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Two children who want to achieve their goals. They have different personalities.
Of their personality was the one they made it as their motivation to achieve their
goals. A few months after meeting, they parted. And they hope that one day they
will be reunited again in order to jointly achieve the future.
Chapter 1 : One question
Daichi is a child who has graduated from a Junior High School. The
increasing age, more mature thinking. He begin to think about his future, someday
he would be a useful person. In the afternoon, he was sitting with his Father.
Occasionally he asked his Father who was reading a book.
"Dad, when I graduated from school, what should I do? Is it difficult to be
successful person? How can I be like them?" Daichi asked his father.
His father replied while holding a book that he read, "Daichi, when at school,
what subjects do you like the most?.
"Hmm about it huh? I like to learn the art of drawing. I dont get bored when I
draw, because the drawing I could show my imagination to my friends on a paper,
it was very fun!. Daichi replied excitedly.
His father closed the book and showed the cover of books that he read, "Why
dont you see the front cover of this book, what do you see?.
Daichi confused what is asked by his father, but he immediately tell what he saw
on the cover of the book. "Hmm that I see is the title of this book."
"After that, what else do you see?.
"Then I saw was the one who wrote and composed this book". Daichi said.
"You know what that means? Without a hobby and a pleasure to write and
compose posts, then this book wont be created by it. Because a work that
wouldnt be complete without that person's talents have. His father explained to
"Wow, I have understood Dad, meaning this time I had to develop my drawing
abilities so that I can create a masterpiece and useful for everyone as books that
Dad read it". Daichi replied.

"Yes! That's right. Continue to improve your hobby. Because the hobby isnt just
can make you happy if you do it, but it would be a hobby is very useful for later
life ". Obviously Daichis Father.

"Well! '. Daichi exclaimed.

Daichi was very motivated by his father earlier conversation. He was getting
excited for learning in school. He is also getting to know the future it is very
important for later life. He will continue to reach for his future. Meanwhile he
wanted to develop his drawing abilities because of the ability that he would make
his future later.
Chapter 2 : Could Ill Like Them?

as Daichi, Aiko is a girl who graduated from Junior High School. She has a hardworking personality. She was born of parents who have a noodles business. Since
the holiday school graduation, she was busy to help parents trade.
"One bowl of noodles for table 2!". Aiko told her father to make a bowl of
noodles to customers.
Aiko's father expertise make noodles no doubt, with a quick bowl of noodles
ready to be delivered by Aiko to customers.
"Noodles are ready! Immediately deliver it to the buyer noodles on table 2 Aiko,
you're not going to let him wait too long isnt it? All customers here must be
satisfied with our services". Aiko's father exclaimed in a tone of passion.
Aiko immediately put the noodles into table 2, "The noodles already come". Aiko
said with a friendly to customers.
Aiko trade with her parents from morning until evening. The buyer repeatedly
entering Aiko noodle stalls. Increasingly afternoon, the noodles provided by
Aiko's father is getting a bit and eventually all the noodles are sold.
"It was afternoon, noodles which we sell all been sold. Help me to clean and tidy
this trade place, after that go to rest". Aiko's father said he would clean trade.
"Okay Dad, after this I'm going to eat because I was so hungry, I hope mom cook
good food for both of us, hehe". Aiko replied, chuckling and smiling at her father.
"That's what I expected too, hahaha". Reply father laugh.
The sun is getting invisible marks the beginning of a night. There was silence for

