLEASE FILL IN THE DETAILS ..."; gotoxy(25,5);cout<<"TRANSPORT RES
ERVATION FORM"; gotoxy(5,8);cout<<"Name: "; gotoxy(5,10);cout<<"Address: "; goto
xy(5,12);cout<<"Destination: "; gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"Mode of Transport: "; gotox
y(5,14);cout<<"Type of Tickets to be Reserved(1/0)" ; gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Execu
tive: "; gotoxy(30,16);cout<<"Economy: "; gotoxy(10,22);cout<<"Is the informatio
n correct(y/n)?? "; gotoxy(10,8);gets(name); gotoxy(13,10);gets(add); gotoxy(19,
12);gets(destination); gotoxy(50,12);gets(trans); gotoxy(22,16);cin>>not1; gotox

gotoxy(45,22);cin>>flag2; flag2=toupper(flag2); } showtransport(); } /**********

************************************ FUNTION USED TO SHOW TRANSPORT RESERVATION.
**********************************************/ void travelagency::showtranspor
t() { if(top2==1) price2=(atr1*not1)+(atr2*not2); else if(top2==2) price2=(ttr1*
not1)+(ttr2*not2); else if(top2==3) price2=(rtr1*not1)+(rtr2*not2); if(toggle==1
) { clrscr(); for(int h=25;h<50;h++) { gotoxy(20,8);cout<<"Please wait while we
make the Reservation"; gotoxy(h,10);cout<<""; delay(250); } toggle=0; } clrscr();
gotoxy(25,5);cout<<"Transport Reservation "; gotoxy(24,6);cout<<"----------------------"; gotoxy(15,8);cout<<"Name:"<<strupr(name); gotoxy(15,10);cout<<"Addre
ss:"<<strupr(add); gotoxy(15,12);cout<<"Mode of transportation: "<<trans <<" Des
tination:"<<destination; gotoxy(15,14);cout<<"No. of EXECUTIVE class tickets res
erved: "<<not1; gotoxy(15,16);cout<<"No. of ECONOMY class tickets reserved: "<<n
ot2; gotoxy(15,20);cout<<"Your Reservations have been done Please pay the Amount
!!!" ; gotoxy(25,22);cout<<"Amount: Rs."<<setprecision(2)<<price2; getch(); } /*
********************************************* FUNTION USED TO VIEW TRANSPORT REC
ORDS. **********************************************/ void travelagency::viewtrr
ec() { int option; while(option!=5) { clrscr(); gotoxy(24,5);cout<<"TRANSPORT RE
SERVATION INFORMATION..."; gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"choose....."; gotoxy(25,12);cout
<<"1: View transport reservation records";

gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"2: Delete a particular record"; gotoxy(25,16);cout<<"3: Sea

rch for a record"; gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"4: Edit a record "; gotoxy(25,20);cout<<
"5: Exit... "; cin>>option; switch(option) { case 1:showtransportrec(); break; c
ase 2:deltransportrec(); break; case 3:searchtransportrec(); break; case 4:editt
ransportdata(); break; } } } /********************************************** FUN
TION USED TO SHOW ALL TRANSPORT RECORDS. ***************************************
*******/ void travelagency::showtransportrec() { fstream file1;"tran
sport.dat",ios::binary|ios::in); while(*)&user,sizeof (user))) u
ser.showtransport(); file1.close(); } /*****************************************
***** FUNTION USED TO DELETE A TRANSPORT RECORDS. ******************************
****************/ void travelagency::deltransportrec() { clrscr(); char delname[
20]; gotoxy(20,5);cout<<"Enter name to delete record for..."; gotoxy(30,7);gets(
delname); strupr(delname); fstream file2,file3; int dele=0;"transpor
t.dat",ios::binary | ios::in);"temp3.dat",ios::binary | ios::out );
while( ((char*)&user,sizeof (user))) { if ((strcmp(name,delname))!=0)
file3.write((char*)&user,sizeof (user)); else dele++; } if(dele!=0) cout<<endl<<
" ...Deleted..."; else cout<<endl<<" Record not found.."; getch(); file2.close()

file3.close(); transfertransportdata(); } /*************************************

******************************/ void travelagency::transfertransportdata() { fst
ream oldfile1,newfile1;"temp3.dat",ios::binary | ios::in); newfil"transport.dat",ios::binary | ios::out); while(*)&use
r,sizeof(user))) newfile1.write((char*)&user,sizeof (user)); oldfile1.close(); n
ewfile1.close(); } /********************************************** FUNTION USED
TO SEARCH FOR A TRANSPORT RECORDS. *********************************************
*/ void travelagency::searchtransportrec() { clrscr(); char sename[20]; gotoxy(2
0,5);cout<<"Enter Name to search for.."; gotoxy(25,7);gets(sename); strupr(senam
e); fstream file4;"transport.dat",ios::binary | ios::in); int serch=
0; while(*)&user,sizeof (user))) { if(strcmp(name,sename)==0) {
serch++; user.showtransport(); } } if(serch==0) cout<<" No Record Exists"; file4
.close(); getch(); } /********************************************** FUNTION USE
D TO EDIT TRANSPORT RECORD. **********************************************/ void
travelagency::edittransportdata() { clrscr(); char edname[30]; int ede1=0; goto
xy(20,5);cout<<"Enter Name to Edit Record for..."; gotoxy(25,7);gets(edname); st
rupr(edname); fstream file5,file6;"transport.dat",ios::binary | ios::in) ;"temp2.dat",ios::

