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15 octombrie 2014
Nota finala:
un test grila;
activitatea la cursul practic;
Nu facem mare branza din cate am inteles, doar exersam ceea ce am facut in liceu si alte
prostii de genul asta
O sa folosim un vocabular general si unul de specialitate (informatica);
Profa are un manual ni-l aduce ea si noi il vom multiplica.
Facem un pic de gramatica
Semestrul asta insistam pe verb: timp, aspect, modalitate, concordante.
Tabel la fel ca la mate, incepand de data viitoare, pana la penultima ora, o rubrica cu
nota la seminar, nota la test si una cu media finala.
Profei nu-i convine sa vin cu laptopu.
He is student at the Bacau University by two years.
He has been student at Bacau University...
Is sun outside; I would like to take a walk, to admire golden-leaved trees, and to listen to
the birds singing.
They will go on a trip next week ( it was decided and they want to do that ).
You was at London? I was there one time two years ago.
Have you ever been in London? I have been there ones, two years ago.
I've never been there until now/so far.
He's going at the math class every week. He attends Math classes every week/weekly.
He doesn't hear about that computer program before buying the software for himself.
Did you hear the outside noise? Yes I hear it, it's an airplane engine.
Urmeaza sa fii . = you are going to be...
Weaker obligation but on the other hand it can be a pis of advice.

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