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In Four Step Theory, 1st Step is about Planet and its signification.

2nd step is
about Star Lord of planet and its signification. 3rd step is about Sub Lord of
planet and its result signifying capability and 4th step is about Star Lord of
planet s sub lord, which is taken as end result indicator. In short this theory ad
vocates that a Planet gives result on the strength of itself, its star lord, sub
lord and star lord of sub lord. This theory differs from Krishnamurti Paddhati
(System) at one point. In KP sub lord is taken as end result indicator while i
n this theory Star Lord of sub lord is taken as end result indicator.
First Step
Rule 1:
A planet becomes strong significator of that house where it is placed
in house, if there are no other planets in the star of that planet. That planet
will remain strong planet even if there are other planets in that house.
In above case, that planet becomes strong significator of its owned ho
use/s, provided there are no other planets in that house. Otherwise, it will be
weak or secondary significator of that house.
If there are other planets in the stars of a planet, it becomes weak
or secondary significator of both the house it resides in and of the houses it o
A planet becomes strong significator of that house where it is placed
in house, if that planet is in its own star. That planet will remain strong pla
net even if there are other planets in that house.
In above case, that planet becomes strong significator of its owned ho
use/s, provided there are no other planets in that house. Otherwise, it will be
weak or secondary significator of that house.
Second Step
Rule 2:
A planet gives the results indicated by its star lord. So the house occupied by
this star lord is strongly signified, even if there are other planets in that h
ouse. That planet will become strong significator of house owned if the houses a
re vacant. Otherwise, it will be weak or secondary significator of that house.
Third Step
Rule 3:
Planet s Sub Lord has capacity to give results. This Sub Lord becomes strong signi
ficator or secondary significator of house as per the rule-1.
Fourth Step
Rule 4:
Star Lord of Sub acts as indicator and decider of end result of particular event
Rule 5:
Krishnamurthy has given importance to cusp of the house. So planet near to cusp
(within orb of 030-20') affect the strong signification of that cusp even if pla

net is having star in it, it will offer the cusp result strongly.
Rule 6:
While considering conjunction or aspect, consider this with an orb of 030-20'.
Aspect of planet is considered only on cusp with 030-20' orb and not on house.
A planet signifies other planet if it is in conjunction with it. If a planet is
strong, the conjuncted planet also becomes strong otherwise it is week. If a p
lanet is on the cusp then it becomes a strong significator of that cusp.
Rule 7:
When Rahu / Ketu is the star lord of a planet / sub, then it gives results of co
njunction / aspect / star lord / sign lord in ascending order.
Rahu or Ketu are strong as star Lords. As planet, Rahu or Ketu are strong in a
house if no one is tenanting in their star. Else, they are weak. Rahu and Ketu
represent Rashi Lord, star lord and Planets in Conjunction, and Planets aspectin
g them. If Rahu or Ketu are strong then the represented planets are also strong
Rule 8:
The event will materialize only when Dasha, Bhukti and Antara jointly strongly s
ignify main and supporting houses.
Rule 9:
If planet is totally negating the relative event's houses on step 3
4 then the D
asha will not fructify the matter. If planet is the Cuspal sub lord then the eve
nt will never happen.

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