binary | ios::out ) ; while(*)&user,sizeof(user))) { if (strcmp
(edname,name)==0) { restr(); ede1++; } file6.write((char*)&user,sizeof (user));
} if(ede1==0) { gotoxy(25,17);cout<<"RECORD DOESNT EXIST!!!!"; } getch(); file5.
close(); file6.close(); transfertransportdata1(); ECORD } //TO TRANSFER EDITED T
/********************************************** FUNTION USED TO TRASFER EDITED T
RANSPORT RECORDS. **********************************************/ void travelage
ncy::transfertransportdata1() { fstream oldfile3,newfile3;"temp2.
dat",ios::binary | ios::in);"transport.dat",ios::binary | ios::ou
t); while(*)&user,sizeof(user))) newfile3.write((char*)&user,
sizeof (user)); oldfile3.close(); newfile3.close(); } /*________________________
______________________________________________________ _______________**********
******************************************************* *******************/ /**
******************************************** MAIN FUNTION USED TO CALL OTHER FUN
TIONS **********************************************/ /*________________________
______________________________________________________ _______________**********
******************************************************* *******************/ voi
d main() { clrscr(); cout.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); cout.setf(ios::showp

while(opt!=5) { opt=opening1(); //FUNTION CALL TO DISPLAY MENU switch(opt) { cas

e 1:places(); //FUNTION CALL TO VIEW PLACES break; case 2: //FUNTION CALL TO RES
ERVE TRANSPORT maketrfile();i++; break; case 3: //FUNTION CALL TO RESERVE HOTEL
makehofile();i++; break; case 4:clrscr(); int search1; gotoxy(25,15);cout<<"Ente
r 1 or 2"; gotoxy(25,17);cout<<"1: Hotel Reservation Records"; gotoxy(25,19);cou
t<<"2: Transport Reservation Records"; gotoxy(25,21);cout<<"??.....";cin>>search
1; switch(search1) { case 1:user.viewhorec(); break; case 2:user.viewtrrec(); br
eak; } break; } } } /********************************************** FUNTION USED
TO MAKE TRANSPORT RECORD. **********************************************/ void
maketrfile() { fstream fil;"transport.dat",ios::binary | ios::out |ios
::app); user1[i].toggle=1; user1[i].restr(); fil.write((char*)&user1[i],sizeof (
user1[i])); fil.close(); } /********************************************** FUNTI
ON USED TO MAKE HOTEL RECORD. **********************************************/ vo
id makehofile() { fstream fil;"hotel.dat",ios::binary | ios::out |ios:
:app ); user1[i].toggle=1; user1[i].resho(); fil.write((char*)&user1[i],sizeof (
user1[i])); fil.close(); }

/********************************************** FUNTION USED TO DISPLAY INTRODUC

TION SCREEN **********************************************/ void startup() { int
a; for(a=50;a>30;a--) { clrscr(); textcolor(GREEN); textbackground(BLUE); gotox
y(25,10);cout<<"Welcome to the Tourism management"; gotoxy(a,12);cout<<" ANIL KU
MAR Prsents .... "; delay(50); } for(a=42;a<52;a++) { gotoxy(27,18);cout<<"Pleas
e Wait"; gotoxy(a,18);cout<<"."; delay(400); } clrscr(); textcolor(GREEN ); for(
int j=0;j<10;j++) { clrscr(); delay(80); } gotoxy(25,25); cout<<"press any key t
o continue..."; getch(); } /********************************************** FUNTI
ON USED TO DISPLAY MENU. **********************************************/ int ope
ning1() { int pass; clrscr(); for(int f=0;f<6;f++) { clrscr(); textcolor(RED); t
extbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(10,f);cout<<"WELLCOME!!!!!!......" "What would you
like us to do for you"; gotoxy(15,f+3);cout<<"1: View Tourist Places"; gotoxy(1
5,f+5);cout<<"2: Reserve Transportation"; gotoxy(15,f+7);cout<<"3: Reserve Accom
odation"; gotoxy(15,f+9);cout<<"4: View Existing Bookings"; gotoxy(15,f+11);cout
<<"5: Exit"; gotoxy(13,f+14);cout<<"Enter (1,2,3,4 or 5)....? "; delay(100); } f
or(f=1;f<13;f++) {

gotoxy(3,f);cout<<"";gotoxy(80,f);cout<<""; gotoxy(3,25-f);cout<<"";gotoxy(80,25-f)
;cout<<""; delay(50); } gotoxy(40,19);cin>>pass; return(pass); } void opening2()
//function to display menu with places { int opt2; gotoxy(10,21);cout<<"1: Reser
ve Transportation"; gotoxy(10,22);cout<<"2: Reserve Accomodation"; gotoxy(10,23)
;cout<<"3: Reserve Transportation and Accomodation"; gotoxy(10,24);cout<<"4: Exi
t ???.... ";cin>>opt2; if (opt2!=4) { switch(opt2) { case 1:maketrfile();i++; br
eak; case 2:makehofile();i++; break; case 3:maketrfile();i++; makehofile();i++;
break; } } } /********************************************** FUNTION USED TO DIS
PLAY CHOICE OF DESTINATION. **********************************************/ void
places() { int des; for(int j=0;j<20;j++) { clrscr(); gotoxy(j+3,5);cout<<"Choo
se Destination"; gotoxy(j,10);cout<<" gotoxy(j,11);cout<<" 1
y(j,13);cout<<" 3.EAST INDIA gotoxy(j,14);cout<<" 4.WEST INDIA gotoxy(j,15);cout
<<" 5.CENTRAL INDIA gotoxy(j,16);cout<<" 6.EXIT gotoxy(j,17);cout<<" ??ENTER CHO
ICE>>.....? gotoxy(j,18);cout<<" delay(50); } gotoxy(45,17);
1: for(j=0;j<20;j++) {
"<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl;

clrscr(); gotoxy(j+3,5);cout<<"Where do you want go......"; gotoxy(j,10);cout<<"

