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Language Unit Planner: Unit 1 and 2

Grade: 2

Stage 1 Desired Results

Conceptual Understandings:
Essential Questions:
Students will understand that . . .
What is a recount?
Recounts tell what happened.
What is the purpose of a recount?
Recounts are usually organized to include:
What are the elements of a recount?
*An orientation (who, where, when)
*A record of events in chronological order
*Personal comments
*An ending
*Common Grammatical patterns (action verbs,
past tense, conjunctions and time connectives)

Students will know . . .(Knowledge)

*What a recount is
*That there are different ways of sharing a
*What the purpose of a recount is

Students will be able to . . . (Skills)

*Tell draw and write a recount
*Share a recount in different ways
*Organize thoughts in chronological order
*Use grammatical patterns of a recount
*Use Grammatical patterns (action verbs, past
tense, conjunctions and time connectives)

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

*Tell then write a recount of an event from their weekend or other recent event

Performance/Summative Tasks:
Recount classroom activities
Write a recount using an emotional
Recount an event in their past learning

Other Evidence:
* Timelines of past learning to sequence events
* Drawing major events
* Practising telling and writing an introduction
where, when, who, what, why

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Experiences: (including differentiation)
Simple narrative recounts as read alouds: Alexander and the No Good, Very Bad Day, Owl
Moon, The Relatives Came, The Shortcut, Peters Chair, Whistle for Willie, The Snowy Day
Sequencing simple narratives: cut and paste in order (Where the Wild Things Are)
Reading simple recounts to identify use and placement of grammatical features (time
connectives, etc.)
Words Their Way: writing sentences using past tense verbs and time connectives using WTW
Co-constructing shared experiences (Walk-a-thon, HobGoblin)

Deconstructing texts to identify recount features (, student samples)

Using samples (limited, basic, sound, thorough) to assess their own writing
Researching then writing recounts about past learning experiences (Unit 2)
Drama: Tableux Recounts (sequencing pictures and working as a group)
Outdoor Learning Recounts

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