a night around her house very supportive to give it a rest after long as she sought
the money with her parents. Various kinds of food served dinner table has been
prepared by her mother.
"Wow, I really like mothers cuisine, the cuisine is very good. if observed, you
two are very suitable equally good at cooking hehe". Aiko said, smiling at her
"Haha are you just making it up? Your father is a good cook than me. Without
cooking skills probably we will never have a noodle shop ". Her mother answered.
"Yeah well, I did more good cook. But if praise, your mother was an expert ".
Aiko's father said with a grin.
Family atmosphere arising from Aiko family when they eat dinner together. After
a while they enjoy dinner, Aikos parents immediately went to bed. She also
entered the chamber his room and lay down on the bed. Staring at the ceiling of
the house, Aiko was thinking and asking herself.
"It turns out it is not easy to build a family, ranging from shelter to domestic
harmony. Mom and Dad must have previously been very work hard to create a
happy atmosphere in the family like atmosphere dinner earlier. And in my mind I
asked, if I'll be as successful as they are? Make an effort and the results are able to
finance later life ?.
Chapter 3 : How They Met?
Initial time entered Senior High School, the student looking for and took their
seats. Daichi who came a little late in a hurry to come to class.
"Arggh shit! At this time, why do I have to wake up late!". Inwardly Daichi as he
ran toward the class.
Once in class, he saw a lot of students who have come first. No arrival of teachers
in the classroom. The students who are in the classroom dont care about the
arrival of Daichi, they are just busy with a friend beside him. He saw that the
existing seats in class was filled with students. But a moment later, he looked at
the back corner of the classroom, it turns out that there remains an empty bench
and bench beside it had been occupied by a girl. With foreign feeling, Daichi
immediately approached her.
"Hey, can I sit beside you?". Daichi greet her.
"Of course! Please sit down beside me". The girl was invited to sit next to Daichi.
"Thank you!". Daichi put his bag. He still looked tired because it has been running

when heading the class. The girl was asked about Daichi.
"Um hey, why do you look so tired?".

"Umm yeah Ive been running from the school gate to the class, I was almost late
for class, fortunately, I can run fast hehe oh yes, introduce myself, my names
Daichi. What's your name?". Daichi said he introduced himself to the woman.
"My name is Aiko, nice to meet you. Hey what are you doing to make you late on
the first day of school?".
Daichi replied, "Nice to meet too Aiko. Hehe last night I was busy doing my
"Your hobby?".
"Yup my hobby, I'm very happy to do so, my hobby is drawing".
"Late to school for drawing at night? What are you drawing?".
"Hahaha, just a regular picture, I paint a landscape." Daichi replied.
"Wow painting is definitely cool, I so want to see that!". Aiko replied with a
"Haha you may see the painting later".
a few moments later
''Good Morning !! "
They were realized, when they heard a deep voice that enters the room. And
hypnotized noise sound is gone out of the classroom. Mr. Kazehaya who was
called a guardian of their class.
'' How are you all ?. Welcome to the new school and in this new class. Ok, now I
will introduce myself. My names Mr. Omori Kazehaya. I was your guardian of
this class, before the start of the lesson I want you to introduce yourselves each
beforehand. Starting from the left front corner! "
A male student named Nato began to go forward and stand next class introduces
himself. Then proceed with the other children.
"Kriiing! Kriiing! ''. School bell rang sign-hour lesson was over and they were
getting ready to go home.

"See you tomorrow Aiko! Nice to meet you. I hope we can become good friends ''
"Hem! bye Daichi! I feel the same way about you, I hope me too ". Aiko smiled.
Chapter 4 : Friends
The days turned into months, increasingly felt so close. Daichi and Aiko becomes
the closer they always tell each hobby and swap stories. Not only in terms of the
story, but also a lesson in school they both help each other if there is trouble in a
"Hey, daichi .. there is one thing that always is my mind. What if later I could be
someone who has a successful business like my father, haaa ... (sigh) must be very
fun! "
"Hmm .., you dont just imagine, keep trying and learning and then you do what
you want to accomplish. I'm sure you'll be able to! because I also just like you
who want to be successful with my drawing hobby ".
"Yes! We certainly can ! (excited). But, what about the kanji word is this? I find it
hard to make it, can you teach me? "
"Yup !! haha okay I'll help you. look like this way! "
During the first year the two of them have passed the time with school. Daichi and
Aiko have similar properties. As they have the confidence and always strive to
provide the best learning for a brilliant future. Conversation ensued before the
beginning of the semester ends. When the recess bell rang.
"Daichi!". Aiko call.
"Yes ?, what happened Aiko?"
"Do you remember when you first met ? we promised that one day we will be
"Oh about it huh? I remember that! "
"Yes Daichi. Hey .. look now we've been good friends for almost one year, and
then we will pass the end of the first semester ".
'' Hemmmm .. yes, well, I didnt think my first semester soon coming to an end
and have become good friends with you during this ".
"Hey see friends Daichi and Aiko always together, what do they do? As