ASHMIR gotoxy(j,12);cout<<" 2.HARYANA gotoxy(j,13);cout<<" 3.PUNJAB gotoxy(j,14)
;cout<<" 4.HIMACHAL PRADESH gotoxy(j,15);cout<<" 5.EXIT gotoxy(j,16);cout<<" got
oxy(j,17);cout<<" ??ENTER CHOICE>>...... gotoxy(j,18);cout<<"
ser.nindia(des1); break;
"<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl; "<<endl;

case 2: for(j=0;j<20;j++) { clrscr(); gotoxy(j+3,5);cout<<"Where do you want go.

....."; gotoxy(j,10);cout<<" "<<endl; gotoxy(j,11);cout<<" 1
<endl; gotoxy(j,13);cout<<" 3.ANDHRA PRADESH "<<endl; gotoxy(j,14);cout<<" 4.MAH
ARASHTRA "<<endl; gotoxy(j,15);cout<<" 5.ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR "<<endl; gotoxy(j,1
6);cout<<" 6.EXIT "<<endl; gotoxy(j,17);cout<<" ??ENTER CHOICE>>...... "<<endl;
gotoxy(j,18);cout<<" "<<endl; delay(50); } gotoxy(45,17);cin
for(j=0;j<20;j++) { clrscr(); gotoxy(j+3,5);cout<<"Where do you want go......";
gotoxy(j,10);cout<<" "<<endl; gotoxy(j,11);cout<<" 1.ASSAM
endl; gotoxy(j,13);cout<<" 3.BIHAR "<<endl; gotoxy(j,14);cout<<" 4.WEST BENGAL "
<<endl; gotoxy(j,15);cout<<" 5.UTTAR PRADESH "<<endl; gotoxy(j,16);cout<<" 6.EXI
T "<<endl; gotoxy(j,17);cout<<" ??ENTER CHOICE>>...... "<<endl; gotoxy(j,18);cou
t<<" "<<endl; delay(50); } gotoxy(45,17);cin>>des1; if(des1!
+) {

clrscr(); gotoxy(j+3,5);cout<<"Where do you want go......"; gotoxy(j,10);cout<<"

<endl; gotoxy(j,12);cout<<" 1.GUJARAT "<<endl; gotoxy(j,13);cout<<" 2.RAJASTHAN
"<<endl; gotoxy(j,14);cout<<" 3.EXIT "<<endl; gotoxy(j,15);cout<<" "<<endl; goto
xy(j,16);cout<<" "<<endl; gotoxy(j,17);cout<<" ??ENTER CHOICE>>...... "<<endl; g
otoxy(j,18);cout<<" "<<endl; delay(50); } gotoxy(45,17);cin>
for(j=0;j<20;j++) { clrscr(); gotoxy(j+3,5);cout<<"Where do you want go......";
gotoxy(j,10);cout<<" "<<endl; gotoxy(j,11);cout<<" "<<endl;
ORISSA "<<endl; gotoxy(j,14);cout<<" 2.MADHYA PRADESH "<<endl; gotoxy(j,15);cout
<<" 3.EXIT "<<endl; gotoxy(j,16);cout<<" "<<endl; gotoxy(j,17);cout<<" ??ENTER C
HOICE>>...... "<<endl; gotoxy(j,18);cout<<" "<<endl; delay(5
a(des1); break; } } } /********************************************** FUNTION US
ED TO DISPLAY NORTH-INDIA INFORMATION. *****************************************
*****/ void travelagency::nindia(int ndes) { switch(ndes) { case 1:clrscr(); tex
tcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<"Jammu and Kashmir "; go
toxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Ka
shmir-Jammu- "<<"\n"; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(from delhi)"
<<"\n"; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timings "<<"\n"; cout<<"
BY Air kash. 041 I.A. 12000Rs. 9000Rs. 13:50(d)-15:30

(a)"<<"\n"; cout<<" BY Air jam. 042 I.A. 12000Rs. 9000Rs. 8:00(d)- 9:40 (a)"<<"\
n"; cout<<" BY Train kash. Kashmir Express 2500Rs. 2000Rs. 13:00(d)-18:00(a)"<<e
ndl; cout<<" By Train jam. Jammu Mail 2500Rs. 2000Rs. 15:00(d)-16:30 (a)"<<"\n";
cout<<" By Road kash. Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 12:00(d)-20:00 (a)"<<"\n"; cout<<" By R
oad jam. Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 14:00(d)-15:00 (a)"<<"\n"; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomo
dation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Non-d
eluxe "<<"\n"; cout<<" 5 kash Kashmir 5000Rs 3000Rs "<<"\n"; cout<<" 5 jam holid
ay 5000Rs. 3000Rs. "<<"\n"; cout<<" 3 kash queen 3000Rs . 1500Rs. "<<endl; cout<
<" 3 jam passenger 3000Rs. 1500Rs. "<<"\n"; cout<<" normal kash rest 1000Rs. 500
Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal jam guest 1000Rs. 500Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<"
NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals except break fast) "; atr1=12000;atr2=9
000;ttr1=2500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=700;rtr2=500; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=15
00;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2(); break; case 2:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textb
ackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" HARYANA"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"-----------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Chandigarh-Gurgaon- "<<endl; g
otoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Pl
ace NAME Price:Executive Economy Timings "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air chan. 051 I.A.
10000Rs. 8000Rs. 12:50(d)-13:30 (a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air chan. 052 I.A. 10000R
s. 8000Rs. 7:00(d)- 7:40 (a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train chan. Haryana Express 1500
Rs. 1000Rs. 13:00(d)-18:00 (a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train gur. Punjab Mail 1500Rs.
1000Rs. 14:00(d)-14:30 (a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road chan. Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 12:0
0(d)-20:00 (a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road gur. Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 14:00(d)-15:00 (a)
"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place
NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Non-deluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 chan taj 5000Rs 3000
Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 gur broadway 5000Rs. 3000Rs. "<<endl;

