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The Nervous System

By Poh Maga, Logan Gleeson, Nick Bergo, and Zach


Controls an organisms actions by sending
neurotransmitters between nerve cells that stimulate
muscles to move
Coordinates functions throughout the body and
responds to internal and external stimuli

How It Works
Both the CNS (central nervous system) and the PNS
(peripheral nervous system) consist of neuron cells
Neurons send messages to one another by passing
neurotransmitters through the synapse (space
between axon and axon terminal) and to the next cell
in the line
The CNS (brain and spinal cord) dictates the bodys
actions and the PNS (sensory and motor neurons)
transfer information to and from the muscles and the

How It Works
The three types of neurons (motor, sensory, and
interneurons) each have a different function
The motor neurons carry impulses from the brain
and the spinal cord to muscles and glands
The sensory neurons carry impulses from the sense
organs to the spinal cord and brain
Interneurons connect sensory and motor neurons
and carry impulses between them.


The Brain
Brain Stem
Peripheral Nerves
Receive messages and
return responses back to the

The Spinal Cord

The main communication
link between the brain and
the rest of the body
39 spinal pairs
Reflexes are quick automatic
responses to stimulus like
sneezing and blinking


Communicate with other
cells via synapse
Synapse - A Junction
between two nerve
cells, consisting of a
minute gap across
which impulses pass by
diffusion of a

Non-neuronal cells that
provide support and

Some diseases that affect the nervous system are:
Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's
disease and epilepsy
These diseases primarily affect the CNS, often
causing a loss of memory (Alzheimers) or motor
control (Parkinsons or Epilepsy)
Such diseases are the result of genetic mutations
or chromosomal disorders and cannot be acquired

Our Model
The Idea
To build a somewhat robotic hand that responds to
electrical impulses by the controller
The controller symbolizes the CNS
The hand represents the PNS since messages
are sent from the CNS to the PNS, this well
demonstrates a major concept of the Nervous


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