inseparable ". Ichigo asked to classmates.

"We do not know Ichigo! let alone them! "Invite sato and others.
"Hey Aiko and Daichi, what are you talking about? do you like each other? Haha
". Boisterous voice began to happen in class caused by Sato, Ichigo and the others
interfere daichi and aiko.
"Hmm ... no nothing!" Aiko then looked embarrassed silence. Then direct Daichi's
hand out of the classroom to avoid Aiko Sato, Ichigo and the others who tease
them both earlier.

Chapter 5: Parting
1 day prior to the announcement of the beginning of the semester exam results
"Aiko ! how the results of this initial semester exams? I was nervous. How about
you? "
"Yes ! I dont know daichi, it seems I also nervously awaiting the results of the
exam. Daichi, that I want to say to you ".
"Yes, tell me what you want to say to me''.
"After the beginning of the semester is over and the announcement of the results
of the exam tomorrow, I will leave this school and moved away because my
parents work. My father would open noodle restaurant in Tochigi. I cant stay here
because I also had to help my father's business after school later. Daichi, I'm sorry
to part with you. I'm glad to be good friends with you during this time. Thank you
so much for being a good friend and always helped me when I was in trouble ".
The tears dripping Aikos cheek.
Daichi momentarily stunned to hear the last words that her said.. Then daichi
replied quietly.
"Aiko, I would feel very lost. May I take you home today and taste your noodles?''
"I will make it for you ". A smile touched
When home from school, as said Daichi, he will go to Aikos house. In the trip,
they met a cute kitten once. Then they running ahead and take the kitten took him
to the curb.
"Aiko, Where are you going? Be careful! ". while pursuing Aiko.

"Look at the kitten, hes cute right? As I daichi ..hehe ". stroking the kitten fur.
"Haha yeah, you look the same as the kitten haha ". Laugh while participating
stroking the kitten. Come Aiko we must get to the house, we was getting late ''.

"Okay ! Lets daichi! while allowing the kitten to follow its mother ".
Arriving at the Aikos housa, she prepare noodles for Daichi. His father and
mother were welcomed daichi happy even though he was busy serving customers
in his shop.
"This the noodles !". She put a bowl of noodles and drinks on the table.
"Yes Aiko, the smell is very good, this is definitely delicious !".
"Hehe dont exaggerate. Come eat daichi. Bon appetite! ".
"Bon Appetit!" While eating noodles with gusto ".
Moments later
"Done ..! haaa, I'm satisfied. I'm not in vain here, I wont forget the taste of the
noodles hehe".
"Done! I'm happy if you like it ".
"Aiko, I'll be home, the sky already discolored, hehe. Thank you for the noodles.
See you at school tomorrow! "
"Yes Daichi youre welcome. Thank you because it was willing to take the time to
visit my house, see you tomorrow ".
"See ya !.
Chapter 6 : The announcement of the exam
While in front of the notice board exam results, there was a conversation between
Daichi and Aiko.
"Wow, your examination results is good ! you get the highest score in the class !
congratulations ! "
is it true? Um ... I'm thankful my grades satisfactory, you also get good results.
Congratulations ! "

"Yes daichi" they are both smiling.