cout<<" 3 chan king 3000Rs. 1500Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 gur resort 3000Rs. 1500Rs
. "<<endl; cout<<" normal chan sarai 1000Rs. 500Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal gur
star 1000Rs. 500Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not includ
e meals except break fast) "; atr1=10000;atr2=8000;ttr1=1500;ttr2=1000;rtr1=300;
rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2()
; break; case 3:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);c
out<<" PUNJAB"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Pla
ces To Visit:: -Amritsar-Ludhiana- "<<endl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Av
ailable::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Ti
mings "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air amr. 051 I.A. 8000Rs. 6000Rs. 12:50(d)-13:30 (a)"<
<endl; cout<<" BY Air lud. 052 I.A. 8000Rs. 6000Rs. 5:00(d)- 5:40 (a)"<<endl; co
ut<<" BY Train amr. Haryana Express 1200Rs. 1000Rs. 13:00(d)-18:00 (a)"<<endl; c
out<<" By Train lud. Punjab Mail 1200Rs. 1000Rs. 14:00(d)-14:30 (a)"<<endl; cout
<<" By Road amr. Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 12:00(d)-20:00( a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road lu
d. Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 14:00(d)-15:00( a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation
Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Non-deluxe
"<<endl; cout<<" 5 amr Nanda 5000Rs 3000Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 lud Shiraz 5000Rs.
3000Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 amr Amaitas 3000Rs. 1500Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 lud G
ulmor 3000Rs. 1500Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal amr salam 1000Rs. 500Rs. "<<endl;
cout<<" normal lud stars 1000Rs. 500Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Ta
rrif does not include meals except break fast) "; atr1=8000;atr2=6000;ttr1=1200;
ttr2=1000;rtr1=300;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;n
st2=500; opening2(); break; case 4:clrscr(); textcolor(YELLOW);

textbackground(BLUE); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" HIMACHAL PRADESH"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<

<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit:: l;
-Shimla-Manali- "<<end
gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE P
lace NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air shi. 151 I.A.
10000Rs. 8000Rs. 12:30(d) -13:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air man. 152 I.A. 10000R
s. 8000Rs. 6:50(d) - 7:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train shi. Himachal Express 2000
Rs. 1000Rs. 13:00(d )-19:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train man. kalka Mail 2000Rs.
1000Rs. 14:00(d )-19:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road shi. Bus 800Rs. 500Rs. 12:00(
d) -20:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road man. Bus 800Rs. 500Rs. 14:00(d) -20:00(a)"<
<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place N
AME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 shi chamba 4000Rs 300 0
Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 man chanakya 4000Rs. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 shi geeta
njali 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 man parkview 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl;
cout<<" normal shi guesthouse 800Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal man mountv
iew 800Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include
meals excep t breakfast) "; atr1=10000;atr2=8000;ttr1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=800;r
tr2=500; fst1=4000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;nst2=500; opening2();
break; } } /********************************************** FUNTION USED TO DISPL
AY SOUTH-INDIA INFORMATION. **********************************************/ void
travelagency::sindia(int sdes) { switch(sdes) { case 1:clrscr(); textcolor(RED)
; textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" KERELA "; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"-----------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Trivandram-Kochi- "<< e
ndl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl;

cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air t
ri. 141 I.A. 15000Rs. 12000Rs. 13:50( d)-16:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air koc. 14
2 I.A. 15000Rs. 12000Rs. 8:00( d)-11:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train tri. Kerela
Express 3500Rs. 2000Rs. 06:00(d )-18:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train koc. Jammu M
ail 3500Rs. 2000Rs. 05:00(d )-16:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road tri. Bus 1200Rs.
700Rs. 05:00(d) -22:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road koc. Bus 1200Rs. 700Rs. 05:00(
d) -23:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<
" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 tri Manor
5000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 koc holiday 5000Rs. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<"
3 tri South park 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 koc passenger 3000Rs. 150
0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal tri nest 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal ko
c Jas 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not incl
ude meals excep t breakfast) "; atr1=15000;atr2=12000;ttr1=3500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=1
200;rtr2=700; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; openin
g2(); break; s case 2:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(2
5,1);cout<<" TAMIL NADU"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);
cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Chennai-Bangalore- "< <endl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transp
ortation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive
Economy Timing s "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Che. 181 I.A. 12000Rs. 10000Rs. 12:50(
d)-13:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Ban. 182 I.A. 12000Rs. 10000Rs. 7:00( d)- 7:
40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train Che. Madras Express 2500Rs. 1500Rs. 08:00( d)-18:
00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train Ban. Madurai Mail 2500Rs. 1500Rs. 09:00( d)-14:30
(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Che. Bus 800Rs. 500Rs. 05:00(d )-20:00(a)"<<endl; co
ut<<" By Road Ban. Bus 800Rs. 500Rs. 06:00(d )-22:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cou
t<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: De
luxe Non-

