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Chat Transcript for VSLA Research Needs Webinar 12/18/2014

MVS (Kathryn Kennedy), VHS (Amy Michalowski/Jeff Elliott), and NCVPS (Eliz Colbert)
Jeff Elliott:Hello to all
Kathryn Kennedy:Hi all!
Melissa Davis - NCVPS:Greetings to everyone from North Carolina!
guest:Cami Vega and Kevin Heller from Scout are here!
Chris Voelker:Hi everyone!
Kay Shattuck (QM):thanks for link!
Susan Lowes:Pacing in self-paced courses...
Kathryn Kennedy:
Susan Lowes:Link doesn't work for me.
Justin Bruno:Hi Susan, you can also find info and a download at
Kathryn Kennedy:
Kathryn Kennedy:
Eliz Colbert - NCVPS:yes
Jeff Elliott:yes
Jeff Elliott:audio not working for me, so it is all yours John
Kay Shattuck (QM):@Kathryn - looks like a MSU login needed to access the Kereluik dissertation.
Kathryn Kennedy:Oh no!
Susan Lowes:That works for me
Kathryn Kennedy:I couldn't get the full link but her abstract is there
Kathryn Kennedy:I can send you a copy if you can't get a link to it
Kay Shattuck (QM):@Kathryn - will try to access after session and let you know if I cannot
access. Thanks!
Susan Lowes:I got to it using the link I just put up.
Kathryn Kennedy:You're welcome! Sounds good!
Kathryn Kennedy:Are you using a VPN, Susan?
Susan Lowes:But didn't she publish a nice short article based on it? and no, not VPN
Kathryn Kennedy:I think so - will send those out after webinar.
Chris Voelker:Is your site coordinator equivalent to a mentor?
Susan Lowes:Absolutely true--an effective SBC is predictive of student success for most students.
Chris Voelker:Right. Thanks!
Rebecca Stimson 2:Michigan mentors are usually not content specific either.
Jeff Elliott:yes, site coordinator is similar to mentor, but it does vary a bit by school
Chris Voelker:OK thanks, Jeff!

Rebecca Stimson 2:We have recently published a guide for mentors:
Kathryn Kennedy:Great overview, John!
Kathryn Kennedy:perfect!
Jeff Elliott:sounds good Liz
John Goudie:yes
Justin Bruno:Thank you John, great overview and discussion on VHS
Melissa Davis - NCVPS 2:Hello All! :)
Kathryn Kennedy:Hi Melissa!
Susan Lowes:Oh my, I could do fascinating research for the rest of my life with all these ideas!
Susan Lowes:ha ha
Chris Voelker:lol I love it
Melissa Davis - NCVPS 2:OCS provides an alternative path for graduation and students enrolled in
these courses have IEPs
John Englander, VHS 2:Are OCS students enrolled in a different set of courses, or the same courses
but with modifications/accommodations?
Kathryn Kennedy:Great job, Eliz!
John Englander, VHS 2:got it. thanks.
Kathryn Kennedy:Eliz and John, do you have processes that researchers go through to conduct
research for your programs?
Melissa Davis - NCVPS 2:We have separate courses for OCS students but there are multiple courses
such as Biology, English 1, 2, 3, 4, etc..
Eliz Colbert -
Melissa Davis - NCVPS
Chris Voelker:Great job, Eliz, John, and Kathryn! Thank you! I look forward to you getting started
with your research, Susan!
Kathryn Kennedy:We can include it with the link of the archived recording if you want to send it my
way -
Susan Lowes:Sure, I want to all of it! Unfortunately, life (and funding) intervene.
Kathryn Kennedy:Funding is available via MVLRI's fellows program even if you're working with other
programs :)
Susan Lowes:Butyou are unusual in that respect, I think.
Susan Lowes:Working with other programs???? REally???
Dawn Nordine (WI):Great information Kathyrn, John, and Eliz...we all have so many goals and ideas
in common to demonstrate student achievement.
Kathryn Kennedy:yes, Susan
John Englander, VHS 2:Yes, Dawn--so many similar needs.
Rebecca Stimson 2:Go to for the guest blogger info.
John Englander, VHS 2:Thank you, all!
Susan Lowes:thank you all
Melissa Davis - NCVPS 2:thank you all so much!
Mia Murphy:Thanks!
Eliz Colbert - NCVPS:Thank you for the opportunity!
Jeff Elliott:thanks everyone
Kathryn Kennedy:as long as it answers questions that apply to the community at large, it works!
Chris Voelker:Thanks!
Kathryn Kennedy:Thanks everyone! Happy to answer additional questions if you have any!

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