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Neural system of animals is composed of specialized cells called neuron, which

can detect, receive and transmit different kinds of stimuli.

*In hydra neural system is composed of network of neuron. In insects it consists

of brain and a number of ganglia.

*Vertebrates have highly developed neural system.

*But only organisms belonging to phylum porifera lack neural system. And they
communicate through calcium wave signals.

*The neural organisation varies in different animals.

● The human neural system divided into two parts –
○ The central nervous system (CNS)
○ The peripheral nervous system (PNS)
● The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord and is the site of information
processing and control.
● The PNS comprises all nerves of the body associated with CNS.
● There are two types of nerve fibres-
● (1) Afferent fibres- transmit impulses from tissue/organ to CNS.
● (2) Efferent fibres- transmit regulatory impulses from CNS to concerned
peripheral organs.
● Cranial nerves: nerves arises from the brain (12 pairs)
● Spinal nerves: nerves arises from the spinal cord (33 pairs)
● The PNS is divided into two divisions –
○ Somatic neural system.
○ Autonomic neural system.
■ Sympathetic neural system.
■ Parasympathetic neural system.
● The somatic neural system relays impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles.
● The autonomic neural system transmits impulses from the CNS to the
involuntary organs and smooth muscles of the body.
● Sympathetic neural system -- Quick response mobilising system. Preparing
for activity.
● Parasympathetic system-- Dampening (to make something less strong or
urgent) system. Cools you down.
● Two systems keep a check on each other ensuring that the balance is
maintained on the human body.

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