"<<endl; cout<<" 5 che taj 5000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 ban roadway 5000Rs.
300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 che king 2500Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 ban re
sort 2500Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal che salam 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl;
cout<<" normal ban hoshu 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The
Tarrif does not include meals excep t breakfast) "; atr1=12000;atr2=10000;ttr1=2
500;ttr2=1500;rtr1=800;rtr2=500; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=2500;tst2=1500;nst1=10
00;nst2=500; opening2(); break; case 3:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(
YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" ANDHRA PRADESH"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"-----------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Hyderabad-Nagpur- "<< endl; gotox
y(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place
NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Hyd. 081 I.A. 9000
Rs. 7000Rs. 12:50(d )-13:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Nag. 082 I.A. 9000Rs. 7000
Rs. 5:00(d )- 5:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train Hyd. hyderabad Express 1200Rs. 10
00Rs. 08:00(d )-18:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train Nag. Andhra Mail 1200Rs. 1000R
s. 09:00(d )-14:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Hyd. Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 12:00(d) -2
0:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Nag. Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 06:00(d) -15:00(a)"<<endl
; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME O
f Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Hyd Palace 5000Rs 300 0Rs "<
<endl; cout<<" 5 Nag Lodge 5000Rs. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Hyd Siddharth 300
0Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Nag Yatri 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" nor
mal Hyd salem 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Nag Parklane 1000Rs. 500 R
s. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t b
reakfast) "; atr1=9000;atr2=7000;ttr1=1200;ttr2=1000;rtr1=700;rtr2=500;

fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2(); break; c

ase 4:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(GREEN); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" MAHA
RASTRA"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To
Visit:: -Mumbai-Pune- "<<endl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(fro
m delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s "<<end
l; cout<<" BY Air Mum. 351 I.A. 11000Rs. 9000Rs. 12:30(d) -13:30(a)"<<endl; cout
<<" BY Air Pun. 352 I.A. 11000Rs. 9000Rs. 6:50(d) - 7:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY T
rain Mum. Rajdhani Express 2000Rs. 1000Rs. 10:00(d) -19:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By
Train Pun. Pune Mail 2000Rs. 1000Rs. 10:00(d) -19:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road
Mum. Bus 800Rs. 500Rs. 09:00(d) -20:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Pun. Bus 800R
s. 500Rs. 09:00(d) -20:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available:
:"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cou
t<<" 5 Mum Centaur 5000Rs 400 0Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Pun Holiday inn 5000Rs. 400
0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Mum Clarks 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Pun seav
iew 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Mum guesthouse 800Rs. 500R s. "<<en
dl; cout<<" normal Pun niceview 800Rs. 500R s. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::
(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t breakfast) "; atr1=11000;atr2=9000;tt
r1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=800;rtr2=500; fst1=5000;fst2=4000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst
1=800;nst2=500; opening2(); break; case 5:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackgrou
nd(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<"ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Port Blair-Rangat- "< <en
dl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MO
DE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air P.b. 151
I.A. 15000Rs. 12000Rs. 12:30(d )-16:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Ran. 152 I.A. 1
5000Rs. 12000Rs. 6:50(d

)- 9:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Ship P.b. Ship 2000Rs. 1000Rs. 13:00(d)19:00(a)"<<

endl; cout<<" By Ship Ran. Ship 2000Rs. 1000Rs. 14:00(d)19:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<"
By Road P.b. N.a. "<<endl; cout<<" By Road Ran. N.a. "<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout
<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Del
uxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 P.b. chamba 4000Rs 30 00Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 R
an chanakya 4000Rs. 30 00Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 P.b. geetanjali 3000Rs. 15 00Rs.
"<<endl; cout<<" 3 Ran parkview 3000Rs. 15 00Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal P.b. g
uest 800Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Ran nanny 800Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; co
ut<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t breakfast) "; a
tr1=15000;atr2=12000;ttr1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=0;rtr2=0; fst1=4000;fst2=3000;tst1
=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;nst2=500; opening2(); break; } } /*********************
************************* FUNTION USED TO DISPLAY EAST-INDIA INFORMATION. ******
****************************************/ void travelagency::eindia(int edes) {
switch(edes) { case 1:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(2
5,1);cout<<" ASSAM "; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout
<<"Places To Visit:: -Guwahati"<<endl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Availab
le::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing
s "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Guw. 045 I.A. 12000Rs. 9000Rs. 11:50( d)-15:30(a)"<<en
dl; cout<<" BY Air Guw. 045 I.A. 12000Rs. 9000Rs. 6:00(d )- 9:40(a)"<<endl; cout
<<" BY Train Guw. Assam Express 2500Rs. 2000Rs. 08:00( d)-18:00(a)"<<endl; cout<
<" By Train Guw. Guwahati Mail 2500Rs. 2000Rs. 09:00( d)-16:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<
" By Road Guw. Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 12:00( d)-20:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Guw.
Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 14:00( d)-15:00(a)"<<endl;

gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of

Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Guw Ashoka 5000Rs 300 0Rs "<<e
ndl; cout<<" 5 Guw Regency 5000Rs. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Guw Kuber 3000Rs.
150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Guw Nandan 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal
Guw Home 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Guw Corneto 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<
<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t breakf
ast) "; atr1=12000;atr2=9000;ttr1=2500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=700;rtr2=500; fst1=5000;fs
t2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2(); break; case 2:clrscr
(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" ARUNACHAL PRADE
SH"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"-------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Vis
it:: -Itanagar-Bomdila- "<< endl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(
from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s "<<
endl; cout<<" BY Air Ita . 751 I.A. 11000Rs. 9000Rs. 07:5 0(d)-13:30(a)"<<endl;
cout<<" BY Air Bom. 752 I.A. 11000Rs. 9000Rs. 07:0 0(d)-10:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<"
BY Train Ita. Arunachal Express 4500Rs. 2000Rs. 05:0 0(d)-18:00(a)"<<endl; cout
<<" By Train Bom. Bomdila Mail 4500Rs. 2000Rs. 04:0 0(d)-14:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<
" By Road Ita. Bus 800Rs. 600Rs. 04:0 0(d)-20:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Bom.
Bus 800Rs. 600Rs. 02:0 0(d)-15:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation A
vailable::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<
endl; cout<<" 5 Ita Ganga 5000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Bom Himalaya 5000Rs.
300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Ita Hornbill 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Bo
m resort 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Ita sarai 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<e
ndl; cout<<" normal Bom star 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(T
he Tarrif does not include meals excep

t breakfast) "; atr1=11000;atr2=9000;ttr1=4500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=800;rtr2=600; fst1

=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2(); break; case
3:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" BIHAR";
gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit::
-Patna-Gaya- "<<endl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(from delhi)"
<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s "<<endl; cout<<
" BY Air Pat. 091 I.A. 8000Rs. 6000Rs. 12:50(d )-13:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air
Gay. 092 I.A. 8000Rs. 6000Rs. 5:00(d )- 5:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train Pat. P
atna Express 1200Rs. 1000Rs. 13:00(d )-18:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train Gay. Ga
ya Mail 1200Rs. 1000Rs. 14:00(d )-14:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Pat. Bus 300R
s. 200Rs. 12:00(d) -20:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Gay. Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 14:0
0(d) -23:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout
<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Pat Pat
liputra 5000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Gay Ashok 5000Rs. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; co
ut<<" 3 Pat Chaitanya 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Gay Mayur 3000Rs. 150
0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Pat satkar 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal
Gay marwari 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does no
t include meals excep t breakfast) "; atr1=8000;atr2=6000;ttr1=1200;ttr2=1000;rt
r1=300;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; ope
ning2(); break; case 4:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(
25,1);cout<<" WEST BENGAL"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,3
);cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Calcutta-Darjiling- " <<endl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Tra
nsportation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Execut
ive Economy Timing s "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Cal. 451 I.A. 12000Rs. 10000Rs. 12:

)-13:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Dar. 452 I.A. 12000Rs. 10000Rs. 6:50(d )- 7:40
(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train Cal. Rajdhani Express 2000Rs. 1000Rs. 08:00(d )-19:
00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train Dar. kalka Mail 2000Rs. 1000Rs. 09:00(d )-19:30(a
)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Cal. Bus 800Rs. 500Rs. 05:00(d) -20:00(a)"<<endl; cout
<<" By Road Dar. Bus 800Rs. 500Rs. 06:00(d) -20:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<
<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Delu
xe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Cal Continental 4000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl; cout<<"
5 Dar Diplomat 4000Rs. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Cal geetanjali 3000Rs. 150 0R
s. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Dar parkview 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Cal
guesthouse 800Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Dar Paragon 800Rs. 500 Rs. "<<
endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t breakfa
st) "; atr1=12000;atr2=10000;ttr1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=800;rtr2=500; fst1=4000;fs
t2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;nst2=500; opening2(); break; case 5:clrscr(
); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" UTTAR PRADESH";
gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"-------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit::
-Lucknow-Kanpur- "<<en dl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(from de
lhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s "<<endl; c
out<<" BY Air Luc. 121 I.A. 10000Rs. 8000Rs. 12:30(d) -13:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<"
BY Air Kan. 122 I.A. 10000Rs. 8000Rs. 6:50(d) - 7:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train
Luc. Shatabdi Express 2000Rs. 1000Rs. 13:00(d )-19:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Tra
in Kan. Frontier Mail 2000Rs. 1000Rs. 14:00(d )-19:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road
Luc. Bus 800Rs. 500Rs. 12:00(d) -20:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Kan. Bus 800R
s. 500Rs. 14:00(d) -20:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available:
:"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cou
t<<" 5 Luc Shilton 4000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl;