In different places they also met again in the hallway of the class.
"Daichi ?"
"Yes Aiko ?"
"The announcement of the beginning of the semester exam results already known,
I have to go to move to another place. Daichi, watch yourself. I'll see your
painting someday. Although distance us further away, we remained good friends
right ?. Daichi, thank you very much for taking the time for this. Dont forget
me"Aikos low voice sounded clear, she clasped him.
Without a word, he just looked at the Aikos eyes and occasionally ducking back

"Aiko! I hope we will meet again later and I'll show you my best painting! "
"Yes, I also hope we will meet again, although I dont know when we will be able
to meet again. Keep spirit, be successful, I am sure we can!".
"Keep spirit Aiko!".
Chapter 6: The painting that brings a good luck
Yoshinaga college is a favorite college in Tokyo, many prospective students who
wish to be accepted there. Including Daichi, he wants majored Architects.
Currently Daichi growing taller, and adults.
"You will choose what college?". His father asked Daichi
"I chose the College of Yoshinaga. And I also chose majors architect ".
"Oh yeah nice choice, good luck Daichi!. How about the test exam? When will it
be implemented? Are you prepared? "
"Yes hopefully. Exam week, I've been preparing for much of the day ".
"Well, what about the announcement later?"
"Announcement two weeks later Dad".

That is a conversation between Daichi and his Father. After a week later Daichi
really ready to follow of the entry exam tests. Then wait for the results of the test
two weeks later.
"Mom, Dad, I'm leaving!". Sounds wonderful.
"Yes my daughter, good luck! Father and mother will always pray for you. "
How are you her? It's been a long time no see, become a beautiful girl and stick
with the nature of his hard work. Aiko also choose Universities Yoshinaga as the
study continued. He chose a different majors with Daichis majors.
The streets were filled with pollution, temperature mucim bone penetrating cold,
buildings, skyscrapers, the crowd was a sea of humanity. All of that was spent by
using a thick coat and scarf and a small bag she was carrying.
"Today I will know. will I pass at the exam? Huh, I hope I did it! "With
in different place, Daichi also use a thick coat. As Aiko, but he filled his bag with
his best paintings.
"This painting ..." stunned for a moment, looking at the paintings which he made
half a year ago.
"My best painting, I remembered you. Aiko, How are you? Today I will see my
test results. Hopefully this painting brings luck. I want to take her "Daichi said to
In the glass-covered bulletin boards, listed the names of students who pass the
entrance examination test Yoshinaga Tokyo University. Like sugar ant infested,
the board has been busy people. There is a beautiful woman who tried to break
through the crowd ..
"Did I pass? Sherilya Aiko! "As he eyed and looking for his name on the bulletin
"Wow! My name written there! Yeah I did it ! "while jumping down with
"Irhie Daichi was writing. That's my name!. Yeah I did it!. The painting turned
out to really bring good luck . He smiled.
Moments later Daichi also arrive at the announcement. Arrival of him wasnt

known by Aiko. Aiko behavior that are jumping for joy still she did amidst a
crowd of people. Without realizing she stepped on someone's foot. Aiko suddenly
surprised and they looked at each face. Aiko was no stranger to the face.
"Hey! This is really you?! "
"Aiko! What are you doing here? Hahaha, it turns out we are very right choice to
go to college is reunited here. And look! chalkboard that listed my name! how
about you Aiko?
"Of course I also entered in this college. But hei, I didnt think we could be met
here! I miss you so much Daichi! ". with compassion aiko Daichi hugged tightly.
"I really miss you so much ..."
"Me too Aiko" their tears trickle.
Eventually they met and the best painting Daichi given to Aiko. Aiko also looks
very happy to get the painting described by daichi. His paintings are very nice and



one of the reasons I made the short story because I wasnt good for singing and
poetry. different to make a short story, poetry content delivery needs to be
delivered with great action that the content of the poem can be understood by the
listener. among the three choices that, I would like to write the storyline. I hope
the story that I made, it can be accepted by everyone.


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