cout<<" 5 Kan Plaza 4000Rs. 300 "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Luc Lindsay 3000Rs. 150 0Rs.
"<<endl; cout<<" 3 Kan Minerva 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Luc Fair
lawn 800Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Kan Executive 800Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl
; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t breakfast)
"; atr1=10000;atr2=8000;ttr1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=800;rtr2=500; fst1=4000;fst2=30
00;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;nst2=500; opening2(); break; } } 0Rs. /*********
************************************* FUNTION USED TO DISPLAY WEST-INDIA INFORMA
TION. **********************************************/ void travelagency::windia(
int wdes) { switch(wdes) { case 1:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLO
W); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" GUJARAT "; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; got
oxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar - "<<endl; gotoxy(5,4)
;cout<<"Transportation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME P
rice:Executive Economy Timing s "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Ahm. 045 I.A. 12000Rs. 9
000Rs. 13:5 0(d)-15:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Gan. 045 I.A. 12000Rs. 9000Rs.
8:0 0(d)- 9:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train Ahm. Ahmedabad Express 2500Rs. 2000Rs
. 11:0 0(d)-18:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train Gan. Gujarat Mail 2500Rs. 2000Rs.
12:0 0(d)-16:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Ahm. Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 09:00 (d)-20:0
0(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Gan. Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 10:00 (d)-15:00(a)"<<endl; g
otoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of H
otel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Ahm Royal 4000Rs 200 0Rs "<<end
l; cout<<" 5 Gan Kingfort 4000Rs. 200 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Ahm Kinshu 2000Rs.
150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Gan Rama 2000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl;

cout<<" normal Ahm best 1000Rs. 500 "<<endl; cout<<" normal Gan jesture 1000Rs.
500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals exce
p t breakfast) "; atr1=12000;atr2=9000;ttr1=2500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=700;rtr2=500; fs
t1=4000;fst2=2000;tst1=2000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2(); break; Rs.
case 2:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" R
AJASTHAN"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"-------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places
To Visit:: -Jaipur-Jodhpur- "<<en dl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Availabl
e::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s
"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Jai. 351 I.A. 10000Rs. 8000Rs. 12:5 0(d)-13:30(a)"<<end
l; cout<<" BY Air Jod. 352 I.A. 10000Rs. 8000Rs. 7:0 0(d)- 7:40(a)"<<endl; cout<
<" BY Train Jai. Pinkcity Express 1500Rs. 1000Rs. 13:00 (d)-18:00(a)"<<endl; cou
t<<" By Train Jod. Avadh Mail 1500Rs. 1000Rs. 14:00 (d)-14:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<"
By Road Jai. Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 12:00 (d)-20:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Jod.
Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 14:00 (d)-15:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);cout<<"Accomodation Av
ailable::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<e
ndl; cout<<" 5 Jai Clarks 5000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Jod Rajputana 5000Rs
. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Jai copperchimney 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<
" 3 Jod resort 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Jai dholamaru 1000Rs. 50
0 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Jod Rajstar 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<setw(10
)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t breakfast) "; atr1=10000;a
tr2=8000;ttr1=1500;ttr2=1000;rtr1=300;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;ts
t2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2(); break; } } /****************************

**********************************************/ void travelagency::cindia(int cd

es) { switch(cdes) { case 1:clrscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); go
toxy(25,1);cout<<" ORISSA "; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"------------------"; gotoxy(20,
3);cout<<"Places To Visit:: -Bhubaneshwar-Cuttack"<<endl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Tra
nsportation Available::(from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Execut
ive Economy Timing s "<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Bhub. 091 I.A. 13000Rs. 10000Rs. 13
:50 (d)-17:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Cutt. 092 I.A. 13000Rs. 10000Rs. 8:00 (d
)-11:40(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train Bhub. Puri Express 2500Rs. 2000Rs. 04:00( d)
-18:00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train Cutt. Mundu Mail 2500Rs. 2000Rs. 07:00( d)-16
:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Bhub . Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 03:00 (d)-20:00(a)"<<end
l; cout<<" By Road Cutt. Bus 700Rs. 500Rs. 07:00 (d)-15:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,1
2);cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tari
ff: Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Bhub Janpath 5000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl; cou
t<<" 5 Cutt Lingraj 5000Rs. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Bhub Prachi 3000Rs. 150
0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Cutt Keshari 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Bh
ub Anarkali 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Cutt Pushpak 1000Rs. 500 Rs.
"<<endl; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t bre
akfast) "; atr1=13000;atr2=10000;ttr1=2500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=700;rtr2=500; fst1=500
0;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2(); break; case 2:cl
rscr(); textcolor(RED); textbackground(YELLOW); gotoxy(25,1);cout<<" MADHYA PRAD
ESH"; gotoxy(24,2);cout<<"--------------------"; gotoxy(20,3);cout<<"Places To V
isit:: -Bhopal-Gwalior- "<<en dl; gotoxy(5,4);cout<<"Transportation Available::(
from delhi)"<<endl; cout<<" MODE Place NAME Price:Executive Economy Timing s "<<
endl; cout<<" BY Air Bhop. 061 I.A. 10000Rs. 8000Rs. 11:50(

d)-13:30(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Air Gwal. 062 I.A. 10000Rs. 8000Rs. 6:00( d)- 7:4
0(a)"<<endl; cout<<" BY Train Bhop. Deccan Express 1500Rs. 1000Rs. 11:00( d)-18:
00(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Train Gwal. Gwalior Mail 1500Rs. 1000Rs. 07:00( d)-14:3
0(a)"<<endl; cout<<" By Road Bhop. Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 07:00( d)-20:00(a)"<<endl;
cout<<" By Road Gwal. Bus 300Rs. 200Rs. 08:00( d)-15:00(a)"<<endl; gotoxy(5,12);
cout<<"Accomodation Available::"<<endl; cout<<" Star Place NAME Of Hotel Tariff:
Deluxe Nondeluxe "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Bhop taj 5000Rs 300 0Rs "<<endl; cout<<" 5
Gwal fortview 5000Rs. 300 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Bhop metro 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<
<endl; cout<<" 3 Gwal president 3000Rs. 150 0Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Bhop sh
elter 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<endl; cout<<" normal Gwal safari 1000Rs. 500 Rs. "<<end
l; cout<<setw(10)<<" NOTE::(The Tarrif does not include meals excep t breakfast)
"; atr1=10000;atr2=8000;ttr1=1500;ttr2=1000;rtr1=300;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3
000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; opening2(); break; } } /************
********************************** FUNTION USED TOASSIGN PRICE ACCORDING TO DEST
INATION. **********************************************/ void travelagency::assi
gnprice() { clrscr(); textcolor(YELLOW); textbackground(BLUE); int toasspri; got
oxy(20,2);cout<<"PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR DESTINATION.."; gotoxy(5,5);cout<<"1:Kashmir
or Jammu urgaon"; gotoxy(5,7);cout<<"3:Amritsar or Ludhiana li"; gotoxy(5,9);co
ut<<"5:Trivandrum or Kochi alore"; gotoxy(5,11);cout<<"7:Hyderabad or Nagpur ";
gotoxy(5,13);cout<<"9:Port blair or Rangat gotoxy(5,15);cout<<"11:Itanagar or Bo
mdila "; gotoxy(5,17);cout<<"13:Calcutta or Darjiling npur "; gotoxy(5,19);cout<
<"15:Ahmedabad or Gandhinagar
2:Chandigarh or G 4: Shimla or Mana 6: Chennai or Bang 8: Mumbai or Pune 10: Guw
ahati"; 12: Patna or Gaya 14: Lucknow or Ka 16: Jaipur or Jod

hpur "; gotoxy(5,21);cout<<"17:Bhubneshwar or Cuttack 18: Bhopal or Gwa lior ";

gotoxy(5,23);cout<<"Enter (1-18) to Reserve ..."; gotoxy(45,23);cin>>toasspri; s
witch(toasspri) { case 1:atr1=12000;atr2=9000;ttr1=2500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=700;rtr2=
500; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; break; case 2:a
tr1=10000;atr2=8000;ttr1=1500;ttr2=1000;rtr1=300;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;t
st1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; break; case 3:atr1=8000;atr2=6000;ttr1=12
00;ttr2=1000;rtr1=300;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=100
0;nst2=500; break; case 4:atr1=10000;atr2=8000;ttr1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=800;rtr2
=500; fst1=4000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;nst2=500; break; case 5:a
tr1=15000;atr2=12000;ttr1=3500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=1200;rtr2=700; fst1=5000;fst2=3000
;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; break; case 6:atr1=9000;atr2=7000;ttr1=
1200;ttr2=1000;rtr1=700;rtr2=500; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1
000;nst2=500; break; case 7:atr1=9000;atr2=7000;ttr1=1200;ttr2=1000;rtr1=700;rtr
2=500; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; break; case 8
:atr1=11000;atr2=9000;ttr1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=800;rtr2=500; fst1=5000;fst2=4000
;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;nst2=500; break; case 9:atr1=15000;atr2=12000;ttr1
=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=0;rtr2=0; fst1=4000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;
nst2=500; break; case 10:atr1=12000;atr2=9000;ttr1=2500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=700;rtr2=
500; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; break; case 11:
atr1=11000;atr2=9000;ttr1=4500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=800;rtr2=600; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;
tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; break; case 12:atr1=8000;atr2=6000;ttr1=
1200;ttr2=1000;rtr1=300;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1
000;nst2=500; break; case 13:atr1=12000;atr2=10000;ttr1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=800;
rtr2=500; fst1=4000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;nst2=500; break; case
14:atr1=10000;atr2=8000;ttr1=2000;ttr2=1000;rtr1=800;rtr2=500; fst1=4000;fst2=3
000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=800;nst2=500; break; case 15:atr1=12000;atr2=9000;t
tr1=2500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=700;rtr2=500; fst1=4000;fst2=2000;tst1=2000;tst2=1500;ns
t1=1000;nst2=500; break; case 16:atr1=10000;atr2=8000;ttr1=1500;ttr2=1000;rtr1=3
00;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; break;
case 17:atr1=13000;atr2=10000;ttr1=2500;ttr2=2000;rtr1=700;rtr2=500; fst1=5000;f
st2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1500;nst1=1000;nst2=500; break; case 18:atr1=10000;atr2=
8000;ttr1=1500;ttr2=1000;rtr1=300;rtr2=200; fst1=5000;fst2=3000;tst1=3000;tst2=1

break; } } 8.Snapshort of outputs:9.TESTING Testing is the major control measure used during software development.
Its basic function is to detect errors in the software. During requirement anal
ysis and d esign, the output is a document that is usually textual and no execut
able. After the coding phase, computer programs are available that can be execut
ed for test ing purpose. This implies that testing not only, has to uncover erro
rs introduce d during coding, but also errors introduced during previous phase.
Thus the goal of testing is to uncover the requirements, design and coding error
s in the prog rams. So after testing the outputs of my project are as follows: 1
0. FUTURE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT Our project will be able to implement in future a
fter making some changes and mo difications as we make our project at a very low
level. This project is seems t o be very useful in future for the management of
11.References to be Used: Books (Author, title, publisher chapter / page number)
1. Object oriented programming with c++,E Balagurusamy_ 2. Object oriented prog
ramming in turbo c++,Robert Lafore__________________ _________________________ W
eb references: 2. _____www.scribd.com______________________________________ 3 _w
ww.kriyagram.com___________________________________________ 4.
___________________________________________ 5. _
orial ____________________________ THANKU - :THE END:-

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